Reviews from

in the past

Duck Detective isn't going to set the world on fire and that's okay! This is a fun game! They make it easy to find clues and the case solutions are easy if you pay attention. There were two tricky case solutions for me, but that might be one of those "your mileage may vary" kind of situations since someone could be better or worse than me at deducing. It's also a nice looking game. Very simple in its graphical design, but nice and clean nonetheless. Eugene McQuacklin (the Duck Detective) is a funny character and I seriously hope this is not the last we see of him.

An absolute joy to get through! There’s some hilarious dialogue and voice acting here, and surprisingly great production value. It’s sadly a little too short though, and feels more like a “first case” than a full game. Looking forward to the Duck Detective’s second outing!

It’s not particularly easy to make a detective game that allows you to feel like a detective by not being overly simple nor unintuitively obtuse. Duck Detective tows the line well enough, but I admittedly did brute-force some of my deductions by the end. Still a cute, worthwhile adventure game with a short & sweet 2-3 hour playtime. The humor got some chuckles out of me, the art is nice & I was interested in the story till its conclusion.

This is a cute little game with tricky little puzzles that has a lot of charm! I went in expecting a Frog Detective clone but was surprised instead with a funny yet gritty, tonally distinct, fully voiced, aesthetically unique mystery with pretty legitimate stakes and an enthralling and unpredictable story. It's a must buy for fans of general detective media and film noir like me!! He's sooooo hardboooiled~~~

Cutes kleines Rätselspiel mit überschaubarem Umfang, einer witzigen Story, voll vertonten Dialogen und ein paar netten Rätseleinlagen. Für den geringen Preis kann man das definitiv mitnehmen und ich hatte eine sehr gute Zeit damit.

Charming and fun little game. Wish there was a bit more to it, but I loved the voice acting and humour.

By no means a ground-breaking game, Duck Detective is fun for what it is. Its parody of the noir genre is comedic, while also providing some light criticism of it's tropes, and there's some great voice acting to provide a chuckle here and there. Although I liked its small scope, I did find the pacing to be a bit off (I sometimes felt like I had solved things in advance) and the detective methods a bit contrived (why not just ask people their names instead of trying to put the clues together!?), especially when it came to the main detective mechanic of providing certain inputs to explain the narrative. However these gripes never overpowered the fun, relaxed atmosphere, and without spoiling anything I found the final choice you made in the game to be very interesting...

this was rlly silly but at times was too easy and at times was too confusing but maybe im stupid

great production value and content for the price. the only problem is that the game is a little too short - with only one mystery, the game isn't very replayable. also, the last few objectives really rack your brain so get ready. great casual time waster tho

aguante los indies y toda la bola, pero caro para lo poco que ofrece

Mucho más corto de lo que me esperaba y al final algunos puzzles son más tediosos que complicados, pero está muy entretenido y sobretodo las voces son muy buenas.

Probablemente uno de los mejores juegos que he tenido el honor de jugar en mi vida. Es precioso visualmente, el gameplay es una delicia, la trama es divertida, los personajes super carismáticos, el doblaje es SUBLIME.

Me ha encantado formar parte de las aventuras de nuestro querido Patotective. Lo único malo que tiene este juego es que termina.

Ojalá vuelva pronto <3

Very cute looking game with amazing presentation and voice acting. The gameplay while not overly complicated can be tricky in a few places to figure out, but its mostly pretty simple and easy to pick up.

Only real complaint i have is that it feels incredibly short. I wish it had more than 1 case to solve. Though i enjoyed myself with what was there, i wish there was more.

Short and somewhat simple, though I'd wait for a sale just because of how short it is.

It wasn't too hard to gather the evidence you need, but some of the actual deductions did take some time because it was on the player to deduce what was happening rather than just filling in the blanks like the game has you do

The voice acting and visuals were very nice just wish there was more of everything, excited to see if there's a follow-up and I hope there's more interactive ways to discover evidence

It was fun while it lasted. That is, for two hours.
A bit of a bummer that most deductions ended up being me randomly trying combinations because the hints did not make sense at all.

This was really silly and funny with all the duck puns, but I wish it had more than only 1 case to solve.
And did you know? Contrary to popular belief, most ducks don't file their taxes

A fun, short little mystery game. The humor, writing, style, music, production is great! There isn't much replay value, and while the mystery isn't extremely complex, there are nice little clues & subtle shadowing that make more sense as you go. Also my GOAT Brian David Gilbert was here. That's POG. I'd like to see a sequel some time!

This was cute, short and fun (just like my penis hahaha)

The game has a lovely voice acting, it is a kind of game that I don't normally play so I'm happy to have come across this one.

The "deducktions" were kind of confusing tho, some vanished from the notebook so it was hard to nail all of them easily. Either way I strongly recommend it :)

This was really cute! I’d heard some Obra Dinn comparisons in the past when talking about this game, but it’s more specifically a Golden Idol-like: as you investigate you pick up keywords that you then have to use to fill out a summary of the facts of the case. The main difference is that unlike either of those games, you don’t get to view the time-stopped moment of the crime, it’s instead a much more standard “walk around looking for clues and interrogating potential suspects/witnesses” sort of deal; Frog Detective minus the adventure game fetch quest chains. Speaking of interrogations, I wasn’t expecting the voice acting at all so I burst out laughing when the gritty noir voice first came out of the cute cartoon duck. The voice acting is honestly maybe the highlight of the whole thing, the performances were all really fun. Especially happy to hear Brian David Gilbert in this, love that guy. I also loved the mechanic where you inspect someone and can actually see a more detailed version of their sprite through your magnifying glass, it lends itself nicely to little plot reveals and visual gags.

Witty, engaging and fun, but too short! I want so much more of the Duck Detective.

Cute, short, accomplishes what it sets out to do.

But man, deduction games desperately need a new way to validate answers. This trend of "X or fewer answers are wrong" is not helpful. Just give me the option to show which fields are wrong. If I'm stuck on something, I'm just gonna cycle the answers I know until I figure out where the problem is anyway, even if I'm not trying to brute force it.

cosy couch warmer for under a tenner. i wish to know more about this duck.

Super cute and charming game, although it left me wanting more in certain areas

This was such a fun game to play with our almost 4 year old. The little bit of language went unnoticed and left good laughs for parents and kid alike.

This is a very short but funny video game. It's not outstanding, but it's clever and well-written. I hope to see more stories from this feathered fella in the future.

Duck Detective: The Secret Salami puts your faith in the mantra "I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I'm not kidding" to the test. Its length seems designed just to outlast Steam’s refund window, but the polish and charm can't be denied.

This noir adventure features a duck detective on a single case. From the start, the game makes a strong impression. First, the detective duck’s voice—a deep, tragic tone reminiscent of Max Payne—adds a surprising depth that is hilarious coming from the cartoon duck. Second, the visual style stands out: cutscenes play like a moving slideshow over 2D illustrations, which are both beautiful and consistent with the game’s assets. Outside cutscenes, it evokes Paper Mario, with 2D characters in a simple, cartoonish 3D world.

The gameplay diverges from expectations. Instead of the puzzle progression seen in games like "The Darkside Detective," Duck Detective offers a different experience. The duck interviews suspects, asks about others or evidence, analyzes environments, and investigates objects, gathering keywords along the way. Solving the case involves filling in incomplete deduction phrases with these keywords, making each clue part of a logical puzzle.

The story is decent, reminiscent of an opening case in Ace Attorney with a touch of American Vandal. You're called to investigate a declining bus company, only to uncover a bigger conspiracy. The office clues are sufficient for a keen observer to identify the culprit.

I enjoyed Duck Detective and would love to see a version with at least three cases, similar to the Frog Detective trilogy. The game feels pricey for its length—especially at launch—but it's a charming experience worth picking up on sale. Plus, its kid-friendly nature makes it great for families.

Cute, fun game, albeit a little infuriating. Some of my connections totally made sense, but since it wasn’t exactly how the game wanted I had to resort to trial and error of trying out different words in different spots. Music was the highlight for me.

What a DELIGHTFUL little detective game. The cast is charming, the writing witty and the mystery... WAY wilder than you might expect.

The game starts off super strong with the puzzles being super simple, but they get progressively harder. To the point that by the end, you're making some big stretches to get the final mysteries solved. However, the game is lenient and allows you to time and space to figure it out!

DEFINITELY recommend it!

I enjoyed solving a case as a breadaholic duck, and would be up for more. The clue gathering and question solving was fun. Short but you can't have a case in a game like this be long or it drags.