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in the past

completed this in like 2 days and immediately forgot about it

Feels more gamified and less immersive than the first one. Pretty eeh story and feels like choices don't have lasting effects.

8/10 for the story......expected a bit more conclusive ending...............

The first 10 hours are quite slow but it does pick up after leaving the first area

zajebisty gameplay satysfakcja itd ale fabuła jest gorsza niż w 1 i to logiczne ale nie jest taka zła.

Jogo divertido, que tinha o potencial de superar seu antecessor, mas, infelizmente, isso não aconteceu. A sua história é bem morna, mesmo possuindo personagens interessantes. A ambientação do jogo é muito boa que fica ainda melhor com o sistema de parkour. O combate poderia ser mais refinado e as melhorias de armas poderiam involver menos farm. Em resumo, jogo daora que tem seus problemas, muitas coisas foram rushadas e acabou ficando com um sentimento de jogo incompleto, sensação essa que foi o completamente o inverso do que eu senti quando eu terminei o primero jogo.

It might be good, but it crashes my PC every five minutes. Guess I'll never know!

Some fun platforming but your choices really don't matter and the story is.... really something

Does not live up to dying light 1. Most boring protagonist I’ve ever seen. Improved upon some aspects but were overly ambitious on most other parts

Dying Light 2: E a sua grandeza inconsequente.

É impossivel fazer uma análise de dying light 2 sem citar o primeiro jogo, em particular eu gosto muito do primeiro jogo em diversos aspectos, a sua história, sua gameplay, sua inovação pra época, praticamente tudo no primeiro jogo é simplesmente perfeito, porém é notável que no segundo jogo a techland resolveu mudar drasticamente algumas coisas dentro da franquia, dentre elas é a coisa que eu mais odeio nesse jogo, esse sistema rpg acompanhado dessa ubisoftização, parece verdadeiramente que estou jogando um jogo da ubisoft, que mundo aberto poluído, quanta coisa inutil, simplesmente pra inflar e criar conteúdo exagerado pra prender o jogador sem qualquer qualidade ou construção para tal.

Esse mesmo sistema de rpg, consegue simplesmente quebrar o jogo em tantos níveis, fazendo com que várias lutas contra chefes, se tornem risórios com tamanha facilidade.

Agora falando da história, ela é boa, existem vários personagens muito bons e que te deixam com vontade de saber mais da história, justamente pelo carisma deles e de alguns plot-twists que ocorrem mais pra frente no jogo, porém acredito que a história se estende mais do que deveria em alguns momentos, voltando novamente aquilo que eu disse que o jogo cria um excesso de conteúdo absurdo sem pensar na qualidade.

A ambientação é bem bonita e um dos pontos chaves desse jogo, o level design também é muito bom e se torna basicamente um playground de parkour com as opções que você tem, uma pena que algumas features como o gancho só são liberados mais pra reta final do jogo.

A respeito dos zumbis, não achei eles tão impactantes quanto no primeiro, principalmente os volátils que nesse jogo são meio tanto faz honestamente, e em questão dos zumbis normais, eles parecem muito mais um plano de fundo pro jogo, já que não apresentam nenhuma ameaça durante a gameplay.

Se você gosta do primeiro jogo assim como eu, é bem possível que você vá gostar muito desse jogo também (ou não), é uma experiência muito individual, somente jogando pra entender, eu recomendaria esperar ele entrar em uma promoção muito boa, já que aí sim vale a pena.

Dying Light 2 is nothing new compared to the first game, and that's in my opinion why the story felt so forgettable. What helped the first game to maintain the story was the following dlc, the second game felt like a huge writing that was never published or polished enough like half-life 2, the co-op mode was alright with minor bugs, the protagonist had the same voice of kyle crane if not the same actor but the protagonist felt so boring that makes the game a missed opportunity. But by far the biggest red flag was the deal with tencent and techland, for a single player title you can't milk so much out of it but it does have a store section so you know.

The game is well optimized after 2 years of updates, the chrome engine works good and the game does not have that piss graphics from the first game and it's more vibrant and colorful and that's what I like about it. There's also more weapons and upgrades but I personally loved DL1's level system more than this one, the glider and the grappling hook are okay but the glider was harder to control sometimes, the gameplay and the open world let's you capture points like windmill,electrical stations,broadcast radio,even water tower. The way of leveling your stamina and health with inhibitors is cool because while not doing a side/main you can search for containers. The map of villedor is alright, but harran was way better imo, tho you still have rooftops to explore and the parkour is good even if you use auto sprint or not.

You play as Aiden, a pilgrim and a former test subject by the main antagonist named Waltz. His personal goal is to reach his sister Mia and save her because she was a part of his traumatic childhood in the testing chambers. With the help of Spike they separate ways and Aiden talks with a messenger that can help him but by going there was too late because the renegades got to him, the renegades are controlled by waltz.
After getting the GRE key from the messenger the protagonist is trying to escape and reach old villedor. Aiden was already infected with the virus and upon reaching villedor the people wanted to kill him but he was saved by Hakon. From that point his goal was to reach the central but he was denied by Aitor, the peacekeepers known as PKs are the guards in that region and no one can pass through the metro because one of the commanders was killed and they blame the survivors for it, reaching out for the survivors like sophie and her brother barney to investigate the killer in town. Even meeting people in the bazaar like alberto and his son vincenzo, in the game you have to choose what to assign between the PKs or the survivors. I choose the survivors because in the game they help you reach the central by distracting the PKs and bombing one of their towers with the help of Alberto. In the central side you meet the people of the fish eye, frank and lawan. Lawan at first is a mysterious sniper trying to kill Hakon but she actually helps you to escape from waltz while you met him with the PKs. After that you are half way done with the story, you meet the former nightrunner Frank and you try to help them out with the renegades. The leader of the renegades is collaborating with Waltz to steal the GRE key from you, so by entering the central you are the most wanted thing from the whole town, in the game you meet the second antagonist called Jack Matt that is the leader of the PKs and by getting help you need to choose between PKs or the nightrunners (frank,lawan) by helping frank get his radio broadcast back he will help you track down the renegades signal you can infiltrate in their base. But until that you meet with Veronika a former doctor who used to work with the GRE that can help you access the database to find what happened with you and your sister, data was deleted for Mia but a bigger surprise was that Waltz tracked you down and upon fighting him you transformed again and accidentally killed Veronika. By that point you know why Hakon was on Lawan's list, he was a traitor to the nightrunners but in the game he says that he betrayed for her good, yet in the game hes with the renegades and Aiden spared him. Before entering the colonel base frank was damaged by one of the renegades and in his last moments he encourages Aiden to find the leader of them, mainly because he was responsible with the chemical attacks that Waltz used to send bombs in different regions. By confronting the leader he says to you that he's no longer affiliated with Waltz and he tries to track him down as well. Waltz was one step ahead of everyone because he prepared to detonate nuclear bombs in all the regions and Lawan helps Aiden reach his facility by stopping him. Waltz's lab gave negative flashbacks from the past when Aiden was a test subject, but in reality Waltz used the kids to cure mia. In reality Mia is not related with Aiden, everyone there was used to create a cure to Mia and Aiden's promise was that he will help him cure her, he was lied and betrayed. In their last 4 phase battle where both of them transformed the GRE key was destroyed and they turned back to normal to help Mia but everything was too late, the terminal detonated the burning bombs in the city but unfortunately Mia dies and only Aiden survived and got away and the rest died there, in the last cutscenes you can see the PKs trying to rebuild the city and Aiden after all of that plot twist he ventures into the unknown and his story ends there. He was lied and his memory was wiped from reality, now his story and the sequel is unknown.

my friend made my play that. idk its ok ig????????

parkour better than dying light 1 but combat feels like waving around a wet noodle

After the updates, the game is definitely better, for example, the combat, graphics, and fewer bugs, but at the same time, it has become a game-service, which I hate.

The game certainly has a lot going for it, especially the parkour mechanics, music, and general atmosphere. However, plot and characters fall flat, and unfortunately detract from the game significantly. Still, the game is certainly worth a play, especially after the updates and patches (parkouring truly feels amazing, especially after you level up), but it sadly isn't something I would be coming back to again, unless it's for multiplayer.

This game is nice, it really is, it's a massive improvement on plenty of the gameplay elements from the first game. And alot of the features added in subsequent updates really highlight this game well. But the story isn't for everyone, I enjoyed it but I can definitely see why it wouldn't be enjoyed by someone else. I also on subsequent playthroughs outside of the very endgame don't understand why you would do anything other than side with the peacekeepers. Whenever I thought about it the survivors don't do much to earn your trust outside of a simple "I'm sorry" and playing the sympathy card against a militant force despite being ready to hang you in front of everyone moments earlier. I also find it hard to give a fuck about most of the characters in the DLC. They're not very well written.

Really held back by it's loot system. It creates a management system that isn't worth while. The incremental stat differences works in something like diablo because of the varied play styles and classes that have different skills. But in dying light 2 that just isn't the case at all.