Reviews from

in the past

was a lot of fun to play this when it came out and the cute elf girl and art is very pretty but i got stuck when i had to grind with my friend to get our stats up to fight someone and we got bored and never came back to it

Decent beat em up, solid gameplay, great dnd looks

dragon's crown babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. im not a guy that really loves fantasy a ton but this game just has too much personality and charm for me to not love it. i played it in like 2023 and the online was still active as hell due to crossplay between ps3, vita AND ps4 so props for that. worth playing several times, and even plat'ing if you're up for it. why the hell does backlogsgd list this game as a wii and dc game? what the hell? schreier can suck my you know what

Go ahead and add a full star if you live in a house with 3 other people who also care about beat 'em ups. Looks incredible but the gameplay and plot aren't enough for this to hold up solo. Beat 'em ups struggle in single-player in general but I'd still play a Streets of Rage 4 or Castle Crashers before this.

Big tiddy amazon design is hysterical.