Reviews from

in the past

Doing a longer review later, but... dude... I genuinely wanted to eat a Tide Pod in the final 3 missions... Fun game, but man...

Greatest Unfinished Game Of All Time

I could tell that this game was pretty messy in its level design and enemies, but I had a lot of fun with its controls and mechanics; Nero is a fun character to play as and Dante is even better than he was in 3. Overall, a great game that I really enjoyed playing.

Devil May Cry 4 is an interesting followup to DMC3 to say the least. It seems like Capcom wanted to take the series into a new direction, making some bold choices and it kinda works for me. It is pretty rough around the edges but I can’t deny that it’s one of my favorite entries to the series so far.

I love love love the atmosphere of this game. Best way I could describe it is biblical-gothic horror core. The cutscene direction especially is astonishing even for today’s standards. the character designs across the board are also pretty stellar, from returning characters to newcomers and the genuinely terrifying villain. Yes, it does feature the muddy visuals of its era, but the art direction really goes a long way into making DMC4 a visual feast.

The environmental design is a huge leap forward in terms of its aesthetics and its variety. It also helps that this game is a bit more modern so the environments are designed in a way that guides the player a lot more clearly than its predecessors. This is the first DMC game where I don’t get lost and have to look up where to go next, thanks to the way the levels are designed, the inclusion of a very helpful minimap, and the clarity of the objectives.

The story honestly leaves a lot to be desired. Devil May Cry isn’t a series that shines in its narrative with the exception of DMC3. What frustrates me, however, is that DMC4 actually lays the groundwork for a riveting and moving story to be told but doesn’t go anywhere with it. Previous entries had very simple stories and managed to tell them decently but I wish the added complexity in DMC4’s story was handled properly.

The highlight of DMC4 for me has to be the characterizations and the character interactions. This game finally brings back characters we met from DMC1 and 3 and they make for a really dynamic cast. It kind of sucks that all returning characters are given the short end of the stick in terms of story inclusion but I appreciate the little moments they had.

Newcomer Nero, unfortunately, ends up being hurt the most by the lack of narrative depth. I genuinely like him and think he goes through a great arc through this game but the game doesn’t elaborate on his personal relationships enough to make the players care. Especially in his relationship with Kyrie. I wish they did more on that front because what we end up with is a character that just comes off as needlessly edgy.

Devil May Cry 4 doesn’t nearly reach the heights of DMC3 and comes off as a weird follow up but, damn it, it did some things really well. The streamlined gameplay and fun moments really go along way into making this one of my favorite entries so far.

It’s very good, but when you start playing as Dante the entire game kinda fell apart, while still being fun, Nero is unbelievably fun

basically beat the game twice in one playthrough!

Eu disse: "Vou fazer uma review costumeira de 1 linha com uma piada sem graça e passar reto".

Mas honestamente, pau no cu desse jogo. Não é nem que ele seja ruim, longe disso. O jogo é bonito, tem a melhor direção artística da saga, tem uma gameplay complexa com um tempo de aprendizado extenso, entre outras coisas legais. Mas sério, achar esse jogo genuinamente divertido é uma tarefa muito dolorida que não valeu tanto assim meu tempo.

Its a fine game but it does this funny thing where it repeats itself in reverse halfwa- -awflah esrever ni flesti staeper ti erehw gniht ynnuf siht seod ti tub emag enif a stI

One of the best action games ever made is hidden beneath the surface here the problem is due to the development struggles its a poorly put together mess in everything but the combat. There's so many things i wish to love and want to and DO LOVE but there's so many damn caveats.

Seguindo os padrões da Special edition, esta aqui disparado foi uma das melhores que teve! além de adicionar o que já era de costume como vergil jogável e turbo mode, também adicionou mais 2 personagens jogável além de uma dificuldade completamente nova que é até divertidinha de jogar, UMA DESGRAÇA DE PLATINAR mas eu passo pano pra esse aqui, tamo junto.

It has its flaws here and there, the combat system is improved in some regards; many enemies still do not seem designed to be fought by Dante properly, but he's fucking cool to play as anyway, he has such an amazing potential in this one. OST is a step-up from the previous ones. I get why is somewhat controversial and many consider it a step-down from 3, to which I agree to a certain extent but also had a great time playing it, so I'm more willing to forgive this time.

Using Trish is simply delightful. Like, holy hell, I want to play an entire game or spin-off with her.

I like Nero, he is a good kid.

Next stop, DMCV.

Great follow up to DMC3 that could have been even better if Capcom let the team cook. Nero is a great addition to the franchise both gameplay and storywise. Fuck the fight against The Savior and the Sanctus final boss battle

devil may cry é definitivamente o melhor devil may cry logo depois do 3 na minha opiniao ate agora. os graficos sao bonitos pra caralho, eu curto muito esse estilo de ps3 que o dmc 4 tem e que parece muito com yakuza 3/4 e afins. o nero é FODA PRA CARALHO, nao sei como nao conseguem gostar dele sendo que assim como o dante ele é carismatico pra cacete alem de ter um braço MUITO FODA TLGD

a gameplay é muito boa e pra quem saiu do dmc 3 e foi pro dmc 4, eu nao estranhei nem um pouco a transição, porque a capcom conseguiu pegar o sistema de combate do dmc 3 e passar perfeitamente pro dmc 4 com ainda mais algumas implementações que deixam a dinamica muito melhor, tipo devil bringer do nero. unica parte bem bosta é o segmento inteiro do dante, porque o personagem é tao... sla de controlar, so sei que é ruinzao, mas ainda assim é divertido. no geral, bom pra carai

Esse aqui é bem divertido, possui um visual lindo, o design dos novos personagens e o redesign dos personagens clássicos está impecável. A gameplay do Nero é tão diferenciada e inovadora que quando cheguei na parte do Dante eu desacostumei a jogar o jogo e apanhei bastante até acostumar de novo com a gameplay do Dante. Falando nele, uma ótima novidade na gameplay é o Style Switcher que você consegue alternar entre os estilos do Dante durante a luta.
A trilha sonora não foge do normal pra quem já jogou os outros 3 jogos quase Nenhuma música vai te surpreender. O level design é bem construído e as fases são desafiantes porém nada difícil. O grande pecado deste jogo é que da metade pra frente, você literalmente repete as fases em ordem decrescente. Pela narrativa faz sentido porém é uma construção que não pode ser definida por uma palavra que não seja "preguiçosa". No geral o jogo é bem legal, vale a pena jogar caso você já tenha jogado algum outro da franquia e queira completar todos eles.

fighting with the same boss for the 4th time at the main story is soooo cool capcom THANK YOU for your incredible game design, and also nero gameplay sucks vergil's yamato

nero is pretty cool, also has the better gameplay compared to dante

I tried my hardest to really really like this game but i just do not like it that much, the gameplay is really the only thing holding this game all together because at the end of the day it still is a DMC game.

However everything else I'm just not a fan of. the story is not that good, level design is bad, the pacing is horrible, etc. a lot of what this game does makes me upset.

It really isn't until dante shows up where my enjoyment slightly increased since his gameplay is fun and his cutscenes are the best, however i feel like i can barely enjoy playing as him because im not the biggest fan of his arsenal and most of the enemies are a pain in the ass to deal with.

All in all, dmc4 is a very conflicting entry for me with it mostly being of me not the biggest fan of it. It still has it's incredible stylish gameplay and in many cases is an improvement over 3, however a lot of things this game does really sets it back which makes for a more sour experience of that of 3 and in some cases even 1.

A game with excellent combat mechanics that suffers from poor pacing, below average level design, and a series of repeated enemies and bosses that aren't complimentary to one of the characters played for half of the game.

Recycled boss may cry, man I miss DMC 3

Bounced off of it, but a little less than DMC3.

this game was a big just not good game. the combat was at its best at the cost of the worst enemies ever, bosses feel like nothing, and after dmc3, it just feels so bad. dmc3 has GREAT bosses, and this game being right after it is Not Good

Incredibly fun gameplay brought down thanks to infuriating enemy and level design. Could've been so much greater if the team had more time.