Reviews from

in the past

Poucas pessoas conhecem esse jogo, e quem conhece é pelo Goularte.

É um jogo divertido até, a melhor coisa dele é a liberdeade de movimentação, é bem satisfatória.

A história pra falar a verdade não lembro muito bem, faz tempo que joguei, e não é muito marcante pelo visto, é bem simples.

É um jogo interessante pra passar o tempo!

love the movement in this game and often come back to think about it

This is a cute short adventure game!

The story was interesting, but nothing too deep. The grappling parkour puzzles are a ton of fun! You play as a kid following his scientist uncle's trail through a different world. It feels like a Jules Verne inspired kind of adventure. It's really not that long. I think it only took around 4-5 hours to play through.

It is absolutely worth replaying, exploring, and gathering collectables solely to unlock Goat Mode. My partner and I were laughing at it for so long!

It's a cute adventure, give it a go if you are looking for something new to play!

A neat little game. Story isn't anything special and is even a bit disappointing, but the first person platforming with its grapple mechanics definitely make this game worth your time. It took me only about 3 hours to complete, though.