Reviews from

in the past

The cheating AI made me almost quit

I played this game so much growing up and frankly it's straight up ass but to be honest, anime fighters back then didn't really know what they were doing.

Having said that, as a Dragon Ball experience, this game will always be one of my favorites. It had like this TV-show like presentation for the story and I think every kid that played it growing up remembers at least some line from it. To this day I still get chills from the "IT'S OVER FRIEZAAAA!" Like if you don't quote that when you're playing are you even really living?

But it's more than that. The way that the cutscenes for the story were directed was incredibly well done in a way that I don't think was ever really appreciated, largely because of how it looks. Because the characters look like clay muppets. But scenes are active and animated in ways that makes it really exciting to watch. Like, for example, there's this one scene where it looks like Goku and Vegeta are about to fight Captain Ginyu and Jeice. The music builds up, there's quit, and tension, and just as the music reaches its peak, Vegeta scoffs, leaves, and Goku turns his back, both with slightly overlapping voicing but in a way that seems natural from the surprise of it all. Almost immediately after Goku turns, Ginyu and Jeice charge at Goku, he turns back around, shocked, and the game fades into its battle screen.

It's a small scene but it's a perfect example of how the energy of the cutscenes and how they're directed is just, like, really fun to watch and somehow manages to feel really game-y the way it transitions into battle. If you've played it you'll recognize it, if you haven't I...I mean if you're a nerd like me you might enjoy just looking up the cutscenes to see what I mean.

Point is, it's a good looking game, just not a good looking good looking game. The art style for a lot of the UI is very cute though and stands out a lot from the sequels. Outside of the characters it's generally a pretty comfy game to look at.

Oh yeah and the music's absolutely fantastic and VERY plagiarized.