Reviews from

in the past

esse é o multante mais dificio de matar,pois seu corpo é todo coberto de espinho,para matalo é neseçario o rifre...

Played it for the first time in 2023 before the remake came out, still a masterpiece. If anyone calls this game clunky or says that tank controls are a flaw, you can safely disregard anything else they might say because they have no taste. I actually do think the remake is a better experience overall, but it's more of a reimagining so it doesn't replace the original.

devrimsel ama eskimiş. Kötü değil ama sadece günümüze kadar yaptığı mekaniklerin üstüne koyan çok oyun oldu. Tabi sektöre kattıklarıyla değer olarak çok üst bir oyun ama atmosferi hariç şu an bir olayı yok gibi sanki. Bulmacalar bazen güzel bazen kötü. Sektöre katkısıyla 5/5 bir oyun ama eskimiş de. Dragon quest sandıkları çok güzel.

no this is not the best re game

One of the best games of all time. The perfect blend of action and horror with amazing combat and gameplay and so much content and replayability. The music is great, the story is amazing for the style it went for, and the world just fits so well. There is such iconic scenes, enemies, and character that all ooze personality and charm. This is my favorite game of all time, and I've played it multiple times on PS2, Gamecube, Wii, PC, the OLD PC version, XSX, and probably more versions that I'm forgetting. I love this game, and I think even with the remake people should still play the original

Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic. It's considered one of the best games ever made for a reason, and I most certainly consider this one of my favorites, here's to hoping the remake is just as good!

(Used the HD Fan mod)

This game is a masterpiece. I was flat out addicted to this game. It keeps me on my toes introducing fun set piece one after another. Enemies were so fun to fight, as well as had strategy to them. Also Ashley was sweet, and a wonderful ai partner. Having Gyro Aim actually helped me enjoy the game to a huge degree.

The story was pretty goofy, but the gameplay really carries you along for this ride.

Considered by many to be not only one of the best Resident Evil games, but also one of THE best video games of all time, Resident Evil 4 brings the iconic franchise to a new territory, one that is filled with tension and bombastic action that remains a golden standard in the genre.

This incredible sequel brought so many features and improvements to the table, from overhauling the traditional combat and enemies of the franchise, turning the horror atmosphere into action, and so much more!

There are just so many things to love about this entry! One thing that robs it out of a perfect star, however, is the terrible port that does nothing to improve upon the graphics despite the name "Ultimate HD Edition" and a poor performance that often makes it feel like you're playing the game in slow motion.

Gameplay is good and delivers but could feel dated for some.
Characters are good and instantly recognizable.
Game falls off hard in later half (Island and Laboratory).
Great end game content and Separate Ways adds depth.

I'm sure I've played at least 400 games in my life, and Resident Evil 4 remains my favorite of all time, I love this game, and this game made me love the franchise, I love this franchise so much, that I bought them all the games (except the Remake) even though I can't play them, because my PC is very weak, but this game will always make me happy, in any version of it

Eu tô registando outro resident evil 4 aqui, a versão de pc, só pra enaltecer o mod com texturas em hd, um trabalho fenomenal e quem ama esse jogo precisa rejogar dessa forma.

It's got great things in it, but also incredibly frustrating things, mostly on the technical aspects, something a certain "remake" could definitely improve upon.

This is like my 5th or 6th run of this game, and I've played it so much because Resident Evil 4 is just one of those games that feel unimaginably amazing to play, and that's honestly the best thing I can say about it. The tank controls, fairly weird-by-modern-standards aiming and awkward QTEs might have been off-putting at first, but once you get into the rythm it all just feels like touching the finest or silks of squeezing some really, really nice tits.

It's a good thing too that the enemy designs, the weapons, the pacing and not the bosses are incredible and still tower over most third-person-shooters released over (almost) two decades since this games' release. In that sense, RE4 is the prime example for me, personally, of how games don't just exist in terms of console specs and graphical and rendering limitations, but are in a complicated, viciously demanding art-form that takes inginuity and all the luck one can get to truly create a masterpiece. For this game, the stars have mostly aligned, the creators were genius, and a masterpiece it is, indeed. And just like there may never be a crime drama better than Breaking Bad and a pair of tits better than ma wife's, it's possible that RE4 is just about the best action-horror TPS we'll ever see. That remake is looking good doe ngl

The bosses do suck a lot IMO

i'm so glad i decided to go back to the original before playing the remake this is so much fucking fun. I want to frame every line of dialogue and hang it on my wall

Quite good. Full of as many good ideas as bad ones. Entire Resident Evil games can be completed in the time it takes for you to escape its worst moments. Respect where it's due, but no more than that.

Uno de mis videojuegos favoritos de todos los tiempos y ha sido muy influyente en el medio.
Me encanta el ambiente que tiene, uno algo oscuro pero que no llega a pesado y donde no estas indefenso si sabes manejar bien tus recursos.
El combate es uno de los puntos fuertes que tiene, muchos enemigos te obligaran a mantener diferentes estrategias y modos de jugar en orden para guardar una buena cantidad de municiones y recursos, dejandote también a que si eres muy bueno manejando el cuchillo dejarte ir matando a los enemigos únicamente con eso, pero esta bien difícil hacerse una run únicamente cuchillo y exceptuando una que otra escena pequeña donde te obligan a disparar, es posible.
Además de tener uno de los mejores usos de los Quick-time events en los vídeojuegos, probablemente solo los de cinematicas y cosas asi sean obligatorios, ya que muchos contra bosses y enemigos comunes los tienen pero de alguna forma puedes evitarlos o cortar las animaciones para evitar que pasen.
El juego tiene un inventario bastante unico que ha sido difícil de replicar, es un maletin en el que se almacenan todos los recursos que agarres, puedes tenerlo muy desordenado o muy ordenado, todo depende del jugador.
Las batallas contra jefes son bastante buenas en su mayoria, que si tuviera que mencionar una mala u olvidable se me ocurriria únicamente la del Final Boss.

Los unicos puntos malos que podria mencionar serian que esta versión tiene algunos problemas, y es que es muy comodo jugar con teclado y mouse pero tiene su problema de que algunos Quick-time events de cinematicas pueden interrumpirse y hacer que sean imposibles de pasar a no ser que reinicies el juego o te pongas a usar el mando cuando veas algo por ese estilo.

One of the best action games of all time. Fun to explore and kill things, no part of it feels boring - story is simple but the endearing and goofy characters help it a lot. My only complaint are the quick time events.

hot damn what a beautiful game it is, love it to death. graphics, visuals, and gunplay to this day hold up great, and controls are great with the mouse and keyboard don't think they are any good on the controller(didn't try), the story is also good, an amazing freaking game overall, solid 11/10 point extra for Leon cheesy one liners.

Played with HD Project. Game was fantastic through and through (except chapter 4 and almost all of the boss fights). Will say though, game was much easier than i remember. i ended up having to force myself to use my shotgun just cause my inventory was full of ammo for it, mostly just used the Red5 and knife. Also ended the game with all my magnum ammo lol, wasn't expecting the final boss to be such a pushover so i stocked up only to not even need it

all in all; Not quite a masterpiece but damn close, 100% worth a play

update: beat the game professional, i fucking HATE Krauser and his stupid ass frying pan clanky knife arm

B i n g o ?

I owe this game an apology for during that time I was skeptical because of the flashy and cheesy lines Leon has from memes and clips.

Little did I know that Resident Evil 4 is widely regarded as one of the greatest games of all time for several reasons that have left a lasting impact on the gaming industry.

It marked a significant turning point for the Resident Evil series and the survival horror genre as a whole.

Its combination of innovative gameplay, intense action, immersive atmosphere, and engaging storyline has cemented its status as a groundbreaking and timeless classic.


No entiendo qué tiene este juego para recibir tantas alabanzas por parte de todo el mundo.

De Resident Evil no tiene nada puesto que yo conocí Resident Evil como un SURVIVAL HORROR donde tenías que explorar un escenario resolviendo puzzles y encontrando objetos que te permitan avanzar, enfrentándote a enemigos cada vez más peligrosos con munición justa dándote una sensación de indefensión.

¿Tiene algo de eso este juego? No, es un juego de acción en tercera persona donde los puzzles y la exploración están reducidos al mínimo y simplemente consiste en dispara y avanza, fin.

¿Dónde está la tensión? ¿En la falta de munición? No, te dan munición a más no poder y además puedes matar enemigos a base de golpes cuerpo a cuerpo para ahorrar más.
¿En las avalanchas de enemigos? Eso más que provocar tensión provoca hastío de ver cuanto pesado aparece, y más aún cuando te toca cuidar de Ashley.

Por no hablar de que para ser un juego de acción se siente muy limitado. No puedes correr mientras apuntas, no puedes cambiar de arma rápidamente, no puedes agacharte.

Si no es un Survival Horror, y como juego de acción no vale nada ¿Qué le queda?

Absolutely late to this bandwagon but couldn't care less. Playing this for the first time in 23' with the HD project is still an imposing experience.

I loved how memorable dialogue is, I swear even modern games which intentionally try to be funny couldn't land as many bangers as dear Mr Kennedy here does without an afterthought. Not to mean that it's all Leon's credit, the entire cast is hard to forget even for - metaphorically - small characters with limited screen time like Big Cheese Mendez and Krauser. I like the script so much that I'm already pissed that signature lines were scrapped from the - unplayed yet - REm4ke.

Visuals-wise it still looks and sounds good. It would be disrespectful to ignore mentioning the incredible effort made by Albert and Cris plus other members of the HD project team. The textures looked amazingly crisp without a single time looking out of place or wonky, their work is taking years, and they barely break even in terms of finances between their spending and donations, if you can definitely use their work, and if you liked it definitely think about donating if you could.

I could pull a 25 min essay just to brush on how or why RE4 gameplay is so fun, how innovative it is in variation and viability, how tactile and rich it feels. I'll just say that seeing Leon suplex a ganado for the first time irreversibly changed something inside me, how many hours people dumped playing mercs is a stronger testament than my words.

Undisputed milestone for gaming, nuff said.

I tried to write a review on this game twice, but only now am I gonna do it for real. Here we go. Played with the HD textures mod, by the way, and that was my main motivator to finally play this masterpiece.

Resident Evil 4 is an interesting game in the series, daring to stray away from usual traditions of the series like going for a more action based approach and toning down the horror elements. Usually, drastic changes like this would be met with scorn with longtime series fans, but the thing with RE4 is that it defies usual series hallmarks while also respecting them, and that's why I find it to be a great damn game, even just playing it for the first time. While I do have a few minor annoyances, most of them are just due to age, some are due to design (the Krauser fight was particularly annoying, mostly because I only had JUST ENOUGH ammo to get through), this is still a very worthy action game in this day and age, and one that must be experienced. I have no idea why they want to remake this game.

Got extremely hyped by the RE4 Remake announcement trailer and decided to revisit a classic.
I love this game.

Continua perfeito. Ansioso pro remake mudar tudo.

I really hate what happened to survival horror games after this game but after many years I'm somewhat at peace with this game. With HD Project Mod and the tweaks it came with it (no QTEs, better FOV) made the game more fun to play for me even if it is one of the RE games I like the least. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with what RE become since Resident Evil 7 and I think I will enjoy RE4 remake much more than this.