Reviews from

in the past

Uma das primeiras grande ações do jogador é poder pegar uma fezes recém cagada e arremessar no primeiro pobre coitado que você ver, mediante isso passei a jogar esse DN Forever com o cérebro desligado, passei um bom tempo de qualidade assim no game mas quando meu cérebro religou não consegui mais me divertir, acabei dropando mas ainda não acho um jogo podre que nem muitos dizem, ele é divertido, vale a experiencia pra quem curte um fps mais escrachado naipe um POSTAL 2 da vida.

12 year old me thought this was funny.

What a terrible fucking game. I still had fun since it was Duke but good God he deserved better

Insanely fun FPS, and I'm sick of pretending it's not.

Duke Nukem fans sure were in their right of expecting something else, but is that a bad game for that? Absolutely not. Gunplay is a mixture of classic "boomer shooter" and modern fps. The main campaign might have a questiobable pace, but the dlc "The Doctor Who Cloned Me" is an extra campaign that fixes the main one's issues.

But what made me spend hundreds of hours is the multiplayer, which is fun as hell fast paced just like classic DOOM online matches.

PC version is highly recommended with much shorter loading screens and active online community.

12 years in development hell led to this. The game tries too hard in being like Duke Nukem 3D and it is just glitchy, unfunny, and at times generic. Vehicles have bad controls and the minigames end up being more dull than needed. Also terrible load times. The only thing save it from getting a 2 and a half star rating is that the multiplayer is dumb fun but the bad servers tend to cause random disconnecting so everyone looks like a pussy rage-quitter, just like the one loading screen message claims.

Also, the PC isn't any better as it just has faster load-times and a 3 weapon limit. That's it.

This game makes you FEEL like an out of shape 50 year old man tumbling down a never ending flight of stairs.

Duke Nukem Forever is an 8/10 seventh-gen game with slick one-liners, cool Easter Eggs, and an obvious premise. The thing that'll frustrate you most probably is the pacing.

Half of the game is shooting evil pigs in Las Vegas -- the other half is shooting up pigs and finding your way through Hoover Dam. Weren't it for all of the mindless shooting of aliens, the gameplay and exploring are extremely rewarding. But admittedly, it sucks for the fans of the series who had higher expectations.