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A bold departure for the Life is Strange series, as True Colors aims to not be a contender for worst game of all time. It thankfully sticks true to the series’s roots by still being full of shallow characters, cringe worthy dialogue, and hipster humor that surely won’t get old fast.
Anyways, it sucks. It may be the best Life is Strange game, but that’s not a particularly high bar. It’s highly hypocritical in its storytelling and equally as boring and predictable as its predecessors. Haven is definitely the best thing in this whole mess; it’s a decently nice town, but I wish the game actually pulled off a comfy, personal aesthetic instead of unraveling into a nonsensical conspiracy storyline that gets dumber as the game goes on.
I will never understand how these games are as popular and seemingly beloved as they are, and at this point I don’t think I ever will. I’m still playing the next one though, I can’t hate properly without at least trying them first.

Peak bedwetter melodrama got me feeling.

was a bit lacking compared to the rest (i liked the other superpowers & stories more), but it was the first game of the series that i actually played instead of watching online.

first lis game that i thought was meh. just didn’t pull me in. no sense of urgency. felt more like mindless fan service than an actual body of work

filled with bad design choices. e.g: forces you to play a fussball game but doesn’t let you lose it on purpose… choices don’t matter i guess?

I really liked it, but it I couldn't give it more stars than Before the Storm

A strong ending made up for a painfully slow start to the game. The game would be a lot better if they removed all the mandatory fluff. I shouldn't have to spend 5 minutes finding an item in my apartment, or cleaning dishes. They try to create a slow paced atmosphere for the game and it is just a bit too monotonous when it is forced. When the player chooses to go into more detail with things that interests them, that is where the game shines. The journal pages, text messages, memories in objects. There is so much to dig deeper. It was just frustrating to want to move the story along and be unable to do so without slogging through some meaningless task.

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Felt like doing a replay where I romanced Ryan, since I chose Steph on my first playthrough, and he is SUCH a himbo, I love him. One gripe I have though- I chose the stay in Haven ending, and I'm more than a little disappointed that it's literally exactly the same whether you choose to romance Steph, Ryan, or no one at all. It's like the company was rushing the devs and they just thought "fuck it, no one's gonna wanna stay in this cute town we spent the whole game building, let's not even bother with it." But whatever, the montage where Gabe talks about what it could be like if you stay is nice. I STILL think the big reveal about Typhon is massively disappointing too.

Pales vastly in comparison to its predecessors, but a fun experience. Aside from a good few characters like Alex and Steph, I feel the rest were very one-dimensional, and the story falls short in its call for emergency. Dontnod's absence shows greatly, unfortunately.

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iniziato il: 12/07/23
finito il: 22/06/24

seguo la saga di life is strange da tempo immemore ormai, bensì abbia in realtà avuto la possibilità di giocare tutti i giochi in prima persona solo recentemente, rimane qualcosa che mi ha accompagnato per molti anni.
life is strange true colors, l’ultima entry tutt’ora nella famiglia di lis, è stato un titolo assai interessante. un prodotto che voleva fare e trasmettere molto e che per la maggior parte del tempo ci è riuscito.
la storia è avvincente, si vede quasi un ritorno ai primi life is strange ma con dei pizzichi di originalità, seguendo comunque la formula e l’atmosfera dei suoi predecessori. la narrazione poteva essere fatta leggermente meglio, alcuni dei personaggi svanivano un po’ nello sfondo e le loro storie sembravano troppo poco esplorate. le scelte anche sembravano fin troppo leggere per un gioco del calibro di life is strange, dove ogni piccola cosa può avere un terribile effetto farfalla. ho apprezzato invece molto la protagonista, Alex Chen, personaggio estremamente interessante e divertente da giocare e in cui ti puoi rispecchiare. al contrario di molte opinioni nel fanbase, il suo potere personalmente è uno dei miei preferiti e lo trovo molto azzeccato alla storia. un’altra scena degna di complimenti è il twist con Jed e la rivelazione sul padre di alex e come quest’ultima ha poi affrontato la verità alla taverna. finale un po’ monotono rispetto al climax delle scene antecedenti e meno catastrofico rispetto ai precedenti giochi ma comunque decente.
in generale è stata una bella esperienza, un bel titolo con molto da offrire che è fin troppo screditato dal fandom. non il migliore life is strange mai creato ma bisogna riconoscerne gli evidenti pregi.

This game was fantastic, I found some parts to be a little disappointing but it was by far one of the greatest LIS games, It isn't my personal favorite but the amount of effort they put into this with characters, story, worldbuilding and the choice you make...its just teww good.

exciting at first but after a peak found myself in a very boring narrative which didn't made me want to come back

i just gotta lock in on this shit, i'm sure i'll enjoy it

Another completely forgettable entry into a somehow still running series.

Steph, mi novia.
La historia está muy bien pensada, la jugabilidad mejora mucho. Es un juego muy disfrutable.
Puntos a favor que la prota no es normativa.

far better than I expected. The plot isn't as impactful as in previous LiS entries, but authentic characters and the attention to detail allow for a level of immersion similar to some of the best games in the genre.

Refreshing return to form after Life is Strange 2.

The graphics are impressive and the world is vibrant.

The dialogue feels more natural than other entries in the series.

I liked a lot of the characters and relationships in the game.

Once again the soundtrack is really good.

Outside of a few genuinely good moments this game is a huge let down compared to the rest of the series

Uma ótima vibe seguido de alguns personagens legais, mas só isso, a história não me prendeu muito comparado ao primeiro jogo, mas ainda assim é legal.

Como todos os jogos da franquia, esse é um bom jogo, mas a história não tem tanto impacto quanto o primeiro e o segundo

Seriyi çok sevmeme rağmen malesef ki bu oyun bi fiyasko. Değerlendirmemi serinin önceki oyunlarına kıyasla yapacağım.

Öncelikle ana karakter yıllardır tanıdığı kişiye de tanımadığı birine de aynı samimiyeti gösteriyor diyeceğim ama ana karakterimiz yeterince duygusuz ve samimiyet namına hiç bir şeyi yok. Bir karakter 5 dakika önce ölmüş tepkisini kesinlikle alamıyorsunuz. Ana karakteri bıraktım tüm karakterler öyle. Oyun zaten serideki bu entry’si ile Amerikan genç dramasından sjw fan service’ine döndü.

Yeni mekanik düşünüp oyuna duyguları ve hisleri anlamayı getirmişler ama LiS 1’deki gibi işlevini kullanıp olayları çözüyoruz gibi bir şey yok, ilgi çekici de değil.

Acting’in rezaletliği haricinde hikaye akışı da herhangi bir ufak kasaba hikayesi. Çok ön görülebilir sonuçları olan olaylar başınıza geliyor. Örneğin terk edilmiş, uzun süredir kullanılmayan bir köprüye gidiliyor, sonucun ne olduğunu söylememe gerek yok.

Serinin açık ara en kötü oyunu, en kötü ana karakteri, en kötü hikayesi ve en kötü karakterleri. Ortam tasarımı harici herhangi bir şeyde ileri gidebilmeyi bırak çokça geri gitmişler. Kesinlikle önermiyorum

Pra esse aqui eu tenho que dar o prêmio de "Jogo que mais me fez chorar consecutivamente até o fim"! Cada aspecto é incrivelmente bem feito e nos faz, acima de tudo, SENTIR - afinal, esse é o tema dessa narrativa esplêndida.

I spent the entire day playing this game because I was so intrigued and curious about the story.

Unfortunately, I ended up making some wrong choices (be very careful) and a certain moment didn't go as I wanted, but that didn't stop me from having a good ending.

Get ready for therapy, because it's deep!