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in the past

This is the best Jackbox Party Pack, hands down. If you only want one, Pack 7 is the one to get. It not only has Quiplash in it, but also the best drawing game, and no duds.

Champ'd Up - S tier - Gauntlet of fighters with a tag-in feature that both keeps things from getting stale and combats recency bias. It's a lot like Tee K.O. but kind of a straight upgrade.
Talking Points - A tier - Improvised slide presentations are consistently hilarious. The only thing keeping this game out of S tier is the poorly thought out scoring system that actively detracts from enjoying the show if you actually try to engage with it.
Quiplash 3 - S tier - Quiplash 2 introduces Safety Quips, Quiplash 3 makes them actually relevant to the prompt. This is the best version of what was already Jack's best game.
Blather 'Round - B tier - So this is basically Jack's take on Taboo, but a lot more functional. Instead of being way too easy with a short list of banned words, it gives you a limited set you can say. Feels a bit antithetical to the chaotic shouting of a typical good Jackbox time, but not enough to ruin the game.
The Devil and the Details - C tier - It's okay. Well implemented, but feels like a remnant from earlier Jackboxes when player expression was less of a priority.

I could not be happier seeing Jackbox Games back in prime fighting form with a masterfully composed set of games to enjoy with your friends, and I have renewed confidence in what future tidbits the team can make going forward. Here’s to next year!

Another decent collection of mini games

Probably the best party pack in terms of consistency. All of the minigames are at the very least decent, with devils in the details being the odd one out. It's pretty experimental as far as jackbox games go but it can be fun with the right people. Quiplash 3 is more quiplash with a new third round as usual, Champed Up is probably my favorite of the drawing games, blather round is pretty fun and talking points is the most consistently funny improv game. A really solid party pack overall.

very fun with friends and (at least with decent internet) a seamless experience. if you're friends can't understand basic instructions, i can see this game not going over well. also, some players who aren't that funny or who have different humor compared to the rest of the group might find themselves losing consistently, so be mindful of this when deciding to play this with big groups.

Devil and the details is just too good

Played with a group of friends, and the host used the PC version. We played Champ'd Up, Quiplash 3, and possibly Blather 'Round, I don't know for sure about that one.

Should I get together with a group of friends again to play party games, I might return to this one.

Party pack 7 is probably one of my favourite packs in the Jackbox series besides blather round there is so much fun games in this pack with talking points being one of my favourites

Talking Points and Devils and the Details are pretty fun.

Champed up and Quiplash? Massive W

Bather Round: After receiving a prompt, describe it to everyone else using a selection of premade phrases, and what other people guess. Would just like to mention the best round of jackbox I've ever had where the first hint was "Cruel existential crisis" for Evangelion and it was guessed within 5 seconds
Quiplash 3: Quiplash 3 now with a bad final round.
Talking Points: One player has to present a powerpoint that is made on the fly by another player, which leads to some of the funniest on the fly ad libbing around.
Devil in the Detail: I'll get around to playing it I promise.
Champed Up: Create a fighter and pit it against other players creations in ever changing match criterias. Bonus points for being able to bring back your champions from previous games when you play consecutive games.


Hilarious installment that is worth it for just one game alone.

I really like the Jackbox series. Just as Knowledge is Power, it is a party game with lots of fun, silly animations and a high replay value.

Unlike Knowledge is Power however, Jackbox is a little bit more versatile. Instead of being bound to your PlayStation and your smartphone, you can now use your phone or your pc/laptop to connect to, and play. The connection and overall stability of the game is also a lot better.

There are many Party Packs for the Jackbox games. Each pack offers a set of minigames that you can complete with your company of friends or family. Most of them revolve around choosing the funniest answer, predict who might have answered a certain question in a certain way, or, in general, just who made the most ridiculous drawing. Throughout the mini games, players score points, the player with the most points wins. Easy and simple.

Of all the Jackbox Party Packs, the seventh installment came as a very pleasant surprise. However, this is only because of one masterpiece of a minigame.

To start off, you got Quiplash, a game in which you describe a word or situation with three words. These are then displayed beneath each other and two players fight for the most lolz and get the points.

After this, you got Blather ‘Round, a pop culture guessing game. You just guess answers and try to guess which player might be right. Simple, a little boring but fun enough.

Another very disappoint game is Talking Points. You get a series of pictures and need to comment on it. A little lazy in my opinion.

Then you got The Devils and the Details, a game in which you need to do chores as fast as possible to earn points. Personally, I thought this one was a little chaotic, too complicated and overall, not that much fun.

When reading this, one could question why I would even play or recommend this game, but then came Champ’d Up, the best game in this whole pack. In this game, you draw your own unique hero, name it, and let it battle against another player. You win the fight by receives the most upvotes from other players. This process repeats until a winner remains.

The animations and art style of The Jackbox Party Pack 7 is colorful, jolly and silly. My biggest compliment here, is that all animations and slides within the games, are really fast, keeping the pace of the game at a very healthy levels.

The silly sounds, the jolly music in the background, enhances the experience and lets you have a good time with the game.

With the right company, I can get aches in my stomach from laughing and I think that The Jackbox Party Packs are the best party games out there by far.

The Jackbox Party Pack 7 was great, but only because of one game. Champ’d Up was hilarious and I would startup this Pack any time to play it again.

Definitely recommend this one.

blather round is fun but no one ever likes it as much as me (or is as good at it as me)

Right up there with 3 in terms of the best packs. Champ'd Up is one of the best drawing games, Blather Round is a really fun Taboo style game, and Talking Points has some of the funniest moments I've experienced while playing Jackbox, if you have the energy for it. Devils in the Details is just okay, and Quiplash 3 is a good time, although I found the prompts weren't as funny as previous entries. It's still a great pack, and I highly recommend it.

I like most of the games in this collection, but I feel that most of them have equivalents in other party packs that allow for more creative freedom

Pretty solid party pack, with only Devil in the Details never etting played with my friends. Champed Up is hilarious, Blather 'Round is simple fun, Talking Points gets people doing improv, and Quiplash 3 is still Quiplash, despite the final round not being as fun as in prior iterations.

The Devils and the Details is kind of meh.

Blather 'Round is good but not as fun as the others

The other three are incredible. Gotten a lot of mileage out of this one.

champed up and talking points is great

Jackbox is the king of party games, and I think 7 doesn't let you down on this at all. Very fun games, even if some don't work remotely which is kind of a bummer when most social action should be performed remotely in 2020. The ones that do are great, and the aesthetics they shake up in every iteration are fun to witness.

this pack is all around very solid i think devils is the only real stinker
champd up > quiplash 3 > talking points > blather round > devils and details

"The Jackbox party pack 7 will jingle your bells" - Jackbox voiceover guy

finally got back on track after two really mid ones

QUIPLASH 3: it's quiplash, it's always a joy. the final round is a little too disappointing though, really loses its luster after so many times
THE DEVILS AND THE DETAILS: i have literally never played this. sorry.
CHAMP'D UP: it's just too short, but i do like the added replayability value with the tag-in mechanic. yields great jokes
BLATHER 'ROUND: kind of... unremarkable?

Literally better than Cookie Kingdom

prolly the best jackbox imo