Reviews from

in the past

I wish I could completely relinquish all knowledge of this and everything connected to it. The Chris-chan of video games.

I think it’s safe to say this game is dead now with the news coming out about the developer grooming a minor (least surprising thing about this whole situation). All the voice actors are leaving even the lead actress, this whole project has been a disaster for over 10 years, like we all got to witness some bizarre awful stage play. And to top it off the “game” was never good to begin with. Just don’t bother playing this shit, not even for a joke.

hitman for people who don't wash their ass

Game has been "TBD" longer than most skibidi toilet watchers, think about that..

well. i hate that i enjoy the concept, a girl killing her "rivals" to try and date the boy she likes (who does not like her back in the slightest) can be a fun idea. you just need to remove the dev, remove the curse around yandere sim games, remove the sexualization of minors, put them in a university setting, remove the questionable "rivals", and basically start from scratch. cool idea, bad execution.

Hah uhm- You look absolutely stunning tonight - I just thought I'd let you know that haha... so uh- what do you like to do- in your free time? Yeah I'm actually a- I'm actually a game developer, I've been making this game- it's called yandere simulator an-and a- and it's gotten a pretty - big following on the internet... uh- so basically in this game you play as - a yandere who - it's-it's a japanese term for a girl who loves her senpai so wha- senpai, it-it's a direct translation of upperclassmen, it's a term you would use in school, a-anyways, it's been kind of westernized as this term for - y'know a girls crushy calls him "senpai, senpai!" and uhm, hehe, so uh - you have your senpai and you have to eliminate any op- you have to eliminate- hah... ah- like, anything - anyone standing in-- mumbling sounds uhm... haha..- haha- I-I think our guy is coming... What's up guys welcome to pizza hut you guys ready to order? I'll take uhh, I'll take the breadsticks. Alright breadsticks anything else? What do you want beautiful? You don't want anything? That's fine. She'll uh- she'll share the breadsticks with me- Alright man i'll be back in a moment thank very much! Thank you- Really don't want anything? That's fine. I'll let you share your breadsticks with me- excuse me, I'll let you take some of my breadsticks haha... tongue clack I just wanna say um... inhale you look absolutely stuning tonight. Your eyes they're so- they're so beautiful... I... I think I love you...

What's bad about this game that hasn't been stated already? Absolutely nothing, every other review on this page sums up clearly the issues this project faces.

Allow me to give you a TLDR.

-Incompetent developer
-Janky gameplay
-Poor optimization
-Bad animations
-Boring. It's just so goddamn boring.
-Incomplete and it's going to stay that way. This man is never going to complete anything ever in his whole life.

I feel sorry for all of the unpaid volunteers that tried to help this game get finished and that poor outside developer that quite literally REWROTE the spaghetti code this game had only for the main developer to kick him to the curb because he didn't understand it. just get good bruh or hand it over to someone else you're just not good enough swallow your pride your fans are more important than your ego you asshole

also are we all really that surprised the developer has accusations against him this game literally has a panty shot mechanic for its HIGHSCHOOL characters and two of the rivals for the teen boy are teachers WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!

anyway the concept for this game is good if anyone can do it better please do it better and dont set it in highschool leave teenage girls alone bro

Haven’t even played it, I’m just a YandereDev hater. Fuck that perverted, degenerate piece of shit.

my friend thinks about this game every day. odd fellow

Cursed game, honestly. Haunted, almost bereft of commentary. Okay, actually I think this really feels like someone trying to make a Hitman ripoff but also occupies this chasm of being simultaneously an inane shitpost and something with high-flung pretensions of "exploring the darkness of a Yandere who must appease senpai but hide the dark side of herself; eliminate her rivals." and stuff like that. Basically a stalking simulator but it's also like unfinished and broken and it feels like with what John Kricfalusi did with the adult Ren & Stimpy series where it just kind of exists as a bunch of his own ruminations which are perverse but ultimately way less interesting than the creator would have you believe. Also is strange how popular the "making of" videos of this game were and just how it inevitably wound up existing as a document of the creator's slow breakdown - as absurd as it is just outright depressing, like something out of a Todd Solondz film.

There's games where I outright believe you shouldn't play them because they'd leave a stain on your soul and this is one of them.

me when I else-if all over a 14 year old (I'm yandere dev)

Someone shoulda monitored my 12 year old ass

Hot garbage. The person who coded this game is scamming his followers, and will never release a full copy of the game. Has a ridiculously long and poorly written code, which causes the game to be slow frame rate and also unnecessarily large. Asset flips and reused assets, can be somewhat fun on some of the assassination heavy modes, but I don't think it's worth it to play unless he releases the full version, which he probably won't.

People say "Separate the art from the artist" but oftentimes, the artist and their sick and twisted perversions are so intertwined with their work that it doesn't even matter, and this is the prime example of that, and even if it weren't, the artist is still bad enough as is without his shit hypothetically not being in the game
Besides all that, this game is just horrible; a shoddily coded, barely optimized mess that doesn't even have its main bulk of the game coded in nor any original character models; and it's been 10 fucking years since the game started development!

while waiting for this game to fully release I have (in no particular order)
-hit puberty
-been to a psychiatric hospital
-lost my virginity
-had a nephew and a niece
-started developing games of my own
-joined a cult
-left a cult
-had about 11 boyfriends, girlfriends and other partners
-endured intense psychological trauma
-become a completely different person
-shaved my head
-grown dreadlocks
-shaved my head again
-grew my hair out
-read the entirety of Homestuck
-watched Evangelion
-watched lain
-played chaos;head
-played subahibi
-got really into denpa
-become a horror movie collector
-grown out of whatever phase i was in when i was into games like this
-learned french
-started learning japanese
-learned the banjo
-learned the ukulele
-learned the guitar
-learned the violin
-learned piano
-learned python
-learned HTML
-learned how to draw
-learned pixel art
-moved house 6/7/8ish times
-learned how to sew
-aged about 9 years
-played AA2 (which is basically yansim if it was good)
-played Daigaku Gurashi (which is basically AA2 with less boobs)
-seen several attempts at remaking yansim come and go
-been hospitalized
-drank alcohol for the first time
-smoked a cigarette for the first time
-been to a party for the first time
-been 2 years clean from SH
-seen the fnaf movie
-made a backloggd account
(and that's just off the top of my head)

The idea of what is basically anime Hitman is funny and genuinely a great idea... too bad the guy who made it is an awful person AND an awful dev.

I'd love to see a more competent dev or team pull off the idea, because there's some potential here.

You're telling me, a guy who made a game where you play as a high school anime girl going around killing other girls, ends up being a degenerate weirdo. This is like watching a movie and you saw the twist coming from the very beginning.

As a video game this is terrible, but it's fascinating playing it and reading into the mind of someone who's both a disgusting person and clueless on how to make a video game.

The following is an excerpt from my list Errant Thoughts on Games I've Never Played Before/Haven't Played Too Much

An extension of: Domina

I've gone into detail about this in the past, but I'm a bit mixed on the auteur theory. Something that I hadn't considered while writing that review is prominent voices like Hideo Kojima and Sam Lake. Another thing I had missed is that even though it's a less enthusiastic play now than it was then, the other BioShock games that aren't Infinite still hold up. With that in mind, has my mind changed at all? It's a tough call to make, honestly. But, to have a spine and not be chickenshit about this, I have to say that I err more towards the side of directors providing guidance and not control. If the director's vision needs to be altered to fill in a gap, or because it's too broad or narrow, it absolutely should be. There's an anecdote told by James Stephanie Sterling in their video on the work culture of Rockstar Games circa 2019 that epitomizes the underlying problem when you confuse guidance with control. A developer wanted to make an improvement to Rockstar's often criticized combat mechanics, seeking to modernize systems that, even at their glitziest, have always felt out of the PS2 era but with slightly more bells and whistles attached. For this, they were fired. While I do enjoy aspects of the combat in Red Dead Redemption II, it still leaves something to be desired, and it all leaves me to ask if the game would have had more personality if the bosses in charge of the project hadn't demanded there be less. But that's assuming you're working in a team of hundreds, thousands of developers across continents, spanning budgets in the millions, backed by one of the largest firms in all of entertainment. Say you're on a team smaller than that with about twelve people; how fucked are you? Say you're working with five people, and one of them's declining feedback because they want to be the auteur who takes all of the praise and gives none; how fucked are you? Say you're working for TinyBuild, trying to bring a project by one Alex Mahan up to snuff so that it may be sold, bought, and enjoyed after several years of anticipation. You're just plain fucked then, aren't you?

I see myself in Mahan just a little bit. I don't see myself in the way he sought after a minor in the position of power he held, nor do I see myself in him as someone who needed everything to be his way or the highway. Sometimes, things don't work out. And you could take the easy route. You could always just break up with her, after all. Or you could plead, beg for a relationship that was a non-starter to flourish into something it never wants to because you have this pit in your stomach that says you have nothing else. You could have the heater on in your room, a blanket covering every inch of your skin, a jacket on, every light in your house on, and be around the laughter of others, and you'd still feel as though your body was below ten layers of ice. As children, we're taught about courage as an act of collectivism. What they seldom teach you is that it can also be an act of selfish kindness that coincidentally has the opposite effect on occasion. I feel for Mahan; I didn't learn this when I was supposed to, either. I was a coward, and just admitting that felt more damaging to myself at the time than anything you could hurl at me.

And so I see in Yandere Simulator a wannabe auteur, desperate and uncertain, hungry for the positive attention his other interests don't get him as much. Fanmail that was, at once, the beating heart of his endeavors and the unfortunate kidney stones of his pursuits; offers from publishers based purely on the word of mouth he'd gotten; voice actors who couldn't care less about the crassness of the material they were working with because he would make their names important. Was he too narrow-sighted to see that very few were excited about Yandere Simulator for the reasons he was? As someone who desires to mirror the impact art has had on my life, I feel for the vulnerability of this position. It's unsettling to know that the pieces of myself that I would like to shed one day might very well keep me an arm's length away from those I'd wish to speak to. But that's the trade-off. You either accept that, or you get the fuck out before it's too late. And Mahan stayed. He dwaddled, taking constructive criticism like artillery, maintaining a sheer defiance toward compromise and personal growth. He is just one of many inhabitants aboard The Stagnant Cruise, and before it blew up in his face, we were all watching. Godspeed, you impotent, godless child of dirt and concrete. Godspeed to you now 'cause you aren't getting much more than this, pity, and two cents from the remnants of a dollar store newspaper stand in 2023.

The real tragedy is that there isn't much to ask here. What can you learn from the failure of Yandere Simulator? It's all on the tin. Don't be too ambitious, don't be too cocky, and, on that note, think less often with your cock. Do think with your coq out, though, because chickens are beautiful little creatures and deserve all the love and care they can get. At least they're more fun to think about than the Cum Chalice kid choosing to stay out of the joke. Alex, my man, that's not going to go away anytime soon. You made a goof of yourself, and it's funny! Play into that, liven up! Nobody's getting hurt, and your ego doesn't need to suffer for it if you just learn to laugh along.

Christ, was it that hard?

when the cum chalice incel guy gets exposed for being a pedophile (no one is shocked)

I loved this game back in 2016 😭only if I knew....

A game that heaves and quakes under the stress of being played normally.

The two hardest problems in computer science are naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors

The most contribution this game has made on society are some funny Markiplier moments

childhood game but bro it ain't worth it at all

wooowww good job yandev 😐😐😐😐