Reviews from

in the past

am radicalized Global Liberation Warrior. born&raised, cannot be helpd, must Do The Needful!!! mhm, one of first gameS I played, besides Duke Nukem 2, and X-Wing, and Quake (yep,AM NOT 'THAT OLD'! family just had A DOSputer, sadly could not hear TheMuzak... ). And Jazz Jackrabbit OFCOURSE, if That was somehow not evident. yepp, I am That I am, certifiably BORN&RAISED TO KILL EM ALL!!!!!!!!!

ps: fully ironic contents, just like foodS I like to eats.... RPGgame Choices&Consequences boys, i for one prefer gaining lightside points... NONONO donot be lookings into meanings of "Lands of NodS"!!!... will frighten positivelyAwake folx
pps: this blogpost? It's Over............... The Brotherhood has fallen :,(

Can't believe that I loved this so much as a child. It has not survived the years.

Great game, continuing on Dune II success and formula.
The added campy movies created as the story are so cool. Love it.
Great catchy and pumping metal music was simple but addictive.