Reviews from

in the past

There is no emulation of Kirby: Tilt & Tumblr in Ba Sing Se. Right, Kirby? Uh oh, he's hitting us with that 🀨 i don't even know why bro do that, we are progressing smoothly with no deaths whatsoever (falsehoods). Oh wait... I know these crunchy voice clips. It's when he fucking falls off a fucking cliff in the anime. No? Well, they might as well be. I'm hearing it a bit too much though. You're falling once your whole body is above a pit, which makes perfect sense, yet idk this is supposed to intensify moments of dread where your Tesla (Kirby) just doesnt control how you expect him too and he barely cheats death. Right now it's just "bruh I just died, Alexa play Astronomia 2K19". I'm not sure why that is or how to fix it, but I know how to complain about it and the customer is king I hear.

It's nice how the gist of the gameplay is both the crutch and the random hypnagogic jerk. As all good gimmick games should be. Even something as simple as deciding whether you want more stars, time bonuses, or Backloggd micro-celebrity reputation points changes everytime u jump. That aside, it's also great that it focuses on hazards rather than enemies, although both would serve similar purposes here. Great selection of bosses, Kracko, Kracko, Kracko... more like Krackhead he's always coming back for more! I can't believe we fought him a la Space Invaders, instead of being stationary you can make it close and personal, and while there's only one enemy, the arena keeps downsizing? Very cash money.

Well, that sure is something Nintendo created, their game design is all over the screen, it innovates but is also a bit archaic. I'm not sure why it's a Kirby game if they wanted to half-assess that aspect (money), they get my special thumb of disapproval! I think my time record for a death is 0.3574 seconds, luckily I had 80 lives at the end, roughly equal to the lives of 9 cats. I guess I can treat Kirby like lifestock πŸ˜‚ I would never do this to my boy, rest assured. I have some integrity, worst I can do is turn him into a ball... AGAIN. This man is possessed. He gotta have gobbled up a devil fruit. But if Monkey Ball can do it, why not Kirby? Jokes aside, I did not expect such finely tuned slope physics on Game Boy, but if I've ever come across any befor, I simply forgor.

Gang please standby I think we need to confirm whether this has too many gimmicks. For 2 hours and 28 levels, I think we got the right amount. I don't wanna see another cloud going through all the cos and the sin. It put me through all the stages of grief in non-chronological order. The timeline is disrupted. π“ͺ𝓫𝓸𝓻𝓽 fellas.

one of the most underrated games of all time. amazing ost, visuals and most importantly: gameplay. challenging and nonstop fun, i have so many good memories playing this game under my lamp while i damaged my neck irreparably. easily the best kirby spinoff and better than many of the mainline titles.