Reviews from

in the past

I can’t really remember what compelled me to replay gen 1 again but I just wanted to finally say I beat the Yellow version. I always played Red/Blue and even one time the Green version but never Yellow. So this one will be a short one as I don’t have much to say for this one since what hasn’t been said about this game, I was already pushing it with stuff like FF, now it’s getting ridiculous. It also should be noted I used a hack that makes the player character Yellow from the Pokemon Adventures Manga because I wanted to use my irl name and not be a male trainer. Plus Yellow is the best pokemon girl, she’s so amazing in the manga!

This game tries to kind of be like the Anime with how Pikachu follows you. I never really thought till now how this would be the first of this kind of feature, something a few later games would go and improve on. Though the game still mostly plays like previous versions which is fine. I do like finding differences like Jessie & James being members you have to fight, some important battles having new teams and even different locations for pokemon. It felt like this was the best version to get a good varied team but I could be wrong. Going back to Jessie & James, I felt they could have had one more battle maybe in the last Gym because they kind of just leave with no fanfare.

I’ve always been that kind of person to actually like this game, it’s definitely bias though. I will say however that maybe other games improve this but I swear the variety of types you fight is so poor in this game sometimes. I always knew this was a problem specifically with team rocket but I feel even after that it’s kind of bad and it’s hard to use some types because of it. Otherwise this went about as well as the usual playthrough. I also never realized HMs are not as bad in this game as I remember but man I still miss how the newer games do it so much.

Now without further ado, here is the team that helped me through the adventure!

Flippy (Pikachu) was the first member and while I normally don’t use starters cause I find it boring, I had to make an exception. He didn’t really get to shine too much in the last quarter of the game but it was nice having him tail along during the journey. I still like Raichu more though sorry.
Pin (Nidoqueen) was the second member and was kind of out of nowhere. I just saw a Nidoran female and was like eh why not. She was pretty helpful for a while but by the last session, I felt I wasn’t using her much sadly. I think I could have given her better moves in hindsight cause earthquake carried her hard.
MILES (Mr. Mime) was the third member and he was a trade mon. You can get one from an NPC and he is the token psychic type. Psychic types are broken so you know he was useful for a majority of the game and other psychic types could have filled the role. Still neat to use one. Though why is he named MILES? Is it a reference to something? Also why do I see that name and think Miles Morales, I haven’t even watched Spiderverse!
Bloom (Vileplume) was the fourth member and did an alright job. Sadly this game is very easy so the strategy I had with Bloom just never really got to shine much which is a shame. Bloom did make a very talented Petal Dancer though so maybe I’ll hook them up a dancing gig in the future.
Ripper (Hitmonlee) was the fifth member and I feel kind of bad for one reason. You see I had a Primeape before him named Tuckle and I just wanted Hitmonlee more so I felt bad ditching him. At least he was pretty fun to use and felt refreshing to actually beat the crap out of normal types for once. Also thanks to this game being buggy, the jump kick moves only do 1 hp of recoil if they miss. I probably would have picked Hitmonchan if they were actually able to benefit from punch moves which they can’t. Still a cool mon.
Sarah (Lapras) was the sixth and final member and it kind of came out of nowhere too. I was going to use Kabutops but then I remembered I never used Lapras either and I’m glad I did. She was really fun to train up and have her defeat so many opponents. I’m surprised I’ve never used one till now and it’s becoming a favorite for me not gonna lie. Great end to the team!

Well that was Pokemon Yellow and it was still a very nice experience as it always is. This game still has my favorite OST in the series and god the ending song makes me want to cry. I could have done some other stuff like get Mewtwo but I am lazy. I don’t think this is a game people should play nowadays outside of learning the origins of the series but I will still always enjoy it for what it is. Not sure if I’ll ever return to this game again but if I never do, I’m glad I got to close it off with this playthrough of my first time finishing this version.

Best gen 1 mainline game. If you play gen 1, play this game. It's been rebalanced, moves have been altered, and overall it plays way better than red or blue. Surprisingly having pikachu as a starter is helpful especially in the early game, however he can't evolve or keep up with the rest of your team at the end, so it is totally reasonable to swap him out with zapdos.

The first generation of Pokémon games are okay, but Yellow is the best out of the three. This was one of the first games I played as a child. Back then, I never got far in my playthroughs of the game, but regardless, this game was always a favorite of mine. Having a Pikachu walk behind you made the games much more fun; I consistently named mine Sparky. The only downfall of these games is that Pikachu can't keep up with the higher stats of other Pokémon in the late game. Playing this game nowadays makes me feel nostalgic, and I appreciate it much more now; it has better move sets for Pokémon than Red and Blue, and I feel like the pacing is better despite it being the same story. Overall a great game...even if I am sick of gen one.

how did any of you play game boy games

First Pokemon game ever. Fun if you're 5.

I did not use Pikachu or any starter, Dodrio all the way

Gen 1 in general has a lot of growing pains and it definitely shows its age, but it was cool seeing the origin point of the series and how the formula started, nowadays there isn't really much reason to go back to the original games though.

Pikachu can't evolve but at least you get the other 3 starters.

My first video game ever, still a classic today despite its flaws. There's a certain charm to it in its simplicity.

Probably the ideal way to play the originals. You get all the starters and the entire Pokédex at your disposal.

It's Pokemon Yellow, honestly it still holds up with all the jank which adds a whole level of charm and nostalgia to it but also I can fully understand why someone who hadn't played this before might be put off by the lack of indication for several mechanics and how absolutely busted the stat layout of Gen 1 is. I'll always love the first game that was truly mine that got for my 6th birthday. Thanks for ruining my life Pokemon Yellow.

Everything I said about Pokemon Blue and Red versions still applies here, but as a kid this seemed like the coolest step-up in the world to me. Having your personal Pikachu who actually follows you around and emotes at stuff, fighting Jesse and James instead of anonymous Rocket members, getting to collect all 3 starters and build a team like Ash's. It was a total blast.

I think the general opinion is that this game is worse than the original Red and Blue versions but I think this version is slightly better than them. Some may have a problem with the un-evolvable Pikachu but I think it was quite cute to have a starter that would always be by your side, plus they weren't that bad either. I don't think this is a replacement to Red and Blue, but I recommend playing both versions back to back, it was very fun seeing what was changed.

This was my first pokemon game, I borrowed it from my cousin at a sleepover and only got up to viridian forest. Years later I played it again and it was cool having all 3 starters but team building wasn't as fun like that and Pikachu was weak and the pokemon they removed from this version were some of my favorites :( Overall insanely nostalgic and really fun to relive the anime.

Very weird changes that were kind of epic as a kid.

iconic obviously but oh my god dude idk if i like playing gen 1

I loved this game as a kid, but Pokemon never left a big impact on me.

So many Pokemon games have come out after this one that I haven't even looked into and I don't even feel I'm missing out. Maybe I found what I liked about Pokemon in many other games after, such as the rpg elements.

This game still was the one that introduced me into rpg's and gave me the drive to try go for 100% completion in video games. We all tried to catch them all.

However, this game is nothing I miss that much and I'm perfectly fine not playing it ever again.

I didn't play this one until the 3DS eShop version, so I don't have quite the nostalgic pull as I do with Red... but they're mostly the same game, so I think it should get the same score.

Literally changed the course of my life. I could not imagine my childhood without this game. The catalyst to many friendships.

I still have vivid memories of this game, where I was, the very beginning when I was gifted my Game Boy Color, trading with friends, beating Gary's Jolteon to become league champion, to the end when I played the game so much the internal battery in the cartridge died.

The greatest of all time. I wish I could shake the hand of each person who developed this game. A timeless masterpiece.

You just had to be there.

I might go back to finish my living dex one day.

Seul truc cool qui change, t'as un Pikachu Surf avec Stadium

how did they get it so right so early

Mi primer Pokémon jugado y recuerdo aquellas noches de vicio dónde no sabía ni qué era lo que hacía, simplemente avanzaba sin pensarlo dos veces y vaya maravilla. Las OSTs que las escuchaba siempre con gusto y ver al Pikachu justo detrás de ti tan contento, me hacía sentir el verdadero Ash :')

Lembro de jogar num emulador para PS2 quando pequeno, infelizmente não consegui terminar por não entender inglês na época, mas lembro que me divertia muito.
Espero um dia ter oportunidade de jogar novamente.