Reviews from

in the past

Nem sei como consegui jogar esse jogo com tão poucos spoilers, devido ao supremo sucesso que fez uma época, fui atraído pelo suposto terror e fui pego de surpresa pelo fato de que quando a historia estava ficando boa tudo vai pra casa do chapéu com uns "bug" meio jumspcare que pega apenas nas primeiras vezes, tava indo na rota da menina de cabelo roxo (Yuri), admito que depois que fui obrigado a ver uma cena dela se esfaqueando e ficando estática morta por vários longos minutos aquilo me surpreendeu pelo desconforto e boa sacada, mesmo não curtindo o estilo do jogo de romance escolar, só pelo fato do gênero na verdade ser uma "armadilha" pra quem joga escondendo uma trama bem mais pesada é de fato algo muito bem bolado.

Look, I love the girls. The side stories made me cry I think more than once? But god…. the mock desktop was so hideously underutilised. I was SO READYYYYYYYYYY to do some arg shit in there but there was literally ONE puzzle about the files and it really spelled itself out. sigh

I do not believe there are games that can change you as a human. But there are absolutely some games that can show you something about yourself. Go blindly and experience these plot-twists.

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Playing this game for the first time I didn't realize that it was a Psychological horror story, to my surprise after not having sleep for 24 hours I played this and it really did mess me up with thinking I was seeing things that didn't actually happen.

game is super cute, LOVE the soundtrack with all my heart and the storyline.

contains depression and harm.. so please play at your own risk

I like the bonus features and the side stories were cute

This game.

I stopped playing initially because Monika creeped me out near the start. Played the rest less than a month later after a family trip. It has stuck with me ever since I finished it.

Also I'm aware of the side stories, no I won't talk about them, because I didn't unlock all six of them. I cannot play this game again, not because it was bad (I wouldn't be giving it 4.5 if I thought as such), but because I don't want to go through witnessing certain plot points again.

For anyone skimming these reviews:

There will come a point where you will have to hug something. You'll know it when you see it.

would've been most disturbing if i didn't know what was gonna happen but nonetheless, what. the. fuck..

This game would probably be ten times better if I didn’t know partly what already happens

Welcome to Doki Doki Literature Club Plus, where PTSD becomes your BFF! Step into this innocent visual novel, where you'll meet four charming girls who just wanna read, write, and... wait a sec, is the game about to unlock the achievement for giving me an existential crisis?

Join the club, they said. It’ll be a blast, they said. Next thing you know, the game's sending a friend request to your depression!! But hey, the poetry mini-games are like a ray of sunshine in this FUCKING SHITHOLE! ;D

If you're into cute anime girls, therapy bills, and questioning why you ever thought this would be a normal dating sim... this game's just for you! 25/10, would let Monika destroy my hopes again. #JustMonika

A fun game. In my opinion, this isn't a horror game but more of a satire parody of the dating sim genre with horror elements. The start is hella slow but towards the end, the game gets really good.

fairly confident this is secretly a Kojima game

not my type but A+ for creativity and its execution

Classic indie horror.
DDLC+ is just DDLC with a + on the title. And bigger b***s!
Buy it only if you love the game.
Plus, when DDLC movie.

DDLC te da sopa y seco en construcción narrativa en el videojuego. Es una obra maestra de la narración y aprovecha con creces la ruptura de la cuarta pared.

Como la mayoría de videojuegos indie, toca temas sensibles como lo son diferentes trastornos emocionales y mentales. Pero DDLC no busca dejar una enseñanza o mensaje positivo, usa estos elementos para impactar al jugador y seguir construyendo una metadiégesis que culmina en el magnífico final "Just Monika".

Así ya te sepas los momentos claves y te hayan hecho spoiler de la historia. Doki Doki Literautre Club es una experiencia que debe ser jugada. (Es importante no ignorar las advertencias del juego, hay contenido delicado y gráfico. Al inicio se indica que es mejor no jugarlo si se padece depresión, ansiedad u otra condición emocional o mental).

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Playing through the main game again is ten times funnier when you name the main character "Waltuh".

Playing the side stories makes you realize that name is appropriate when you consider just how much stuff said main character tore down just by showing up.

Having seen a playthrough of the OG, about what I expected. The bonus stuff + desktop are neat af though!!!!!

Ha sido cine, o mejor dicho, literatura...

The game suffers from the in-game desktop. I know it's for the game to be playable on consoles but god damn it takes the charm of the original out of this version, but bonus content makes up for it. The side stories were really sweet (natsuki and yuri is my favorite)

Once you get over the extremely exaggerated anime-ness and try to sit through the first bit, this game does in fact psychologically horror you.

"This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed." What a way to introduce your game.

The game presents itself as cute and like many dating sims.. yet you know something sinister will happen. While sitting through the first hour, there was at least two 4th wall breaks, and some tension about something bad going to happen. Yet everything was going okay and the game can lull someone into a false sense of security. I was even getting a little bored before.. IYKYK

When it freaking hits, there is no turning back and it progressively gets more eerie and disturbing.

I joked in one of my discord chats that this game is just "left mouse click and reading" simulator. Technically not wrong, but once you get to the more tension filled scenes, you don't want to look away and sometimes.. clicking does nothing and you have to look.

I think this game will stay on my brain for awhile. I enjoyed my time (while also hating the tension). However, I have no motivation to play anymore of it to get the different endings. YouTube or Google can help me there.