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in the past

Same praises that I gave the first one apply to this one pretty much. Although, I personally like this one a bit more since I think it is funnier, and for allowing more party members and the new combat system, which I think is really cool and interesting for an RPG.

I also really love the idea that the kids were playing The Stick of Truth but then one day just decided to play superheroes, and now because of that you are no longer OP and have to start to unlock your abilites from scratch again. It's just such a genius way to explain the usual progression reset that sequels suffer from.

It's a 5/5 for me. Give it a shot, even if you are not a South Park fan; it's just a good game, period.

It's fine I loved the medieval theme of the first one more.

Not as funny or charming as Stick of Truth but there’s still a lot of good laughs in there. The combat is an improvement but not amazing by any means.

Not to keen on the tactical rpg gameplay.

enjoyed this more than the stick of truth. still douchbag.

This is the best game of all time, it’s funny, vile, violent, and the story is so fucking good. This is the game of all games. Need I say more!? Go fucking play it

Peak Peak Peak. in no way was this game a stepdown from its predecessor. this game had a better story and some more enjoyable combat aspects. the ending was the only "underwhelming" aspect but even then i still really liked it. both of these south park games are underrated masterpieces and equally as good.

"It's like watching South Park" - everyone ever

I speedran this on the hardest difficulty (which took ages ahah) and because of this, I skipped a lot of the side stuff and some cutscenes which arguably made the game worse.

Has some major issues with combat (on hard) but other than that, it's still pretty good. But I'd argue Stick of Truth is still probably way better

Better gameplay but probably not quite as well written as The Stick of Truth - either way it's a great, funny RPG and well worth playing.

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Prometo que, durante un segundo, dudé si pasarme Baldur's Gate 3 o South Park: Retaguardia en Peligro. Entonces fue cuando tomé la mejor decisión que podía haber tomado, y el segundo se ha convertido en el cuarto jueguito que me paso en lo que va de año. Y menudo acierto de decisión, tú.

Para ser exactos, este juego ya lo empecé en su momento. Concretamente, el anterior guardado era de verano del 2021. Pero recuerdo que lo dejé, casi al principio, porque me resultó raro el cambio de estilo de combate con respecto al primero. Sin embargo ahora he visto que es lo mejor que tiene.

No deja de ser un combate por turnos, pero aquí le añaden el plus del movimiento y posicionamiento dentro de un "tablero", con ataques que ocupan ciertas casillas. E imagino que, por ponerle esmero a esto, han dejado de lado un poco el sistema de Stats del anterior. Y eso se echa un poco en falta.

Aquí no hay armas o armaduras que suban o bajen Stats: todo es cosmética. Y los Stats se basan en artefactos, poderes o miembros del equipo. Que oye, ni tan mal. Como digo, está MUY currado.

Al fin y al cabo, lo importante aquí es que el juego sea un capítulo de South Park. Y lo es. Vaya si lo es.

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cara e bom
mas infelizmente MATARAM o fator rejogabilidade dando TODAS as classes no final

A fenda que a bunda força de tão merda que é esse jogo.

No tan bueno como la vara de la verdad, pero no le vamos a pedir mucho a Ubisoft tampoco 🥴

Got this for Christmas in 2018. It's hella funny. My South Park phase was kino.

Simplesmente um ótimo rpg, com otimas sacadas em piadas e tumores.
Em comparação ao anterior ele é mais "demorado", eu me senti bem mais lento e muitas vezes senti que as coisas estavam demorando um pouco, porem isso não é algo que vai estragar sua gameplay ou experiencia.
No final recomendo pegar em PROMOÇÃO, pq esse jogo custar 149 a 239 é um crime do krl.

never thought i'd fight morgan freeman in a taco store

jogo bom rpgzão de turno de south park a dublagem em ptbr é a melhor coisa desse jogo

idk why it took me so long to play this but I love this game sm

A very good turn based RPG, very good story & enjoyable gameplay. I liked the stick of truth more then this game, but it is still very good. Combat got more in-depth in this game, but the overall feeling of Stick of Truth was better imo.

Way more fun than it has any right to be - like the combat system more than stick of truth's one!

I prefer the gameplay of Fractured But Whole over Stick of Truth all day, this one clicks with me more. I think this title challenged me a bit more than SOT as well. If you enjoy any bit of the show then both of these games are perfect for you. All of the superhero special moves cutscenes were fantastic and a joy to watch.. but can be overbearing if you're just trying to get through the game a second time.

A fun RPG that continued a great series. some of the humor kind of fell flat but it was overall a enjoyable experience.

stick of truth has WAY less content but it's so much better

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