Reviews from

in the past

Tirando escolhas merdas que os devs fizeram aqui e ali por algum motivo satânico (tipo os navigator insights acabando e sem chance de conseguir mais, o que te obriga a jogar um save de 80+ horas no lixo ou baixar o Toy Box pra trapacear), o jogo é muito bom!
Daria 4 estrelas mas como Marazhai e Heinrix existem aumento pra 4 e meio

I finished another game at long last! It's true! And it only took me three whole months :)

I had a lot of fun with this. As someone who's historically not really a strategy game player of any stripe it was a little touch and go to begin with but once I got the hang of it the combat system became quite enjoyable. The default difficulty is probably... a little too easy, to be honest, especially by the end (and especially if you build certain characters extremely brokenly. Looking at you, Yrliet) but the difficulty being very customizable is quite nice. I didn't tune it up during my playthrough even though I definitely could have but also I'm going to be playing this again for certain so I'll mess around with that when I do.

Enjoyed as a story experience too! My entire breadth of knowledge of Warhammer prior to engaging with this came from playing a bit of Darktide and spending a long time listening to my friends who were obsessed with it tell me stuff about the lore. It should be noted that part of the reason this took me some time to finish is that between starting it and now, I did also start reading the novels, and now I have an incurable brainsickness related to that- I consider this to be something that this game should take as positive though. In retrospect, it's not a terrible introduction to 40K, just due to the sheer scope of things it covers. At least 10+ factions from the 'verse are represented to some degree here so you really do get a good idea of what the setting is like. Still heavily Imperium-focused but you know what, that's just fine.

Also, and this is an addendum I feel compelled to add just because it's directly responsible for me wanting to play this game in the first place, has one of the most batshit insane romance subplots in a game I've ever experienced. Dunno how VG romances after this are going to stack up to Evil Torture Elf who is your pet cat :J

40K was always a universe I appreciated from afar but never enjoyed while engaging with it. This holds true for this game too, the needlessly wordy and tiresome writing and terminology made this slow going but enjoyable enough. The combat was fun as well with some decent choices and tactics. I put this game down mostly because of the perks/class system. I found myself scrolling through menus and reading dozens of uninteresting perks for 15+ minutes every time one or more characters leveled up. I didn't stick with it long enough to fully flesh this system out so I can't attest to possible evolution that I didn't get to. But wow this dragged the games pace to a crawl that frustrated me to no end. So unfortunately, I think this is where my playthrough ends for now.