Reviews from

in the past

Divertido, mas nunca tive chance de zerar.

INSANELY fun game. Very addictive fast paced combat, love the sliding mechanics, everything here is just pure fun. The story is a whole lot of bs but it doesn't matter in the least. Took me back to my Metal Gear Rising experience. Love this game

A great action game with rock solid movement.

Vanquish is an over the top, silly, action packed, Sci-Fi, third person shooter, directed by Shinji Mikami, that seems like a response to the stop and pop, waist high cover based, third person shooters of it’s time. So it should be an absolute winner and the type of game I’m going to love and it mostly is. However, Vanquish is a bit underwhelming in some ways and has a few flaws too that keep it from being everything it could be.

Vanquish is somewhat comparable to those lovable 80s and early 90s American action films and it is also a very videogame-y videogame. But for something with this kind of vibe it can be unexpectedly bland. Where’s the personality, the charm, the charisma, the style, the camp? Okay maybe I’ve started off a little too harsh here. It does have its charm and is a bit cool. It is likable and excessive. I like the characters and the way they talk. I like that the main character, Sam, smokes as much as he can and it’s used in gameplay too. The game isn’t really short on crazy moments; it opens with San Francisco getting micro waved from space. There’s one instant when Sam say’s ‘this is like a videogame’ and the tutorial includes a bit about how you can’t jump in just because you’ve read the manual. It’s got something and is fun, but after Resident Evil 4, God Hand and Platinum’s other game Bayonetta this just doesn’t compare and it feels a little bit more flat than it should be.

This can be seen in the games visuals that are a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand I think Sam’s Augmented Reaction Suit looks great and so does the BLADE system, which is a transforming weapon that can change into three different currently ‘held’ weapons. Sam looks awesome in motion too. Boosting around, flying out cover and how he melee attacks was really well done. Slow motion is excellent looking as well and I need to give a special mention to the grenade throws. The fantastic animation is helped by good sound effects too. I think the robot enemies look pretty good and some of the characters like the villain, Victor, the Lieutenant Colonel Robert Burns, who you often fight alongside, and your assisting character, Elena, get good enough character designs. Along the way you’ll see some nice views and a real highlight of the game is that it is set in what is essentially a cylinder floating in space, so when you look off in the distance the environments curve up and go above you. There are some really cool action sequences in cut scenes and the action during gameplay is the right kind of visually hectic. Vanquish has nailed the most important visual aspects for a game like this and the performance too.

On the other hand this world and the levels can be kind of uninspired. The places you move through are forgettable and blur into each other in your mind at least up until act 3, or maybe act 4 in particular, but this is only a 5 act long game. There’s a lot of bland looking space marine dudes running about and just a lot of ‘okay’ looking stuff. Plenty of the cut scenes have over the top action which is great but the way it is framed often isn’t. The camera likes to move a lot, often having that shaky hand held technique and there are times with lots of quick cuts and zooms. I know what they were going for but I don’t like it, I prefer to see action clearly, in all its glory. I guess they were maybe inspired by Hollywood at the time, in that post Jason Bourne, Transformers era. I wasn’t a fan and think later scenes in the game that focus on Sam in action work better. There is some level of deliberately being bad going in this game as it is aiming for a dumb American action movie, mixed with a Japanese developer’s style, kind of aesthetic and mood. Perhaps there’s a reason why this is focused on what truly counts in a game like this though.

Vanquish is about some Russian bad guys taking over a giant American space cylinder colony, that has a giant microwave gun on it. The Russians use it to wipe out San Francisco and then threaten New York next. America doesn’t surrender, they send in space marines and Sam from DARPA also gets sent in, with his fancy battle suit, and a special mission to rescue a Doctor. It’s simple, a bit of fun and gives you reasons to do a whole lot of shooting. Unfortunately though it’s not very good or interesting or fleshed out, even if there are some bits of info dropped in loading screens, and you’ll probably figure out the reveals/twists before they come. The characters are definitely action game/movie characters but they are fun to watch. I particularly liked the dialogue and dynamic between Sam and Burns. There are some well known voice actors here like Gideon Emery, Steve Blum and Kari Wahlgren and they deliver lines just as you’d want them to for a game like this. The music is fine too but not much stood out to me. The game ends really abruptly and feels like there should have been another hour or two or more likely a sequel that we never got. It’s quite a short game and feels short, with the last two acts in a five act game going by much quicker than the previous three acts. Overall I just don’t have much interest in re-watching the cut scenes or going through the non gameplay moments of this game again. Maybe there is a reason, beyond just time and budget constraints, for this purity, simplicity, focus and short run time. Maybe everything is done (or not done) to service the gameplay; the fun, fast paced, action packed, very re-playable, reason that you’re actually here, gameplay.

Vanquish is a third person cover shooter that doesn’t want you in cover playing it like a cover shooter. It’s about speed and movement and what happens when you’re not in cover. If you play this game like a normal cover shooter you will probably come away from the game feeling dissatisfied and I’m not even sure if this would be that viable on harder difficulties, so get out of cover and get into it (not that I’m saying you should always be out of cover). You have a boost knee slide to rocket around the battlefield, to flank or get behind enemies. You have a dodge roll and you can use it as much as you need. There’s a good variety of weapons at your disposal and it’s enjoyable to mess around with all of them. The weapons upgrade in an interesting way too, that you need to learn to work with. They upgrade by picking up more of the same fully stocked weapon you have, and some random upgrade drops, but if you die the upgrades drop back down a bit. Added to this is the ability to heal injured Marines fighting along with you for more weapon drops. Sam can go into Augmented Reaction mode (slow mo) to kill multiple enemies quickly with accurate shots, to get in quick heavy amounts of damage, to shoot rockets out the air and to move around the bullets slowly ripping by. The slow mo also activates when you take a bunch of damage too so you have a chance to save your arse. You can do really cool melee attacks, that vary based on the weapon you have equipped, and do good damage but leave you vulnerable. Which leads to how energy is done in this game; the boost, slow mo, melee and health all share a pool. So you have to balance things while still being aggressive. Something else that needs a quick mention is how well Platinum usually does difficulty. Vanquish is both accessible and not short on challenge. You can choose the easier modes or normal depending on what you’re comfortable with and have fun. Then there is Hard, God Hard and challenges for the challenge seekers and those looking for depth will find it.

Vanquish works really well and the elements of its gameplay come together to create something special. Reading my brief description you can probably already guess this is about risk/reward. The joy of Vanquish comes from playing on the edge. The line between being an unstoppable force on the battlefield and dying or being forced to cower in cover is small. The other thing that is so enjoyable is learning to play and diving into these simple mechanics to discover the depth here. When you play Vanquish you should mess around with it, have fun and get creative. See what you can pull off and then try to link that stuff together so you can get into a very cool looking and feeling flow. It doesn’t matter if you die a lot for while and don’t let this stop, frustrate or worry you. Vanquish isn’t about just getting through it and seeing the story. It’s a videogame with a capital V. So get into it and ‘play.’ Leap over cover and trigger slow mo in the air and rain down bullets on the robots trying to hide. Boost dodge your way through the chaos. Throw a grenade into a pack off enemies but use slow mo to shoot your own grenade in the air when it’s right above them. Boost slide melee attack into an enemy and then trigger slow mo in the air off this and use the sniper rifle to hit an enemy in the distance that thought they were safe. Jump into cover when you need a reprieve and take a ciggy break then watch as Sam flicks the cigarette away which distracts the enemies, creating the perfect window to jump back into the glorious action. Experiment and see what can be done, then look up what others have found and add it to your arsenal. And I almost forgot to mention there are some entertaining set pieces and a tasteful use of quick time events. Simple, fun, brilliant, that’s Vanquish during combat.

Outside of combat there’s not a whole lot going on and I have to mention some negatives after all that gushing. It doesn’t have good downtime sections or anything else to break up the combat and maybe help with pacing. There are some gold statues to find and shoot. It has these little, unskippable forced walking and listening sections. Don’t worry though; they aren’t bad compared to other games and they are brief. Speaking of wasting time, you are often waiting for stuff like doors and what felt like a whole lot of elevators. When not in fights it really mostly just boils down to moving though linear spaces or waiting. Also a lot of stuff in the combat sections has been a bit tired for a long time now in both first and third person shooters; like being on a turret or getting through an area with a silenced sniper rifle but at least it’s trying to throw in some variation. I wish the rating system was a little clearer and better too. But again I must say this game is aiming for a pure simplicity.

This was my first time going back to Vanquish since I first played it around the time it launched on PS3. I have thoroughly enjoyed coming back to it and realised I should have done so sooner. Vanquish isn’t perfect and it might be a little underwhelming or undercooked. But its simplicity, focus and shortness are its strength too. It is so fun, highly re-playable and rewarding. Maybe Vanquish doesn’t need skill trees, unlockables, a more open or interesting world, or a good story because it is too busy just being kick arse. Vanquish is a must play action game and one that should be learned from, I highly recommend it.


Estiloso, simples e direto, combate e movimentação únicos e muito frenéticos, a história pouco importa e só serve pra justificar as lutas, mas diverte bastante, apesar de ser bem curto.

A história do jogo não me cativou tanto, mas as mecânicas de combate eram muito imersivas para parar de jogar. Jogo muito bem feito, com várias referências e um humor meio escondido. Eu lembro que me sentia muito f*da matando os inimigos de forma descolada e ágil.

tiroteio insano e futurista mto legal!

Decidi rejogar rapidinho depois de terminar nier automata pra sentir o gostinho da platinum games mais um pouco. E devo dizer, a movimentação e o combate desse jogo ainda são absurdos mesmo anos depois, um dos melhores cover shooters até hoje. A história é bem qualquer coisa, mas meh, fodase.

I played the PS4 version on a PS5, it's the first time playing this game.

The gameplay here is top tier, as it's expected from Platinum Games, but everything else is super boring. The gun upgrading system is very engaging and it makes you want to try out different weapons. It would get old fast if the game was any longer, but it's short enough to keep things interesting for the whole game.

Story and characters are all "US good, Russia bad, protect America", which is boring and not interesting at all. Non of the characters have any background or traits that make them interesting. I understand this is not a story-driven game, but I believe the story should be at least engaging, but it's definitely not.

Overall, it's worth a play as it's a short game and the gameplay is very fun, sliding around on your knees never loses the appeal. 3/5 is more than enough for this one.

This is how I would imagine an arcade game with AAA budget. If you play it like any other cover shooter, you get one of the most bland representations of this genre. However, if you play the way designers teach you through the whole game, it's one of the best shooters ever made. Mikami knew what works and what doesn't and the more I played the game the more it was apparent. For my taste, it's my dream game.

not without it's flaws; took me a second to adjust to the fact that this is primarily a cover shooter more then anything, the weapon upgrade system is kind of abysmal and I still don't know how I feel about the melee system (I appreciate it in theory but idk if it ever fully clicked for me) but man this is a fucking blast lol; usually cover shooters annoy the shit out of me but I think the movement system here makes it a lot more dynamic then it'd be otherwise; giggled a lot when I realised that the cover in the final boss fight rotated around the arena. don't really have much to say here, it's a great game! credits sequence is rlly cute lol

Vanquish is absolutely wild. The amount of bullets flying in all directions at any given time is insane. Playing the game as intended by sliding around from cover to cover and using your slowmo ability by dodging, sliding or meleeing enemies will inevitably lead to damage being taken and even a few (or a lot of in my case) lives lost.

I wish the health system was a little more clear since sometimes I'd have full boost meter and still die instantly to an explosion, and other times it'd just put me in a critical state. Also another small problem I had was the walking bits for dialogue exposition. The story is crazy and fast paced, but it isn't THAT deep. Trying to give the player these slower moments in a very arcadey style shooter is a bit disjoined.

I also didn't end up sticking with any of the more gimmicky guns like the saw blade shooter, aerial lock on bow, or energy ball blaster. An assault rifle, heavy machine gun, and rocket launcher worked great, especially with the upgrade system where picking up duplicates and upgrade cubes would increase their power, ammo pool, or other attributes to the weapons.

Overall though, very fun shooter that flashes that Platinum level flair in its cutscenes and pure spectacle during gameplay.

This is the shooter Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance they dont want you to talk about

Exhumy Senpai is always recommending this game, so I picked it up a while back and finally decided to get to it now. It reminded me a lot of Binary Domain, to be honest. Kind of silly 3rd person shooter with heavy sci-fi elements and very pretty robots to kill. The story of Binary Domain is much more Yakuza in how dramatic it is, though. Vanquish's story is much more Metal Gear Revengence in how silly and parodist it felt. For reference, I played through on normal and it took me a little under 5 hours.

It's a cover shooter with some cool gimmicks. You can do different melees with different guns, you can boost around to get towards or away from an enemy quick, and you can also activate a bullet-time effect to get more accuracy and damage. The main problem is that these are all linked to the same rechargeable bar. This makes it fairly difficult to do anything super fancy without some advanced knowledge of what's coming, as you can't dash or bullet-time for very long before your meter runs out, and melee-ing an enemy completely depletes the bar. You also die pretty quick, so there's not a ton of room to experiment with that kind of nonsense.

Dying also sucks a fair bit. There are a good few guns in the game, and if you pick up an upgrade or another of that gun while you have full ammo for it and it'll slowly upgrade into better versions of itself. More max ammo, more max magazine size, more damage, faster fire rate, etc. It varies depending on the specific level up and the specific gun. The reason dying sucks is that it can downgrade all of your current guns. Even your grenades can get downgraded (as they can be upgraded the same way). I never found an exact formula for how many times you could die and not lose upgrades, but it was still a really annoying penalty.

That said, the game is super pretty, and the textures load right quick for a console game. There are several Platinum/Clover Studios references sprinkled throughout which made me giggle, like "whisky a go-go, baby!" x3 . Lots of big bosses to fight as well that are a proper good challenge, even if the same one does get recycled quite a few times :?

Verdict: Recommended. It's kinda campy and sci-fi and the guns feel good, but I still prefer Binary Domain. I can definitely see why this got a lot more shade when it came out at $60, this was a pretty darn short game for that price. It's much more pallatable at 10-ish, and same goes for Binary Domain at $5. Bottom line, if you don't like this, you just might like Binary Domain x3

I do think I'm gonna play some more Grasshopper Manufacture games this week though. Granted they didn't make this one, but they worked with the director of this game (Shinji Mikami) on Shadows of the Damned, and remembering that reminded me of all the GM games I have gone out of my way to get but haven't played. Looking forward to Killer is Dead tomorrow :)

I got stuck in this game when I was 15 and I probably shouldn't have played thru it again. This game is iconic for the knee sliding and the 20 near upskirt shots of the only female character.
The game asks the question of who's the good guy between the military and corporations, and I'm just a guy living on a circular satellite and today my house is upside-down.

Pure video games. First time playing this since it came out and I'd forgotten just how much of a "video game" it is. Vanquish isn't worried about telling a story let alone a good one. Like Doom 2016 and Eternal it has plenty of modern day gaming elements like actual cutscenes, but none of that shit matters. Get out there and shoot the shit out of robots for 4 and a half hours. It does this all so right and constantly that being upset about the near nonexistent story would just be silly. Game feels great and it's fun. All I need.

Platinum's output from Madworld all the way to Bayonetta 2 is just so, so special. It's such a sadness their CEO is going to lead them to a slow bleed out from working on live service bullshit.

This is probably the most heretical opinion I have when it comes to action games, but here's how I'd explain it: I like sports. I like to watch sports. I'd even play some, if the opportunity presented itself! But one thing I won't do is humor anyone's fuckin' Sportsball jokes, or listen to pitches on nerdy alternatives to sports without voicing disapproval. I'm happy just liking sports and I don't need to remind people I'm Not Like Most Girls when I do.

whoooosh bang bang smoke smoke boom

If you asked me what happened in this game, I wouldn't be able to tell you. It's really silly and ridiculous, and is clearly Platinum's take on cover shooters of the time. So that should be your expectation going on. I just know that I had a good time with it and as usual for Platinum, the gameplay shines.

Score: 82

Yeah, it's cool that you can slow down time while the rest of the game is super-fast and chaotic... but it's boring? Max Payne and Binary Domain are two games I would much rather replay than force-feed this.

This is what MGR fans THINK MGR is

A game made in 2010 that, if released now, would be called a style movement shooter and compared to Ultrakill.

Vanquish feels so at odds with itself that I found it difficult to really get into it. And, I mean, I really wanted to get into Vanquish! It always looked pretty cool and who among us doesn't love a dedicated button for smoking a cigarette at any time during a game?

I think the biggest problem is that it's a typical cover shooter which means the levels are scattered with barriers to hide behind and shoot from. I don't mind a cover shooter, but this level design seemed to actively prevent the cool parts of the gameplay (boosted power sliding and bullet time) from reaching their full potential. It feels great to jump and activate bullet time in just the right place to light up every enemy still on screen, but it feels a lot less satisfying when it's preceded by starting and stopping bullet time a handful of times prior because your dodge put you behind just enough of a piece of cover that all the enemies are hidden from sight. Similarly, going fast with the power slide largely ended up being relegated to traveling from one combat arena to the next, instead of facilitating cool moments during combat. A big part of that is that power sliding and bullet time have the same shared power supply so you may boost into enemies just to be out of energy to activate bullet time.

The story is similarly a land of contrasts. The full cutscenes, typically between acts, are a real treat in terms of your typical action move schlock taken to the extreme. It's genuinely a lot of fun and feels pretty engaging. (Although, the final set of twists feel very unearned.) Unfortunately, the majority of the story isn't told in these cutscenes but during mid-mission moments that turn to a first-person view with green scanlines and talking heads telling you the most rote action game minutia all without subtitles. It felt strange to say the least.

At the end of the day, I just was Vanquish was cooler! It has some neat ideas, but it doesn't take them far enough to truly feel like a step above the majority of the cover shooters from the 360/PS3 era.

people online meat ride it a LITTLE too hard but its still pretty sick