Reviews from

in the past

idfw haruka usually but i loved playing as her and the racing game is fucking sick

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I’m kinda in the small population of Yakuza players that like how 4 handled the multi protagonist more than 5. The plot this time around is definitely more sound than 4, but I enjoyed it less. Shinada is awesome, but his storyline kinda made me roll my eyes at times despite being the precursor to Like A Dragon’s cast narratively. The beginning of the game with Kiryu and the initial Majima death was the best part

Funny enough I enjoyed the Haurka sections a lot, but the overall story with her was also kinda ok and forced for some characters like Saejima and Shinada. The final fight with Kiryu and Aizawa is hands down the worst climax in the series, because Aizawa was a set piece for like 95% of the game and when I did eventually beat him, it felt hollow.

This game is super long and bloated, but you drive a taxi around town, fight some of the biggest mobs of enimies in the series, play pool and sing karaoke, escape prison on snowmobiles and fight a giant bear, hunt for deer, participate in snowball fights, dance and play as Haruka, be a contestant on a game show, play baseball AND MORE... and all that makes it one of the better games in the series

Shit got real. 5 estrellas simple y llanamente por la historia de Haruka. Pocas veces he llorado como con su historia

I fucking love yakuza 5 it’s so peak it’s so Yume it’s so raw it’s so YAKUZA. i enjoy this game immensely. Although the plot can definitely get a little messy at times, it ultimately culminates in an experience which I absolutely love and think about constantly. The protagonists are all strong, this game does SUCH EFFICIENT CHARACTERISATION ITS INSANE. So many side characters, and shinada, introduced and then boom they’re like so peak and it’s peak and YUME I love yume I’m yumeing of this game

My favourite Yakuza game and one of my favourite games in general. This one seems to cop some flak from people for perhaps overstepping its bounds a bit, but for me, it’s precisely because of that ambition that it’s my favourite in the series. It probably is too much, it is fairly messy, but there’s so much love oozing out of this thing, I can’t not get swept up in it. There’s also a nice little meta aspect to its ambition seeing as the story is all about dreams and aspirations. You can truly feel the passion that went into Yakuza 5.

I’m also really hoping that the new maps in this one make a return someday. I love them. Please RGG, pleeeaaaaassseeee.

OHHH WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK BABEY!!!! kiryu's deadbeat ass had me so mad for pretty much the entire game and that 11th hour twist w the final boss was INSANELY stupid but like that's just yakuza!! if there's not at least a few plot points that i find incredibly dumb/irritating then it's just not the same!! as far as i'm concerned, this game was mf PEAK!!!!!!!

Whilst full of interesting choices from story to gameplay, that pushed the franchise even further, Y5 unfortunately falls flat as one of the most underwhelming Yakuza experiences thus far. Dragged out with side content that distracts you from the more intriguing narrative, though even when confronting said story, still feels convoluted and padded, Y5 is a total bore from start to finish. This was the moment that I started to lose interest, which is why I think highly of more engaging and experimental later entries.

Hard choice between this and 0 for my favorite game

El juego de Yakuza que más largo y pesado se me hizo. Sigue teniendo escenones y momentazos, pero también tiene los peores (la caza de Saejima es para tirarme por un barranco). Quizá es el que menos ganas tengo de rejugarme.

Yakuza 5 has the audacity to have a narrative this bogged down with pacing issues and lame reveals only to simultaneously have the rawest gameplay of the series. FML I wish I could rate narrative and gameplay separately on here because, boy, the story for this game drags hard at points. But the gameplay is peak. Like, it's incredible. It's the best the series has ever felt to play and I recommend it on that alone. Plus it's got one of the best Kiryu designs.

This game is so good, it feels like I'm dreaming.

5 protagonists, all of them so much fun to play as and their stories and side stories great in their own ways. 5 whole cities with so much content packed into each one, there is always something else to do in this game.

If I had to find a complaint, I guess the info dumps during the Finale did get a little tiring, even if the Finale itself was amazing.

There is so much soul and passion put into this game, it's hard to find any major fault in it. Incredible Yakuza game and just an incredible game overall.

No he pasado de la parte de Haruka, qué hueva

The story's convoluted af, but the game let's me be a pretty idol princess, so it's an automatic 10/10 for me.

these are just early thoughts from a replay, but i'm really starting to get yakuza 5 this time around. having to unlock block breaking is annoying and i still think the saejima segment is incredibly shoehorned and pointless, and that rgg studios in general has not known how to meaningfully utilize saejima at all since 4, but by skipping his cutscenes that don't immediately tie into the larger plot on a replay it just becomes about as mild of an annoyance as the incessant tutorials at the start of 0. the game beating you over the head with dreams as a theme is also a little annoying and certainly heavy handed, but when the game has stories like kiryu's and shinada's (and even akiyama's and haruka's!) in it why would i even care? shinada's segment is literally the best part of this entire franchise, and other than 0 and 8 i feel like kiryu's chapter in 5 is maybe the flat out most interesting look into the man's life, and the way his fighting style becoming more brutal gives a look into his psyche at the time of 5 is some of the coolest shit ever.
yakuza 5 is also maybe the game in the series that follows the "a real man... oughta be a little stupid" mantra ryuji posited in 2 the most, and to that end it really feels like one of the most "yakuza" yakuza games we've gotten. maybe not as strong a story as its follow up, but absolutely a game that embodies the strengths of the series better.

so i do not like this game. i also dont like typing long about things i dont like, gives me Dars Souls 2 coniptions...
Game is split into 4 (technically 5) routes, all each with their own story and mini games attached to them. Before you have much time you want to invest or care much into the characters story/ minigame, you are either burnt out from its monotnous routine or the characters story is already over. For instance, the worst story in this game belongs to act ., which really sucks bc that character itself is very sick and his combat is insane! Its just that his story and forced minigame are so goddamn boring and longwinded that you get really burnt out from Y5 by the end of his campaign. Also on a side note, this game does not respect your time. You cannot skip a lot of the filler dialouge that doesnt matter nor does it allow you to skip said cutscene, you have to mash your way to the end of it. Also im glad we're out of the era of yakuza games where u have to save at a phone booth and no where else. you cannot save into 4th story until an hour into that segment. By far, yakuza has some of the most bullshit bosses ive played. It is not fun fighting a boss that constantly blocks after the 1st initial hit that does 5 damage. And if your retort to that is use specific heat actions or breakable weapons, your game philosophy is stupid. There is plenty more id like to get into, but remembering gives me a headache. The story was very all over the place and finale was a mess save for two characters lol. Y4 still stands as my favorite.

the most ambitious and greatest game in one of the best video game series ever

i miss you shinada

Amo la saga con fuerza y mantengo la opinión de que, cuantos mas protas además de Kazuma Kiryu tenga un Yakuza, peor entrega será. Igualmente sigue siendo mejor que Yakuza 4.

i bought this so sega would know people buy these games when u translate them - mission accomplished tbh

If this game was only focused on Shinada, this would be the best game in the series... unfortunately, it isn't, and Shinada can only carry a game so far

shoulda called this game "shinada 5: battle for the baseball"

Yakuza 5 for me, will always be the height of this series, just for how big it is and how everything about it is just perfect. The finale is also the best thing ever like holy fuck.

J’ai adoré le gameplay de chaque personnage qui se complète très très bien. Je préfère peut-être ce gameplay à celui du 4 d’ailleurs, et je trouve ça positif car ça montre qu’avec le temps, les développeurs ont réussi à créer une réelle identité et à retravailler chaque jeu pour l’améliorer.
L’histoire ne m’a pas trop convaincue, même si j’aime beaucoup tous les plot-twists, ça ne suffit pas à en faire un bon jeu. Le fait de séparer le jeu en 4 parties, rend le récit compliqué à suivre, et il en perd peut-être un peu en qualité. Mais globalement le jeu est super cool, très bien optimisé, et très joli.

The Haruka bits feel a bit perfunctory, but still a strong offering in the series IMO