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I don't know about this one. My opinion is right in the middle. There are as many good things about this game as the bad ones.

Maybe the bad things first. Here comes my little rant.

- The gameplay is weak. You side-scroll through all the levels, click things to get some narration, and make choices that in the end don't make much difference. I think there was only one puzzle that required going around and gathering some information to progress, in the zoo when looking for the key. And that's it. It was boring enough to make me take a break for almost 3 months before I eventually finished it.
- It's short. I played the game twice (normal playthrough + to get all achievements) and it took me less than 7 hours, so roughly 3.5 hours to finish the entire game. I believe if there were more things to do and more places to show, the overall experience would be better.
- This particular "taste of humor". I lost my count how many vomit puddles there were throughout this 3.5 long story. Or an adult cow shitting on a cub's face? Why?
- The antagonist. I liked his manipulative skills, his way of talking, the choice of the voice actor. He is the big bad one that wants to trick a child. And yet he is disturbed when Misfortune is swearing? Or he is asking the player to give Misfortune a fun time at the spooky festival? And finally the ending - if his goal was to play with Misfortune and get her to trust him, why in the end when she rejected him, he showed her his true form anyway? They had a deal and she broke it. Does that mean that if she played to the very end, he wouldn't show himself? What was the point of this whole thing, to find the eternal happiness? It looks like, regardless of Misfortune's actions, the outcome would be the same. Or maybe his goal was only to play with her and the outcome really doesn't matter. But then why was he nice to her? Where is the toying part? I may completely misunderstand his character, but to me, Morgo's intentions are unclear. Oh, and coming back to his voice - a great tone when it comes to deceiving victims but when he is a big scary monster, it would be cooler if he sounded a bit more menacing because in the end he still sounded like a gentleman. A little filter would make a change.
- Weird fetishes? A full-screen drawing of Misfortune's nude gurgling belly, completely pointless and uncomfortable (especially that there were very few drawings of this kind put this close to the screen like it was some crucial aspect for the story). Another thing - Misfortune stuck in the window's frame with a panty shot and farting several times. I don't know, maybe it's just a silly joke I should not pay attention to for my own sake, but it made me very uncomfortable.

So maybe now some good parts to balance it out.

- Story. Despite being so short, it was good. I liked this little adventure, subtle hints for Misfortune's past and putting everything together. Who is this fox? Who is Mr. Voice? For quite some time, I questioned who is good and who is bad.
- Voice acting. I mentioned Morgo's voice. He is great and fitting before revealing his form in the ending. But Misfortune's voice is wonderful. So fitting, so nice to listen to, though I suspect some may find it annoying. But I think this is her thing, to be a little annoying but also sweet.
- Art style. Backgrounds are just beautiful. I liked every location, regardless of where the story was taking place at the time. Characters look a bit goofy, but it adds to the uniqueness and makes it hard to mistake the game's style with any other.
- The fate. Misfortune is dead from the very beginning. We learn that she may die (or, straightforwardly, we are said that she WILL die). So as the players, we try to avoid this fate, but we can't because she died before we even started. And there are small, subtle hints throughout the game that show it. The black birds following us everywhere. The grim reaper in a boat waiting to take us if we pay a single coin. People ignoring us when we talk to them (the cashier doesn't count, but maybe because he was influenced by Morgo somehow or wasn't real in the first place? I'm not sure). The unrealistic situations that wouldn't happen in real life, like the hamsters club, a duck with a boombox, the zoo janitor actually having a bird head (unless humanoid animals are the acknowledged part of the world building).
- Humor. I smiled and laughed a few times. If we ignore all the uncomfortable jokes (which aren't that many compared to the rest, but still...), the sense of humor is fine.

It was good enough to make me play twice to get the achievements. Some aspects of this game disappointed me, but it wasn't an entirely bad game because after all I had some fun with it. So I'll leave it in the middle with 5/10.

Little Misfortune я придбав майже випадково, але це було просто шалене круте відкриття, і пройшовши її, я зрозумів, звідки аж 91 % гарних відгуків за весь час. Це той чудовий момент, коли історія така крута, але це не випадковість, а гарно продуманий тандем, коли візуальний стиль, музика й самі рішення в дизайні ігрового процесу всі є лише слугами їхніми. Пана сюжету та пані історії.

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Watched - Linca
Fun, well written and intriguing all throughout. Really enjoyed it overall!!

I really wanted to like this game but everything in this is too slow. The story moves on very slowly, the character moves very slowly, etc. So, I got bored and couldn't finish it.