Reviews from

in the past

The incredibly thick mid-90s computer animation aesthetic still works for some reason, and there are moments when I'll be goddamned if it isn't honestly, unironically, at least a little bit cool.

Which is surprising! I was expecting this one to be a pretty cringey revisit, given just how much time has passed and how focused it was on being proto-Internet-age cutting-edge. But a number of smart choices make it certainly not timeless, but at least dated in a consistent and assured way. Setting the game in a slightly skewed alternate universe a couple years into the future makes the goofier military stuff work intuitively, and from the very start, with the bravura game installation utility/cutscene(!!!), every UI choice cleverly frames the entire game as a war being mediated through computers, which obviously helps sell everything from the gameplay to the artifacted FMV cutscenes.

Lot of little problems like asinine AI and pathing glitches, and it's somewhat limited from a strategic standpoint, but what are you gonna do, it was more or less inventing a genre. Still fun to dive into for a bit, even if it's more a spectacle than a serious strategic challenge these days.

Me discovering I'm terrible at RTS games for the first time as a kid.

Game seems cool but the playstation port is terrible. There was no thought put into the controls. Doing anything takes forever. I didn’t get too far into the campaign but I think I would enjoy it much more with mouse and keyboard.

For its age it be 10/10, today still very enjoyable at 8/10

I hardly ever play real-time strategies, but I loved this one as a kid, even though I was terrible at it. Somehow I finished it in the end. One of the most classic titles in this genre, and I think it's still fun today.

Maybe the game is good on PC, but the controller experience is just torture.

I think we can agree on that it was a milestone in gaming.

Really pales in comparison to the sequel. The story is cool, but the graphics are terrible (as old as I am, I know, but still) and the gameplay is OK. The music by Frank Klepacki is the bets thing about the game for sure, as most of the tracks go DUMMY hard.

C&C é um dos grandes clássicos do gênero de estratégia em tempo real, que pra mim sempre foi uma proposta um pouco sobrepujante de gerenciar.

A habilidade de lidar com o macro e com o micro, da situação e das unidades, sempre foi um desafio que nunca superei, e nunca me apaixonei pelo gênero por conta disso.

A temática, as animações, a direção e a atuação de voz de C&C são destaques até hoje.

Extremamente difícil e satisfatório. Kane segue sendo um dos melhores vilões da ficção até hoje.

I love Tiberian saga, but obviously next parts are much more better

The FMVs are obviously a pleasure and this game contains all the individual pieces of a good RTS, but the campaigns are a nightmare. Missions come in three flavours: infuriating, tedious, and 30 seconds long. An important game, sure, but more a rough draft for Red Alert.

Absolutely classic, a little archaic but it truly is one of The Games of all time

Sure, there were other RTS games before Command & Conquer, but this is the first one in my opinion that remains playable. EA made it freeware in 2010, so why not give it a go if you want to see the father of teh real time strategy game? Just be aware that some qaulity of life features you might expect from modern games are not present here, and sandbags are your best friend. Kane Lives!

A good game for it's time that is sadly did not age that well at all. I love Command & Conquer but this one is just tedious to play.

Obviously a classic of the genre and you do have to give credit to something for that but the game has not aged too well at all to the point where it is quite tedious to play.

OG RTS, and still one of the best

An incredible beginning to the RTS genre and really one of the true greats, falls off a lot on console but still immensely fun.

I don't find this game particularly fun or rewarding to do as they say and with no freedoom to do anything else.

Played this in the Remaster Edition. GDI first on normal (put it down to easy at around mission 10 because I felt frustrated), then played Nod on Normal entirely. I started struggling less and realized the value of having two refineries and using engineers, lol. I was glad to return to normal difficulty because easy just makes you steamroll everything with few units and it stops being fun.

The game is really solid for being one of the first of it's kind. There's a solid amount of units and buildings and it feels quite deep already. The main issue lies in the A.I. - the pathfinding in this game is pretty terrible and units will drive in weird directions, take long to get where you want them to go or refuse to attack instantly, which can lead to lots of frustration.

I definitely recommend saving a lot before engaging in battles. Especially in missions where you don't have a base. Those are very trial & error heavy.

Anyway, glad to have finally played this one. Red Alert was the first one I've played in my childhood, so I'm curious to see how that one aged. Will be cool to see the series evolve!

When the Act on instinct/Target kicks in (Instant Victory!!1!!)

I played the Remaster FYI. But I've also played the OG.

Command & Conquer is an important game in the history of gaming as a whole, and for that reason alone I'd recommend it. However, playing it in modern times reveals how many flaws it indeed has. The unit pathing is awful on many levels, and the gameplay just isn't up to par with the games that came after it. The units and structures lack personality that later games had, and many of the small cutscenes you get prior to missions don't feel actually relevant to what happens in said mission.

I can cut it a lot of slack though. It was 1995, and this was the first entry in the series. I think it says a lot though that this game still has the same charm and addictive quality that later entries in the series had despite the gameplay feeling dated at times. A fantastic piece of history, and the Remaster is excellently done. The facelift it was given is beautiful, and I'm glad even the console missions were included.

Score: 82