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Misfortune é realmente muito bonito, com uma estética estranha e um humor muito bobinho que me tirou otimos risos.
Adoro ver referências de Fran Bow aqui e ali.
Dito isto, este jogo também é muito tedioso, você anda em linha reta, vê coisas, conversa, linha reta, vê coisas, conversa, linha reta, vê coisas e assim sucessivamente. Nenhuma de suas escolhas importa, e a repetibilidade é forçada para a busca por conquistas e nada mais. 

Em termos de tom, você tem temas adultos muito sérios, como suicídio, alcoolismo, negligência dos pais, crianças desaparecidas/mortas e, em seguida, há piadas sobre cocô.
A ideia principal é retratar temas adultos através da perspectiva de uma criança inocente, e até que funciona muito bem.

Eu realmente queria gostar mais desse jogo, gostei de Fran Bow. embora seja meio injusto comparar os dois quando são jogos separados, é realmente difícil não fazer isso quando o jogo não permite que você esqueça do anterior.
No geral, não tenho uma opinião negativa sobre o jogo como um todo. Estou feliz por pelo menos ter jogado.

A beautiful game, funny at times. As you progress through the story, you build many theories about what is happening, since you are involved in the process. I didn’t like that the elections don’t have any significance and there is only one ending, not counting the “secret” one, which adds only a small detail; I won’t spoil it. Thanks to the possibility of choice, some tension and a feeling of their importance were created, which in the end gave us a ride. Overall I really liked it. If you erase your memory, you can go through it again.

O humor deste jogo está bem característico e é um estilo muito específico. Gosto desse tipo de humor, é meio estranho mas muito divertido. O jogo é bem curto e a história é bem simples e direta, mas isso não é algo negativo. Não é preciso ter um grande plot ou uma história complexa. Com certeza vale a experiência.

Um jogo que tem uma arte simples, mas com uma história pesada e fantasticamente triste. Quando percebi já estava chorando feito um Little Chalega...
"I´m a silly little lady, that´s what i am"

A little bit slow but good story and sad ending

This review contains spoilers

Remember kids...always trust the fox👍

TL;DR: A short narrative driven point and click game with a good story, good art and dark sense of humour. Not much gameplay, more like an interactive cartoon.

Story - very enjoyable, filled with dark humour, dumb jokes and some emotional moments. Compared to Killmonday's previous game "Fran Bow" I got more connected to this character.
VA - while some may find Misfortune's voice annoying, I think both her and the narrator did an amazing job bringing the characters to life.
Art - simple but adorable art that really complements the game.
Music - nice music that fits nicely within the game.

Gameplay - this is a pretty big one for me. Very few simple puzzles. Choices that do have some consequences but in the grand scheme of things don't really change much. This all makes the game feel more like an interactive cartoon than a game.
Replayability - I wouldn't include this if the game didn't have choices, but it does. Replaying the game is not really worth it since the choices mostly give you on average 2 different sentences that don't really deepen the story or the worldbuilding. It's nice if you replay the game after a few years but not back to back.

In-game album - nice artwork that would've been great if it was placed throughout the game instead of in a menu

Little Misfortune improves on a lot of things that were missing in "Fran Bow" but also degresses in others. I cannot fault the devs much for this because it feels as more of a spin-off that they wanted to do while working on their next mainline game.
If you've enjoyed "Fran Bow" I'd recommend playing this one as it gives a bit more insight into the same universe.

I rate it fancyy/10

it has a MAD ending, worth your time

Good narrative play. Sometimes dark and mysterious, but interesting. Unfortunately, it seemed hollow in places and I wish there was more stuff to the story. The plot is quite simple and obvious already at the beginning to the middle of the game, although all of its nuances are described literally in the last minutes. Nevertheless, the game has its own style and will definitely appeal to many people.

Man what a beautiful fucking game.

assisti gameplay disso aq quando era criança e me traumatizei
anos depois eu joguei e que bagulho bom da caceta 😭

A wierd and wacky Point-And-Click, has a lot of good dark humor, but the story is a bit meh.

Um jogo muito fofo e perturbador ao mesmo tempo, clássico sistema de escolhas, um plot Twist interessante, deixou um gancho pra algo futuro não específico, no geral é um jogo muito bonito, fofo e que toca em temas de certa forma complexos.

Basicamente tudo está uma merda ao seu redor, mas você é só uma criança inocente e não percebe isso.

Esse jogo é bem interessante, bem curtinho também.

Faz bastante tempo que joguei o game, já não lembro muita coisa, mas lembro de ter me divertido jogando.

Mesma vibe de Fran bow porem sem puzzle algo mais puxada para prestar atenção no enredo que é bem pesado

she's a little lady, you know?

You don't often find these kind of quirky, dark-humored meta-adventure, that are enjoyable from start to finish. Little Misfortune is sometimes a bit poor in gameplay offerings and is not loaded with a lot of surprising twists and turns. But it succeeds choosing a child protagonist by taking her struggles and anxietys serious, yet still delievering a goofy and charming back-and-forth between Little Misfortune and the tempting narrator.

such perfect execution of both dark humor and poop humor. truly feels like this game was made for me. i'll never forget this little lady!! ✨✨✨

The hook that got me interested in this game was the sweet animation style vs the crude language and content in the game, but I never knew how dark the game would get.

Little Misfortune follows a narrator guiding a little girl called Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez to find eternal happiness. She lives with her abusive parents but still seems to be cheery and positive with a sense of humour. Little Misfortune has fallen in love with a fox called Benjamin who also seems to be on the same path as her…

As the game progresses you’re trying to figure out if the narrator does want to grant you eternal happiness or is leading you to your death. There are numerous occasions where you can make decisions on how Little Misfortune handles a scenario such as petting a dog or letting it go. Each decision will either change the next scene or give you a unique cutscene but they do not alter the end of the story. As well as unlocking optional cutscenes there are collectables strewn throughout the game. To unlock everything you’re looking at 2-3 playthroughs. I got frustrated when there was a collectible right next to a screen transition and I walked too far onto the next screen and the game will not let you return.

I love the dichotomy between the cutesy graphics and sound and the very dark themes. Little Misfortune seems to find a positive in situations but on a few occasions she will get cross and say “get yourself a fuck” which I found hilarious. Hilarity aside, there were a few occasions where I found Misfortune’s voice acting irritating when she would accentuate words like “fancy”.

Little Misfortune is only around 3 and a bit hours long so most people could probably do this in one sitting. It’s definitely a worthwhile game for people who are not triggered by its dark themes. The humour is hilarious and its themes dark but a very unique game in its own right.

esse daqui é um soco no estômago pqp, terminei de madrugada pra chorar msm q ódio, n é em todo triste tem momentos hilários tbm q adorei kkkkkk o pum é d+ scrr, nem sei se fiz o final certo por ser um jogo de escolhas e etc faltaram 2 cutscenes pra liberar, mas poxa... "i'm a little lady, you know?"

minha namorada transmitiu o jogo inteiro pra mim achei bem divertido e muito louco aquele final

Um dos meus jogos favoritos, e para mim, o melhor no estilo até agora.
O plot é sinistro, esse jogo é do karalh0!

Interesting story similar to that of Series of Unfortunate Events with bad outcomes happening to an innocent (and kind of stupid) child. I’m buying a Benjamin plushy and giving it to my dog.

The Game stars Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez, an imaginative 8-year-old, who seeks the prize of Eternal Happiness, as a gift to her Mommy. Led by her new friend, Mr. Voice, they venture into the woods, where mysteries are unraveled and a little bit of bad luck unfolds. Little Misfortune is an interactive story, focused on exploration and characters, both sweet and dark, where your choices have consequences.

This game is a delight, but also very sad. If you like a story that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, you will enjoy this one. It's filled with dark humour and topics, but also has some little silly things, such as the glitter throwing and Misfortune's fart jokes. It has an unique artstyle and it's very pretty to look at.

Despite the fact that I had already watched a full playthrough of this game several times, it gripped me from my heartstrings and got me to shed a few tears. It's a wonderful game worth playing for yourself, and I definitely recommend it.

It was an interesting game with an interesting and sad story. I wish there were more to the story. Having to make a choice without seeing the other options first made me so nervous like I wanted to know the consequences of my actions!

Little Misfortune they could never make me hate you