Reviews from

in the past

I am so saddened about this one. I couldn't finish it. The primary culprit was the combat system, which I just did not enjoy. I tried to power through it and gave it a few good hours, but it didn't get any better.

The combat system was slow, awkward, and didn't flow very well. The primary stopping-of-time system was a neat idea, but every time you used it you were punished by not being able to attack for a few seconds (which is a long time in a game that wants to be fast paced) and it didn't sit well with me that the defining system in the game punished you for using it. Mixing the abilities to alter what they do was kinda cool, I guess, but they all felt incredibly underpowered so I found myself just spamming the same attack over and over to kill enemies optimally and that just wasn't fun.

It wasn't completely without merit, though. As always with SueprGiant games, Darren Korb delivered a fantastic score with a few tracks I will be saving down. It also had appealing visuals throughout, another thing SuperGiant excels at. The story had some intrigue, but my god the Transistors voice was so dry it was putting me to sleep and he never shut up. Like literally he felt the need to comment on every little thing I was doing. The narrator in Bastion was much better.

Ahh well. I'm still glad I gave it a shot. This doesn't make me lose any respect for SuperGiant and I'm still excited to give Pyre a shot.

Ambientación muy buena, el estilo artístico cumple, historia interesante al igual que le gameplay.

No es que sea un juego que te cambie la vida, pero quién busca alguna experiencia curiosa le gustará el juego.

The only issue with this game is that the gameplay can get a bit boring sometimes.
Otherwise this is the top tier story, worldbuilding and almost everything SuperGiant has ever done.

Top notch art and OST, frustrating combat system

Très belle DA et de supers musiques, en revanche je trouve que le gameplay bien qu'original et intéressant au premier abord devient vite répétitif et manque de profondeur, j'ai l'impression que beaucoup des attaques qu'on débloques sont similaires et on manque un peu de diversités de stratégies. L'histoire se comprend surtout en lisant les différents textes éparpillé le long du jeu ainsi que les descriptions des attaques qu'on débloque. J'ai pas tout lu donc si le monde et sont histoire m'on parut très bien j'avoue que je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir tout compris. Au final j'ai eu un peu de mal à aller jusqu'au bout à cause du gameplay auquel je n'ai pas beaucoup accroché.

Beach music stuck in my heaf

Feels more like a proof of concept than a full game but it's alright.

supergiant mãe demais né, não tem jeito

I was very hyped for this due to my love of Bastion, but it didn't really hit for me. I'll come back to it one day.

A very artistic game, I went back to finish it properly having started it numerous times in the past but always dropping off of it at random points.
It's good but it didn't blow me away, the story's very heartfelt and tragic but outside of the two main characters no one else is really developped at all in the 5-6 hours it takes you to fly by the story, the combat is fun and unique, definitely the highlight of the game with it's function mixing system, but it does get rather repetitive as you get in habits of strategies you like.

Super disappointing after loving Bastion. The gameplay is tedious and just not very fun to me and I know I'm close to the ending but I honestly don't want to keep playing just to beat it despite the things I do like which is almost everything except the combat.

Combat never really clicked with me but the story had me interested in a lot of its ideas, though i felt like it ended before it got a chance to do much with them. Music and art direction were stellar as always tho, excited to play through pyre next!!!

Beautiful, perfectly paced, delightful video game.

I thought the game looked so very cool, which made it even sadder that I simply could not deal with the combat mechanics
Got stuck on the first boss and never picked it back up again