Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good. I liked the cutscene direction, the animations, the music.
Unfortunately, it has some of the worst dungeon design I've seen. They are just long.

The action combat is almost great, but the balance makes it just good enough. You end up spamming so many potions because of the ridiculous damage you take. The game knows this and gives away money and puts shops in the dungeons to make sure you're always stocked. I really liked how seamless the transition is from combat to exploration. The enemies just appear and disappear, no battle transition.
Once you get a bit into the game, you can easily break any encounter using aoe spells or buff abilities.

The voice casting is surprisingly great. I loved hearing Steve Blum as Zegram. There are other big names here too like Yuri Lowenthal. Pretty good dub for a game of this time.

I don't regret playing through this game, but it could have been so much better.

I had way more fun with this game than I thought I would going in. The weapon leveling/combining system absolutely scratched an itch for me, and helped make the awfully long dungeons more bearable with something to grind towards. The difficulty spikes each new area could get really annoying, as did the enemies that required breaking barriers or jumping to inflict damage, but once you started grinding high enough level weapons and unlocking more powerful screen-wiping abilities it became negligible. The aforementioned terrible dungeon design and enemy difficulty spikes were really my only gripes with this game. Played with HD textures, so it looked absolutely stunning. The voice acting was good to great, the weapon and item systems were fun, and there were honestly so many different mechanics to sink your teeth into that I avoided two of them entirely and still beat the game no problem. Story was a little cliched, but also still really fun and I enjoyed running around the galaxy with these characters. Looks like there's some postgame content, so I'm sure I'll jump back into this one again at some point. Highly recommend giving it a try!