Reviews from

in the past

This review is purely for the PC port of the game. It looks good, however it has many issues. It crashed numerous times, screenshots would slow down the game ever so slightly. I even broke the game and got this glitch:

Overall, another horrible pc port from Capcom.

Está longe de ser o jogo que eu mais joguei, mas com certeza é o jogo que eu mais vi outras pessoas jogando, desde vendo meu irmão quando eu era criança até séries no youtube e live streams.

Classicão. Mesmo com o ótimo remake que saiu agora, eu duvido que vão deixar de jogar ele.

Os temas das safe rooms de Resident Evil são uma maravilha. São tão calmas e passam um ar de segurança, como uma música que se colocaria pra uma criança dormir em um berço, mas também dão um sentimento de perigo constante, como um aviso de que a morte está chegando. E a safe room de RE4 e o tema do Mercador se destacam entre os outros Resident Evil, ouço já há anos.

No sé si esta es la mejor forma de jugar Resident Evil 4, pero no me importa, sigue siendo Resident Evil 4, así que debo darle un 10/10 por automático.

It's weird to think that Resident Evil 4 would work, let alone be considered a competing best entry game in the franchise along with REmake. It practically reinvents everything the franchise was known for, removing all signs of survival horror for a more action focused game. Puzzles are few and far between. Linearity is more pronounced now, with things like weapons no longer being found on the map, but bought from a merchant, along with weapon upgrades. The game even lacks zombies of all things, at least in the usual sense. It even adds elements that people just dislike about gaming in general - half the game is essentially an escort mission, and quick time events are everywhere.

So why is it so good?! I guess because the shift was done so well, the game acting so fluently in the genre, that newcomers may not even realise it hasn't always been this way. The shooting in the game feels so satisfying and set pieces are so memorable, such as the minecart section. The atmosphere is incredible too, which helps a lot to keep that horror Resident Evil vibe.

Inventory management is still around, but not at all like it used to be. Whereas old games were more about trying to juggle the many key items with your weapons and healing, this one gives you a ton of space, puts key items in a separate section completely, but now the literal positioning of your non-key items matters. Like before weapons take up varying amounts of space, but not just a case of shotgun = 2 slots and pistol = 1. A shotgun will take up a comparatively large section, and rather than fitting neatly into squares, you have to manoeuvre your items around in an efficient way in the trunk to maximise the amount of stuff you can store at once. It's like its own little minigame which is surprisingly addictive, and satisfying.

I liked the game a lot. Just a few minor nitpicks here and there, most notable for me was the lack of quick weapon switching. This game will have you swapping weapons a lot, so needing to go into your menu every single time to throw a single grenade can throw off the flow of the battle just a little bit.

Not much new to say this time through, this is still one of the best games ever made. Everyone should experience this game in 60fps with the HD project mod and gyro aiming at least once in their life. A very rare genuinely perfect videogame. Dont get that remake if you've never played the original!

Review #6 - 2022

This is the peak Resident Evil experience when it comes to the main series (at least pre-RE7). It has an engaging, action-packed story that takes a now tenured Leon S. Kennedy far from Racoon City, and into a remote location in Spain, where the virus that's plaguing the world by storm is continuing to be innovated on by more power hungry zealots.

This is the PC version I'm writing on of course, so I'll save my thoughts on the game as a whole for another day. More specifically though, I played the RE4 HD Project, which mods the not so great PC port, and makes it much better. It even plays great on my Ultra Wide screen, but I did notice screen tearing while in water locations (the boat segment for example). All and all, it's a pretty decent upgrade, and makes my favorite game even more immersive. I just can't get enough of the action, the horror, and that sweet, sweet treasure hunting too. It's nice to be able to revisit this game with ease on my PC!

Currently replaying this as my weekend game and yeah it's still RE4 and still kino.

Because of that Imma use this replay to talk about how wonderful the RE4 HD Project is and my hopes for RE4make(TLDR: Excited and incredibly optimistic).

The RE4 HD Project is one of the finest fan made mods and makes me appreciate the labour of love this games community has had to essentially remake the game in 4K! Looks absolutely fucking gorgeous and shows just how well RE4 has aged (only real issues is some engine quirks Imma guess with lighting). 10/10 can't recommend it enough.

Having just played through Resi Village and absolutely loving it, my hopes for RE4make are absolutely high! From watching the trailer I am glad they're using RE2makes Leon since he was extremely well cast in that one. Definitely looks a lot more moody with the lighting which is also another interesting thing (wonder how it'll handle Ashley mainly). If REmake 2 (and 3 begrudgingly) are any note this game will have some of the best controls in the series which will automatically make it up there with best Resi games. I don't necessarily think this will surpass the original but still I am optimistic.

So basically RE4 is a masterpiece but I think REmake is the better overall Resi game so just play both of them and the whole series (besides 6).

Played with the HD project mod installed. This should be the standartd for the modding community, not skyrim.

Primeiro resident evil que joguei e, joguinho divertido, envelheceu mal em muitos aspectos, roteiro conveniente até demais (as vezes eu sentia que tava vendo um ep de jojo), camera é a pior coisa do jogo, ela é bem ruim mas dps de um tempo vc acostuma

no geral uma ótima experiência, tenho interesse em jogar os mais antigos que devem ter uma gameplay q me agrade mais (falam q é parecido com silent hill), e to ansioso pra jogar o remake (um dia quem sabe).

Please play with the hd project. Thank you.

Quite good. Full of as many good ideas as bad ones. Entire Resident Evil games can be completed in the time it takes for you to escape its worst moments. Respect where it's due, but no more than that.

devrimsel ama eskimiş. Kötü değil ama sadece günümüze kadar yaptığı mekaniklerin üstüne koyan çok oyun oldu. Tabi sektöre kattıklarıyla değer olarak çok üst bir oyun ama atmosferi hariç şu an bir olayı yok gibi sanki. Bulmacalar bazen güzel bazen kötü. Sektöre katkısıyla 5/5 bir oyun ama eskimiş de. Dragon quest sandıkları çok güzel.

What is there to say about this game that hasn't already been said? It's a master-class in third person action and juggles that with a tone only matched by Devil May Cry, great voice acting, and satisfying sound design.
This game not only defines its own series, or its own genre, but an entire point of time around its release.
If you haven't played this yet, you're missing out.

What an absolute experience I just had with this game. This being my first Resident Evil game, and also my first ever horror game in general, I had no idea what expectations to be had for getting into this. I am simply astonished. Who knew that video games can give such a brilliant cinematic yet interactive experience? Who knew that there could be such perfect harmony between narrative, presentation, and gameplay? Resident Evil 4 has completely changed the way I look at video games from now on. I will admit, I am not much of a gamer at all besides my investment in franchises I’m already deeply connected to so what and how I gush about this game might not seem that all that new or impressive to most people.

Firstly, I have to talk about its presentation. It perfectly captures this livable setting in the countryside of Spain and the locations like the village, castle and island are all so distinct from one another yet they blend so well as a cohesive visual identity to Resident Evil 4. Despite how dark the game gets due to its setting being at night at times, there is just clarity in everything I can do, see, and interact with. It is easily distinguishable from what's just background and what I can interact with yet somehow it never looks out of place in keeping my immersion with the game. Though the immersion doesn’t just end at the visuals because what strikes me even more is the chilling sound design. The creeping atmosphere with the haunting sound effects makes every walk through a corridor or road so daunting. What’s even scarier is when I know there’s enemies ahead with the whispers and weapon sounds making the inevitability of combat all the more tense. Everytime I boot up this game I am just drenched in cold sweat with how engaged I am in playing as Leon with how real it makes me feel being in the world.

But I wish I knew more about this world. Being the 4th entry in the franchise, it definitely seems connected with the previous games with characters like Ada Wong and Krausser seeming to mention events from past games. It is okay though, the bottom line of Leon investigating and trying to recover Ashley is an intriguing enough hook with what seems to be some political struggle going on in the background which interests me enough to definitely check out the other games. These characters are fun to follow though, Leon has this cool no-nonsense behavior that of an actual military personnel but can also goof off if the situation allows it. My kinda guy. I was incredibly worried that since the game is essentially one giant escort mission that Ashley was going to be super insufferable but turns out she is alright. Yea she cries out for Leon a lot when she’s captured, but she’s helpful in her own right and can banter well with Leon in the more light-hearted scenes. The villains in this game are so menacing, and the way in taking down each one of them is just so satisfying both narratively and in the gameplay with how much they’re built up only for eventually to be taken down.

And that leads to the gameplay. The glue that sticks all these stellar aspects together. The haunting atmosphere of the presentation really adds to the gameplay since it affects the player with how tense they can get from the sounds and what's on screen, not to mention the superb model layout and background of the presentation helps the gameplay a lot in distinguishing your actions and interactables as previously mentioned. Then there is also the story giving enough context clues of what to do next especially helped with the notes left by various people providing hints on what's up ahead. What really blows my mind though is how well Resident Evil 4 has so many gameplay mechanics I usually despise, yet it works so well here. Tank controls, limited inventory, scarce resources, damage sponge enemies are also stuff I hate in most games but it just works really well for this game as it serves the narrative so well. Tank controls make the game more tense since you can’t just run away quickly. Limited inventory and scarce resources further cranks up the tension of being stranded. It is just amazing to me how so many of Resident Evil 4’s design choices are just meticulously chosen to work well with each other.

Overall, this game is going to the all time favorites list. It completely hooked me and I just couldn’t stop playing it even until the late nights. So glad I’m committing to this halloween theme of binging horror games that I have found a gem so many have praised but only now I am seeing. I will definitely be playing the extra content now especially since I want to see more of the one character I really liked being Ada Wong. 9.5/10, video games are great.

“Resident Evil 4” é tudo isso e ainda tem estilo

Jogar jogos de terror pra mim sempre foi complicado, pois quase todos os jogos começam da mesma forma, com uma lentidão pra ir construindo aquela atmosfera, aquela aflição que a gente conhece bem, e essa construção inicial era sempre chato demais para eu aguentar, alguns jogos porém, conseguiram me prender mesmo com esses começos convencionais (e.g. Dead Space, Outlast e Alien Isolation).

Resident Evil não era diferente, já testei vários deles mas nunca terminei algum além do Village, mas com o RE4 Remake ganhando o coração de todo mundo, decidi tentar mais uma vez o Original, dessa vez com HD Project instalado, e antes que eu entre em detalhes, não vou explicar o porque RE4 foi tão importante pra indústria, tem gente por ai que consegue explicar isso muito melhor do que eu e todo mundo está cansado de saber porque RE4 foi tão importante, se você jogou qualquer jogo de ação em 3° pessoa, foi por causa desse jogo, essa review é mais um conto pessoal da minha experiencia com o jogo.

Eu sou alguém que cresceu acostumado com controles modernos da sétima e oitava geração de consoles, por isso que a primeira instancia, a movimentação de RE4 pareceu estranha e travada, como que um jogo com controle de tanque ter sido tão importante em jogos de ação em 3° pessoa? É simples, RE4 é feito, é construído em volta dessa movimentação, todos os inimigos são lentos e não muito agressivos e contanto que você mantenha uma distancia entre eles não há com oque se preocupar, mas esse conceito é explorado até o limite, mesmo com quase 20 anos desde que lançou eu fiquei impressionado com a tamanha variedade de inimigos e chefes, nas primeiras 5 horas o jogo já tinha mostrado tanto inimigo diferente e tantos encontros únicos que não achava possível o jogo continuar nesse ritmo até o final, mas ele continua, e chega a ser cômico, no começo você vai estar enfrentando fazendeiros com foices e machadinhas em uma vila rural pra no final estar lutando com um super soldado em cima de uma torre antiga armada com explosivos. Existem até algumas singularidades que você não vê em jogos hoje em dia, os Quick Time Events no meio de uma cutscene me pegaram desprevenidos mais de uma vez.

Eu achava que, como RE4 foi um pioneiro nesse estilo de ação em 3° pessoa, ele ia carecer de momentos memoráveis ou de um combate mais desenvolvido, mas eu estava enganado, parece que o Shinji Mikami e a Capcom estavam acostumados a fazer esse tipo de jogo há anos, todas as armas tem um uso e todos os inimigos tem uma fraqueza. O jogo está sempre te colocando em situações diferentes pra te pegar desprevenido, o Garrador por exemplo, um inimigo cego que te localiza através do som, tem garras que nem o Wolverine e só pode ser morto se for atingido em uma parte exposta nas costas, no primeiro encontro você tem sinos para atrai-lo e bastante espaço pra escapar dele, após certo tempo o jogo vai te colocar pra enfrentar mais um Garrador, em uma jaula pequena, sem nenhum sino, e com inimigos do lado de fora atirando flechas em você e dando a sua posição, e depois de um certo tempo você vai encontrar dois de uma vez com mais armadura, mesmo que os inimigos sejam familiares, as situações são diferentes e desafiadoras, sempre aumentando os riscos e as apostas, de forma elegante.

Há um balanceamento de ritmo perfeito aqui, o Mikami sabe exatamente quando diminuir a ação e deixar o jogador se acostumar com os sons ambientes para de repente aumentar tudo em um segundo, deixando o jogador sempre atento mesmo que ele esteja seguro. O jogo tem a habilidade de flutuar entre bizarro e inquietante pra essa ação bombástica e implacável, e essa é a maior qualidade do jogo na minha opinião.

A história de RE4 quando resumida parece infantil e genérica, mas é a forma que o jogo apresenta ela que a torna tão interessante, o jogo é auto consciente da sua cafonice e se apoia nela, entregando todas as falas com 100% de sinceridade, além disso tem muita personalidade em tudo, tem o Leon que tem um tom badass que não se surpreende com nada e adora falar frases de filmes de Hollywood, ou o mercador australiano que aparece nos lugares mais estranhos sem ninguém questionar a sua existência, ou até mesmo o anão que se veste que nem napoleão.

De certa forma, eu fico feliz que RE4 passou por tantas reiterações, pois depois de aprender com os erros de vários projetos combatendo diferentes abordagens de um jogo de terror, o resultado foi uma classe mestre de uma obra que mistura horror e ação pontuado por uma história de filme B com atuações cafonas e estilosa

Played this game for the first time and it holds up so well over 15 years after the original release. Special shoutout to the great work of the RE4 HD Project for the work they did on the graphics.

Its not particularly scary like some other RE games since its more action focused but that action is awesome and this just right level of cheesy that it works. Dare anyone to say suplexing or roundhouse kicking cultists isn't dope.

The game also keeps managing to throw new cool setpieces at you until the end of the game wheras in many other games I may only come away feeling only a handful are memorable.

Puzzles are a bit easy but in this case I think thats good as it serves to keep things moving in an entry where you want to get back to the action.

Definitely a few places that could have been better, the way characters are introduces/used and a few parts toward the end could be shorter or cut, but overall I see why this is one of the most well regarded Resident Evil games and I'll be looking forward to how the upcoming remake handles those issues.

What can I say about Resident Evil 4 that hasn't been said already? Well, there's this: I first played this game as a seven-year-old in 2006. My mother came home with a white shopping bag and said, "I've just bought your favourite game," and pulled out the PlayStation 2 version of Resident Evil 4. Why she declared it to be my favourite game when I'd never played it in my entire life up till then, I don't know. But 17 years later, she was right. Love you, Mom.

Resident Evil 4 is the definitive third-person shooter. It's as influential and revolutionary as Doom and Super Mario 64 and Final Fantasy VII and Grand Theft Auto III, in that it changed video games forever. Even today, every single third-person shooter has some of this game's DNA inside it.

And it's still as close to perfection as a video game can ever get. Despite having played through it more times than I can hope to count, I've never a dull moment with Resident Evil 4, and I'm always up for replaying it.

Over the years, I've encountered some whippersnappers who think RE4 isn't all it's cracked up to be, or that the controls are clunky, or that it wasn't 'true cvlt survival horror' and precipitated the downfall of the series. If I'm friends with these neo-zoomers, I just say, "Son, you had to be there..." I wish I could explain to them the magic of playing this game in 2006, a magic that still hasn't faded for me.

Of course, if I have no reason to be civil to such people, then I can say what I really want: Shut the fuck up. RE4 rules.

Depois de ter terminado no PS2, Wii, PS3 e Xbox One, finalmente joguei a Ultimate HD Edition (com o mod HD Project que faz o título da versão ter real sentido) e ei, esse jogo ainda é muito, muito bom. Sim, as QTE's com morte instantânea são um produto do seu tempo, e o terço final se estende um tanto mais que o necessário, mas eu sempre fico impressionado com o tanto de ideias que foram encaixadas na jornada de Leon e Ashley.

O mod HD Project é excelente, de dar inveja a muito remaster por aí. É ótimo ter essa versão "definitiva" do Resident Evil 4 original, um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos, tão acessível. Curioso pra ver se o Leon engraçaralho se mantém no remake.

Just replayed this with the big HD Mod, yup, this game still rips absolute ass. Just fun to play the whole way through. I got it in my head that the island sucked, but nah, its totally fine.

The mod looks fucking insane, big fucking props to Albert for his work.

Im also obligated to say I love you Ashley


Foi a minha primeira vez jogando Resident Evil 4 original, e não deu outra eu me apaixonei pelo jogo, os gráficos e a gameplay pode ser algo que ficou de fato datado, o tempo chega pra todos. Mas ainda assim continua sendo super jogável recentemente, e vale a pena experimentar o título mesmo após jogar o Remake.

Pra mim RE4 é o melhor resident evil que já joguei e vai ficar guardado no meu coração pra sempre. Seu fator replay é tão viciante quanto o de um Rogue-like, estabelecer desafios de zerar o jogo no dificil ou só usando faca, ou usando roupas diferentes, deixa o jogo muito divertido depois de zerar.

Arrisco a dizer que esse jogo fica mil vezes melhor depois da primeira Run, sem dúvidas um marco pra Capcom.

Some really cheesy moments, and The Island sucks, but fuck yes to everything else. Never played it before, and it stills holds up.

★★★½ – Great ✅

Continua o Melhor Resident evil e espero muito que remake seja incrível por que eu to muito hypado
Obs: o mod HD project deixa o jogo lindo d+

Finished a Pro difficulty run. Not worth the struggle just for a cheevo. Still one of the GOATs regardless. HD Project mod rules. Edit: Have now also beaten Seperate Ways, 100%ing my Steam cheevos.

Bom, eu tenho ZERO apreço pela franquia Resident Evil, pra falar a verdade, o estilo dos primeiros jogos me incomodam muito, mas por algum motivo, sempre tive curiosidade sobre o RE 4, e em 2023 decidi jogar pela primeira vez.
Quase 20 anos depois do seu lançamento, ele continua super atual, e eu AMEI o jogo, sério, achei uma Masterpiece absurda, foi uma das experiências mais divertidas que tive recentemente com video games, é extremamente divertido e cativante, a gameplay em geral é ótima e super responsiva.
Por falar em gameplay, a jogabilidade de RE 4 é sem dúvidas inovadora, e por mais que o estilo over the shoulder tenha sido muito utilizado e evoluído nos jogos atuais, aqui continua funcionando perfeitamente; O combate é ótimo, podendo chutar inimigos, atacar com a faca, atirar no joelho pro inimigo cair, tudo é muito divertido.
O jogo tem uma grande variedade de armas que podem ser melhoradas ao longo do game, assim evitando a repetição.
A histótia é muito cativante, e os personagens a completam muito bem, a Ada, Luis, Krauser, Mercador, Salazar e até a Ashley são ótimos secundários pra narrativa funcionar.
O Leon é um ponto a parte, que cara F0DA, ele fala de forma f0da, age de um jeito f0da, luta de forma f0da, e até da cantadas durante o decorrer do jogo; Ele é literalmente o estereótipo dos anos 2000, em que toda história tinha um protagonista descolado e f0dão, e eu adorei isso, combinou super bem com ele, talvez hoje em dia seria meio rídiculo algumas coisas, mas ele sempre foi um personagem extremamente amado pelo público, e com certeza não é atoa.
Gostei muito da ambientação e dos inimigos do jogo, sem falar das músicas e de frases icônicas como : "UN FORASTERO" ou "DEATRAS DE TI IMBECIL".
Enfim, é um jogo espetacular, tenho pouquíssimas ressalvas em relação a ele, só me incomodou o mapeamento dos controles para teclado e mouse, e senti que o jogo pra reta final perde um pouco a força e criatividade; Mas isso não me impediu de amar o jogo e virar um fãzasso dele, inclusive até tive vontade de jogar alguns outros, quem sabe um dia.

Still a masterpiece in my eyes. I haven't replayed this one in years but it still holds up surprisingly well. Does it have flaws? Maybe, but I can't really see them through my nostalgia goggles.

Played w/ HD project v1.1

I never played this game when it was contemporary. Experiencing it for the first time in 2023, all I can say is that it really is that good.

Played it for the first time in 2023 before the remake came out, still a masterpiece. If anyone calls this game clunky or says that tank controls are a flaw, you can safely disregard anything else they might say because they have no taste. I actually do think the remake is a better experience overall, but it's more of a reimagining so it doesn't replace the original.

it's just that good
HD Project highly recommended

RE4 is not perfect, despite what you might think after talking to it's fans or your initial impressions after beating it. If nothing else, after this latest playthrough I am more open to the idea of a remake of this game than ever before, as there are millions of small things, and a couple of big ones, that can be fixed or changed with RE4. I especially kinda hated the bosses, most are really annoying and give you all the reasons in the world to just skip them via a Rocket Launcher on your reruns. But aside from that - this game is almost flawless, and is one of the most fun action games I'll ever play in my life. It's enemies are so memorable, it's levels are fun to run through, it's progressions system is super addictive, and it's story is absolute trash that I love.