Reviews from

in the past

This game means so much to me. I must've had hundreds of hours clocked into this. I still have the strategy guide that details all of the locations with every floor and every Pokemon. I practically studied it day and night. No other game brought me so much comfort as a kid. This will forever be my favourite Pokemon spin-off series.

downloaded an emulator for this. i miss it sm.

THE other game responsible for my insanity. changed my brain chemistry forever. i am so not normal about this game

in almost every way, this is an upgrade from the prequel games of Red & Blue. Some of the improvements are obvious, like the inclusion of 4th generation Pokemon or nicer sprite art, but the game's most prominent evolution is in its story.

I won't lie, the story and character writing in this game is some of the best in the entire franchise. It was a story that had twists and in-depth character moments that felt relatable. It is much more than an amnesia story that the prequel and later stories end up telling, not to mention that this story can get pretty dark at points... for a Pokemon game that is.

At its core, it is still a Mystery Dungeon game, and so if you are not interested in that type of gameplay style, a great story and robust mechanics will not make you interested at all. If you love Pokemon and want something a bit different from the usual turn-based RPGs they always churn out, I highly recommend this. It is one of the best spin-off games in the franchise and easily one of the best stories in the franchise.

i loved this when i was a kid but my ds broke before i could finish it. gotta play explorers of sky sometime soon

Top 3 Juegos de mi infancia, que nostalgia. Precioso.

I'M ON MY WAY! I'M ON MY WAY! Such a fantastic game. These should all be ported to the Switch.