Reviews from

in the past

People say "Separate the art from the artist" but oftentimes, the artist and their sick and twisted perversions are so intertwined with their work that it doesn't even matter, and this is the prime example of that, and even if it weren't, the artist is still bad enough as is without his shit hypothetically not being in the game
Besides all that, this game is just horrible; a shoddily coded, barely optimized mess that doesn't even have its main bulk of the game coded in nor any original character models; and it's been 10 fucking years since the game started development!

I don't know. The game if handled correctly and not made by degenerate pervert could have been at the very least "okay"

But add all this extra stuff about panty shots and buying panties and the dev not finishing the game, and it's just an awful mess.

The idea had potential. But alex completely ruined it

I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast to Nicholas Alexander for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III, so that he may play Defense of The Ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your DOTA. (Pffzt) Ahhhh.

this game lowkey fun for like a few minutes before i get annoyed af. and also the creator is horrible and its been years and it hasnt released so LOL

even without the developer nonsense, this game kind of sucks at its core level. the only time i ever enjoyed this game was when i was like 12/13 and just laughed at the stupid easter eggs

Buggy and nigh unplayable, IMO. YandereDev being, well, YandereDev, doesnt help at all. A meme, rather than a game

will bro ever finish this game

interesting game being developed by a loser

Game runs poorly, art style is alright, music is eh, just kind of boring overall even after playing for just a little bit.