Reviews from

in the past

vtnc bandai, remaster lixo de um jogo incrivel

Inferno Plus resume bem tudo que me irrita nesse video aqui


Hello guys this is the official account of from software. If you guys want an autograph I only sign tits, thanks!!

Aqui pessoalmente o que aconteceu é o mal de ter tido experiências melhores antes. Eu re juro que é difícil tu ter jogado elden ring e dark souls 3 e dps vir tentar jogar esse daqui.

O comentário é óbvio mas vou ter q fazer esse jogo é travadasso, lento, mal balanceado, o espaço entre bonfires n é bem calculado e no geral vc fica mais aliviado de q n vai ter andar toda distância ate o chefe do q aliviado tipo ufa agora aprendi a passar desse chefe.

Assim reconheço a importância de ter errado no começo pra anos dps conseguir acertar em tudo e fazer a obra prima q é elden ring, a from software foi aprendendo e a cada jogo foram melhorando, quase ctz q quem jogou ao longo dos anos foi achando incrivel o dark souls 1 e 2 e 3 vendo essa evolução, mas infelizmente n é minha praia voltar pra esse passado pq além de tudo isso eu já sei toda a história e bosses q vou enfrentar de cor e salteado e tb eu odeio gameplay travado então é isso vai ficar de gaveta esse joguinho aqui.

when i bought a bunch of orange soapstone bc i wanted to leave messages for my friend but then realized u couldn’t write custom notes #CENSORSHIP #LETWOMENTALK

O level design disso é incrivel. Acho incrivel que o jogo não tem tutorial, só te joga no mundo e te deixa escolher por onde começar. Vou voltar nele para platinar

Dark Souls is pretty much what I expected. There's a lot of old school dumb video game stuff in here and the combat is a little slow for me, but I loved how I got a really powerful weapon at the start and cooked everything. I love not having to struggle my ass off in games with dark souls combat. It's ok, wasn't good but wasn't miserable

I played DS3 first and while that game did make me contemplate suicide a lot, I at least had fun with it for the most part. This game is only fun 40% of the time. I can see why people like it but overall, I didn't enjoy it.

Not as good as DS 3 but still rocking

Level design aux petits oignons.

Dark Souls premier du nom est sûrement un des jeux-vidéos les plus acclamés par la critique mais également par les joueurs, considéré comme un des plus grands de l'histoire et pour la plupart le meilleur jamais designé par Fromsoft Ware, or à ma grande surprise, ce jeu coche à mon sens toutes les cases d'un mauvais jeux-vidéo.
Avant de commencer je tiens à préciser que je ne tiendrais aucunement compte de la difficulté du jeu, je fus d'ailleurs surpris de constater que le jeu est en réalité assez simple, j'ai first try la quasi totalité des boss donc je pense que l'excuse du skill issue ne s'applique pas dans mon cas mais passons.
Le jeu se vend comme un action rpg et une suite spirituelle de Demon Souls, malheureusement et c'est le cas de beaucoup de licence mais je trouve Dark Souls 1 plutôt aseptisé par rapport à Demon Souls, je ne vais pas ici parler du gameplay qui reste le même à peu de choses près et ce n'est pas forcément un problème mais surtout dans un abus de référence qui peut devenir limite saoulant mais ça reste du détails et on peut passer au travers de ça.
Je ne vais également pas parler du scénario générique du jeu ni de son lore, univers et personnages, quand je joue à un jeu ce ne sont pas du tout mes attentes et je ne jugerais donc pas cette facette du jeu.
Je vais débuter en attaquant la partie la plus encensée du jeu qui se trouve être son level design, le monde du jeu est une toile d'araignée où la plupart des zones sont reliées entre elles en débloquant des passages secrets et des raccourcis, le jeu n'a pas de ligne directrice et on se perd dans cette embranchement de zones que l'on peut parcourir en intégralité à pied sans temps de chargement ou téléportations si on s'en donne les moyens, c'est une avancée pour le coup remquable par rapport à Demon Souls. On peut d'ailleurs souligner une certaine cohérence de placement des zones par rapport à son lore mais je ne m'attarderais pas dessus. Il est vrai que c'est admirable sur le papier, on a un semi open world rpg à la 3e personne avec une map conçu comme un metroidvania mais malheureusement j'ai trouver que ça ne fonctionnait pas vraiment. Le jeu offre la possibilité de ne pas choisir qu'un chemin et on à tout à fait le choix d'aller faire un boss qu'une autre personne pourrait rencontrer en fin de jeu, or ça aurait pu marcher si le jeu disposait d'un scaling de puissance (même problème que Elden Ring), il n'y a aucun intérêt à pouvoir aller battre un boss dans une zone lointaine si il à été désigné pour être battu avec 50 niveaux de plus, le jeu à beaucoup tendance à offrir des possibilités et c'est bien ok mais il faut que ça fonctionne alors et la ce n'est pas le cas. Dans la seconde moitié du jeu on débloque la possibilité de se téléporter car notre niveau dans le jeu nous donne l'accès à 4 nouvelles zones (que l'on pouvait y accéder bien avant mais quel intérêt si on meurt en un coup par les ennemis de ces zones ? ) qui sont les plus reculées et donc très longue à parcourir en courant donc cette ajout de téléportation est compréhensible mais "casse" toute la base de la conception du jeu mais à ce moment là il aurait fallu rendre l'embranchement des zones encore plus accessible avec plus de chemins possible mais passons.
En lançant Dark Souls 1 et en ayant fait que Elden Ring et Bloodborne de ce studio avant, je m'attendais à voir tout de même une direction artistique soignée, diversifiée et avec une certaine âme, or c'est sûrement le point où j'ai été le plus déçu, en réalité je me suis retrouvé face à un jeu fade, laid et générique qui ne donne pas l'impression qu'il à été fait par Fromsoftware et même pour son époque on avait vu déjà beaucoup mieux dans ce domaine. En plus de ça les zones ne sont que très peu diversifiées, laides et peu originales et à chaque nouvelle zone que je découvrais je la trouvais pire que la précédente sans parler du level design absolument abominable de certains passages avec un surplus de mobs qui n'as pas lieu d'être ou juste des chemins terriblement mal designés.
Un des piliers de cette licence c'est quand même ses boss mais comment expliquer que je ne suis pas capable citer 3 bon boss sur la trentaine qu'il possède ? 2-3 paterns maximum et très téléphonés, des arènes laides à l'image des zones du jeu et des design abusément moche et peu recherché (ce n'est pas le cas de tous heureusement mais ils restent minime)
Cela étant dit le bestiaire du jeu est bon, beaucoup de mobs différents même si ça reste très très générique.
Revenons un peu sur le gameplay que je trouve absolument abominable. La lourdeur du jeu m'a surpris mais je comprends l'idée et je respecte mais c'est tellement bourré de soucis technique que ça rend malade, hitbox aléatoire, moins bon système de lock de l'industrie, le système de saut quand on appuie sur la touche d'esquive en courant n'a absolument aucune raison d'exister (à part pour un pont casser dans la Forteresse de Senn c'est vrai que ça valait le coup) qui plus est il n'y a je crois aucune frame d'invincibilité sur ce saut ce qui n'en fait au final bah pas une esquive. Ils ont d'ailleurs voulus dans cet opus favoriser le tanking au détriment de l'esquive car oui nous ne sommes qu'invincible globalement que 3 frame sur 10 pendant la roulade (baisse par rapport à Demon Souls) ce qui rend le jeu encore plus lourd qu'il ne l'était déjà et favoriser la roulade aurait pu apporter un dynamisme qui aurait pu très bien compléter la lourdeur des attaques. Sans oublier que dans ce jeu, on ne boit pas une fiole de soin, on l'a déguste et la lenteur de cette animation ne rend pas les choses plus cohérente ou quoi comme le parti pris des attaques lentes non là c'est juste mauvais.
Je parlais de laideur dans sa DA mais j'ai oublié de préciser que pour un jeu de 2011 ça reste terriblement en retard graphiquement et techniquement.
Je vais me plaindre également du fait que l'exploration n'est absolument pas récompensée et que risquer sa vie en traversant une zone parce qu'on à vu un item au loin et s'apercevoir qu'il s'agissait en réalité d'un énième exemplaire de bouclier en bois ou de simple humanités et ce pour la plupart de ce que vous aller trouver par terre, non ce n'est pas une bonne idée de game design.
Le système de serment est intéressant mais pas du tout expliqué et aurait pu encore mieux fonctionner si il était conçu différemment, bah c'est juste encore une fois une mauvaise décision. C'est dommage parce qu'ils détiennent de très bon items
Le jeu à énormément de défauts dans les détails également mais ça revient globalement à chaque fois à la technique du jeu, les menus absolument horribles, le fait qu'on puisse cheese la moitié des boss du jeu, l'existence de Bed of Chaos (?), la lenteur des échelles et le DLC qui aurait pu constituer juste une part annexe du jeu sans en faire un gros titre tellement je le trouve anectodique.
Cela dit j'aime beaucoup la bande originale du jeu !
J'aurais sûrement apprécié un poil plus le jeu si il avait la réputation d'un jeu lambda mais malheureusement il est comme il est. Un jeu mauvais avec de bonnes idées mais terriblement mal exploitées, sûrement un des pire jeux qu'il m'a été donné de jouer.

O primeiro jogo, que me fez me apaixonar pelo gênero Souls like!

o jogo q revolucionou a industria

I had a great time with this game. The atmosphere created by the wondrous dream-like landscapes really took me aback. Especially towards the tail end at Kiln of the First Flame. I was seriously in awe of this area. The sand-like ashes and the charred structures combined with finding out that Gwyn has a flaming sword was a superb piece of environmental storytelling, and is the least of what this game has to offer in that department. Anor Londo was a big standout to me with its beautiful sunset and maze-like interiors. The Abyss was also a standout with the entrance and the boss fight. I truly feel if we are looking at this as a follow up to Demons Souls, then they knocked it out of the park with the world design. As with most souls games, the story is something you feel, and the details come in if you really want to look for it.

Some of my favorite bosses included Gwyn and Ornstein & Smough. Definitely some of the most challenging bosses but that's what made them all the more satisfying.

Dark Souls is a milestone, and despite the clearly passing time, it still holds up very well against its successors, having everything that makes these games incredible.

The start of my favorite videogame franchise (Yes I know Demon's Souls exists, but this was mine). Revolutionary game mechanics that continue to be implemented in many games today. Created its own Genre.

Gostaria de compartilhar minha visão sobre a qualidade excepcional de Dark Souls Remastered.

É inegável que, embora os jogos subsequentes tenham recursos mais avançados, Dark Souls 1 se destaca por seu alto valor de replay. Em meu círculo social, observo que as pessoas tendem a revisitar Dark Souls 1 com mais frequência do que os outros títulos da série Souls.

Os chefes são memoráveis, o design gráfico é belo (não apenas em termos de tecnologia, mas também pela harmonia das cores que transmitem uma atmosfera de melancolia). O design de níveis deste jogo, arrisco dizer, é um dos melhores da história dos videogames. Tudo está interligado de forma inteligente; você pode viajar do Darkroot Basin ao Valley of Drakes e depois para New Londo Ruins. Se preferir, pode subir para Firelink Shrine e, em seguida, para Undead Burg. Note como cada elemento no mapa é pensado como parte de um intricado quebra-cabeça.

A narrativa das quests dos NPCs é incrivelmente sutil. Se você não se interessar por elas, pode simplesmente prosseguir em sua jornada sem ficar preso em diálogos longos e monótonos. Surpreendentemente, o jogo não sobrecarrega o jogador com diálogos constantes, o que cria um vínculo genuíno com cada NPC encontrado, já que a jornada pode ser solitária e cada novo personagem apresenta um potencial de companhia. A abordagem da FromSoftware é uma verdadeira lição sobre como envolver os jogadores.

A variedade de armas é impressionante, independentemente da classe escolhida. Você pode ficar tranquilo, pois encontrará uma ampla gama de armamentos interessantes. Pessoalmente, como entusiasta de builds de força, tenho à disposição uma variedade incrível de opções para explorar.

Recomendo fortemente este jogo, pois oferece uma experiência de exploração verdadeiramente excepcional.

Obrigado por tudo, meu grande mestre Hidetaka Miyazaki.

My first soulsborne. Surprisingly only boss that gave me some trouble was ornstein and smough. Gonna try my hand at bloodborne or DS3 next
Ranging from 8.5-9

The second half of this game is unfinished and not fun. But it's unfinished and not fun in a really charming way.

Very very good game.
Very easy compared to every other souls game.
Please play this game.

Eu comecei minha jornada com os jogos Souls com Bloodborne, então acabei nunca voltando e jogando a série Dark Souls. Quem diria que esse é de fato um jogo genial. Sim, a primeira metade é muito melhor e sim Lost Izalith é uma piada, mas eu amo o jogo com suas estranhezas e defeitos. Alguns das melhores dungeons e boss battles dessa franquia toda estão aqui no ""começo"", é impressionante como mais de uma década de evolução do estúdio e eu ainda sinto a magia de enfrentar o Artorias, o Manus, o Ornstein e o Smough, etc e tal.

Agora só pra ter isso imortalizado em algum lugar: pau no cu dessa platina. Sem online ela é INSUPORTAVEL e olha que eu dupliquei almas e itens (mas só quando não tinha mais jeito). Puta merda, tomara que no 2 e no 3 não tenham troféus que essencialmente precisam do online

wouldve been 10/10 if ornstein and smough were dating

No words need to be said, wish i didn't have to use a guide to figure out where gringol the scrote devourer went after i spoke to them.
Still fun and so suprising around every turn.

Fui esperando nada e saí completamente apaixonado pelo universo e gameplay

Would be better with more blightown

É um jogo que tenho que me desafiar a cada dia, não consegui terminar ainda, mas é bem interessante, as batalhas são boas, mas a pior parte são os caminhos pra chegar até o boss. Morrer e rolar andam lado a lado, mas quando você pega a sequência, é uma maravilha

Me acuerdo como dejé el juego porque no podía pasar de Ornstein y Smoug.. volví al año siguiente y me lo farmeé, aparte de querer este juego con toda mi alma, diseño de mundo, de armas y enemigos, el lore.. es perfecto

Dark Souls 1 is easily a masterpiece, containing some of, if not the best level design I have ever experienced with beautiful visuals, story with beautiful lore, and of course really amazing combat even if its successors are much smoother than this game. With the near perfect DLC its hard to knock this game, even if its 2nd half starts to trip at points compared to the 1st half.

Dark Souls story, specifically the lore surrounding it will always be one of the best stories to deep dive into, even if while experiencing it can be challenging to consume compared to other games. The basic story revolves you, the chosen undead, attempting to relink the fires by killing Gwyn, who currently sits at the throne himself. Beyond that basic premise, you mainly learn the story by environmental storytelling, character dialogue and of course with classic souls tradition, through item descriptions. Having to through the age of fire after the war against the dragons with the new "and now, pretty dead" lords, with the inevitable of the fires burning out, requiring you to relink the fire and delay the age of darkness. My ending was relinking the fire, but quite honestly I do prefer the "evil" ending of age of darkness where you do not relink the flame, as I feel like even if we have to enter the age of darkness, a new flame will always re-ignite. It is a beautiful story even if it isn't an obvious story compared to other game. This game's constant theme of futility, and the constant push to face the impossible to achieve your goal is an amazing theme. WIth the DLC they further expand the darkness humans have, and the consequences of being fully consumed by their darkest desires, and if our futility for power is a good or bad thing. I didn't even dive into the characters yet, who have their own really interesting lore and story by themselves. Overall I really love Dark Souls Lore, as DS3 and ER lore as well, they were all such a joy to experience, and even a better joy to deeper dive after finishing the game, with the only one (haven't played DS2 or bloodborne yet), that I didn't enjoy deep diving as much was sekiro. I still think I enjoyed DS3 and ER lore a bit more as they seemed much much more fleshed out and more enjoyable to deeper dive, as I felt like apart from the main story, deep diving some characters was cut much shorter than I thought they were, as they are much more ambiguous on who they are, so their story is pretty short for some of them compared to future entries where the most minor character has such insane lore that you have to step back a bit.

Like other souls games, are some of the best characters in any game. For DS1, some of the characters that I personally loved were Artorias and his companion Sif, Gwyn's tragic tale, Logan (might be mage biased but loved his inevitable downfall of his chase of forbidden knowledge), Solaire (duh... although didn't kill the red eye chaos bug first NOOO), and classic patches of course. I haven't even gone through ALL the characters I loved but they were easily the best ones that stuck out to me, even with some others like the lore behind Seath, Gwynevere's false presense and such, I can go on and on. Your character is mainly a pretty vague "chosen undead", whose origins is pretty much up to whatever you want it to be as it doesn't matter, only you ended up in a cell. Fighting your way up from the title of some random undead to the one who relinks the flames is so damn satisfying, and stays a theme throughout the souls game. While like I said before some characters don't get as much fleshing out as I thought they would have compared to future titles, they were still the quality of souls lore that I crave for, and even while typing this review I am watching an hour long lore video on DS1.

Souls gameplay as usual, which is the same loop that I loved even with Elden Ring. Of course being the 2nd one in the series behind demon souls, the gameplay isn't as smooth as future titles, but it still holds a special place in my heart, as the one thing that it is STILL unmatched in is with the level design oh my GOD is it good. Firelink Shrine and how it connects to so many areas in the game was so beautiful to experience. Even apart from that aspect, many areas in this game were such a joy to go through and was easily the best out of any of the souls games I have ever played so far. Now of course the infamous 2nd half does falter a bit in this department, which is a bit of a theme with this game quite honestly. Going back to the souls gameplay, the basics of dodge attack is still here, and while my main build was INT magic focused, I still liked to stick close as range was not the greatest with not only the pitiful range, but also lock in range being pretty short. Magic in this game is pretty good, and while variety in animation is pretty bland as you are just sticking your magic stick in the air, there was still plenty of variety with spells, and it was rare for me to stick to casting just 1 spell, as with the pretty bleh lock-on magic tracking, certain spells worked better in other scenarios. For melee combat it is much slower compared to DS3 and ER, and lack the fleshed out art or additional abilities of other titles, or power stance and such. Even with that it is still immensely satisfying to be rewarded for successful dodges and exploring to find new gear and spells that make your life in the age of fire easier. For boss design, DS1 has a ton of amazing bosses that still stand out in the series. While peak wise future titles achieve much better boss designs, DS1 still has really damn good with Gwyn, Artorias, Manus, and the rare feat of a really good duo boss of Ornstein and Smough. While I love DS1 bosses, there are still some issues I have, primarily with how easy a ton of the bosses felt like. The 2 main reasons are the pretty small health pool that get shredded by how strong you can get in the game. Not only that, bosses almost never have a delayed attack, so reaction is much easier to handle which is a good thing, as less memorization, but with the smaller health pool means bosses end faster than I would had hoped. Lastly I don't think any of the bosses have phase 2, which makes their already short fights REALLY short. Apart from that, these bosses still trump 95% of other boss fights in any other game I have played action wise, and their design alongside lore were such a treat to experience, even if I felt like shit for killing Sif.

Bangers after Bangers oh my GOD. Gwyn's theme, Firelink Shrine theme, Seathe's theme, the Ornstein and Smough theme, so many songs in this game were just amazing especially with Gwyn's plin plin plon. Souls has always had really strong songs, and DS1 does not disappoint or hold back at all. While some areas were pretty quiet to soak in the environment, some areas could had used some songs to enhance the environment I felt, even if they did I would had probably complained either way.

Last positives/Nitpicks
- Gwyn's low health bar (common theme) made me feel a bit bad so used mainly sword as a mage even if it meant dying over and over, as I really loved his boss fight, not only mechanic wise but design, lore and music wise.
- Magic's lock on was trash in this game, it seems to aim for the enemies head instead of body, so it was very easy for the spells to miss early on.
- Entrance to DLC felt a bit too ambiguous, and if I didn't have a guide I would have 0 clue how I would figure out to go to a cave, leave the game, come back to kill a golem that contains a women who tells me to find a magical being, KILL some ranodm golem to get the key, go back to finally enter the dlc like huh?
- Plin Plin Plon

Dark Souls 1 is easily a masterpiece, and even if it stumbles a bit 2nd half, is still peak gaming in my eyes. The Souls series is seriously unbelievably good and its crazy to see that the first dark souls game still holds up unbelievably well, with unmatched level design especially with the interconnected firelink shrine areas.

really great game thats set back a bit by a few terrible bosses and different areas. certain stages in ds1 are solely difficult because they are annoying and incredibly tedious which just isnt fun. i also think how information is fed to the player is really hit or miss, as some super vital information on weapons, areas, or leveling systems (soft caps etc.) is practically inaccessible on a blind run. this game at it's best is too good to not praise though; the settings, the world, the (good) bosses, the combat, the music, the lore and the freedom to play how you want is genuinely incredible.

not done all the DLC but finished main story. can't wait to play ds2 (LOL)