Reviews from

in the past

this would have ruined my life if i'd read it at 19
now im just going "you're allowed to say half-life is bad. it feels like boring sludge because it is. it exists to make you proud of the price tag on your graphics card."

which i guess means she's right. games could have been so much more than what they became. they very nearly were, but alas, Long 2014. i can cope with that, though. i'm still having fun despite it all.

i like to play games for the same reason i like to play with synthesizers. someone made a little guy and now its in my computer. it has wants and needs and ideas of what we should do next after we get done with this. we develop a little relationship, the game and i. that's cute, even if it's showing me sweaty men getting turned into red#40 velveeta. a bad date is still a date. maybe i wouldn't have realized this if i didnt have other computer hobbies. but i do, so,
if this gets someone there then who am i to say it's bad

software is art too
see now i'm writing like her
theres love in my heart despite it all
i wish i'd never gone on /lgbt/

there were maybe 3 lines that emanated annoying-twitter-queer-person, despite what the title and cover art may suggest. it's actually a porpentine twine video game deconstruction for people without horrible trauma/a guide on how to think more critically about the media you enjoy/a study on how male-dominated the foundations of gaming are. the writer didn't use the word blhaj a single time. i'm proud of hwe. the reason this has so many .5s is because people felt challenged by it, which is good - that's the point. no, the exaggeration that "all video games should be forcefeminized" is not literal, it's exaggeration* to make a point about how many gamers act as if mainstream gaming should only appeal to men ie the common denominator. how about y'all try having media literacy for a change?

backloggd user cjer gets a 25% revenue cut of this review

why do we review twitter threads on this site

theres some stuff i didnt really vibe with here and i think theres a good few things me and this person would disagree on however i really vibe with the talk about an overt lack of femininity in games. why why Why is it so male dominated. even the games made with female characters are just male fantasies 90% of the time. i think it put some of my frustrations into words. i think all games should be a little cute or a little scary or a lot of both. idk. games are weird

Depression quest for trans people.

Not everything is about you, please get over yourself. I can guarantee you that learning code and having a lifetime experience of consuming art can leave you with much better results for your own creative outlets than blogposting your lukewarm takes on html and calling it a game. Hell consider me a game dev the way I've been doing it on this site for years. Point is you can and should do better than this.

"No you don't get it she's making a commentary about how games play too safe and how the industry is sexist!" and this is what you do on your turn? Get a mirror.

"ppl think games make money theyre like "what about candy crush" & then u have to explain that candy crush is a slot machine & what u do is more like lesbian poetry in a dead language"

I think people should think about something other than themselves and occasionally turn off the computer

There's a lyric in music I think about a lot from Porter Robinson's Nurture, the track Trying to Feel Alive.

"Somebody somewhere finds the warmth of summer in the songs you write. Maybe it's a gift I just couldn't recognise, trying to feel alive"

I think about the lyric a lot because it's the purest encapsulation of what art should be, the grasping of something from beyond where we are, processing the craft we make into a feeling. This game tries to be like that, it's ending lines evoke a very similar feeling.

"love is more important than video games... but if u make video games with love then maybe ur love will reach people in ways u never imagined ♡"

This is a nice message, a nice idea, but this piece doesn't do more than be a springboard into more interesting discussion. It's fine, but I'm going to be honest a lot of the reviews for this are more interesting than the game itself. It's a good springboard into deeper discussion about video games and the medium at large, but the game itself doesn't really go much deeper than a very surface of these topics. It is made purely of the emotion of the human behind it and I don't want to undervalue that. These are topics that should be given a lot more room for discussion but it's not the first time I've seen stances like these, it's not revolutionary.

Maybe one day it'll strike me like it has others, maybe it never will. I'm glad it exists so we can keep having these conversations but I think exactly what we're looking for already exists out there, these systems, worlds, stim toys, party activities, parties, art exhibits, art, sports, cursed items, magic rituals and even hrt.

It's conflicting, I like the message of the game but the game itself is really nothing special to me. It springboard into this review, so maybe it's special for that alone.

Games are so strange. Keep making them.