Reviews from

in the past

Blast, it happened again.

I grabbed this a couple of years ago, being fairly excited to try out a metroid-like game where the super powerful robot suit was piloted by a lil dumb cat, but I gave up super early on because of how difficult I found the first boss fight. The lack of difficulty options or places to go meant I had to shape up or ship out, and so I shipped out.

I was in the mood to grab a bunch of small Switch games so I had something I could play on the go without taking up loads of memory, and I figured I might as well give this another shot and hope for the best. Surprisingly, I managed to overcome that first boss after a couple of tries, learning its strategies and figuring when to move and shoot. It was nice to do that, and that stayed the same for the next few areas.

I was rather surprised to find that things, at least to where I got to, were quite linear - you could only visit one area with your current moveset, and only acquire the abilities to help you reach the next one after you did everything you were supposed to. You can find health upgrades and cartridges to change the game's monochrome colour palette, but getting anywhere is more a question of your reflexes and skill rather than diligent exploration.

It's not my cup of tea, though I can see how it can make for a challenging search action where the focus is more on the action than the searching. Unfortunately, it kinda came to a head with the fourth major area - the ventilation shafts where you have to forgo the mech suit and explore as the cat. You die in one hit so there's a higher risk to everything, including the major boss battle where you have to avoid missiles and rotating lasers. It's a bit too much for me, despite being a cool change of pace with some decent set-pieces and all.

And cuz of how linear things are and the way checkpoints are structured, I can't even go back and mess around somewhere else for a while, so either I shape up or ship out. So I've shipped out again. Ah well, at least I made better progress than on my first go.

Um Metroidvania da forma mais crua e simplificada possível, tem um tempo de duração perfeito, não dura tanto que fica enjoativo, mas não é curto o suficiente para deixar um gosto de "quero mais". O único erro deste jogo na minha opinião é a falta de fast travels pelos mapa, mesmo que eles não sejam tão grandes quanto Castlevania SOTN, ter que ir no outro extremo de uma área para pegar um upgrade andando é um pouco chato.

Es un juego de robotos y gatos, la mecánica es de ser un gátido y un mechino a la vez pero nunca al mismo tiempo. Ta épico por el precio que viene

A pesar de que en ocasiones el control de Kiki (la protagonista) se vuelve demasiado resbaladizo, apartando de que hay ciertos desafíos que son un poco injustos, la verdad es que me ha molado muchísimo este juego y, sin duda, es de los mejores indies que existen en general.

Si buscáis un desafío cuqui y a la vez difícil, ¡este juego es perfecto!