Reviews from

in the past

Stretches Fallout 3's clusterfuck ending out for money. Yay.

Extra star because you can continue shooting the Enclave.

aka "the enclave continuing to get their shit kicked in"

Tesla Cannon is fun and op as shit but that's about it. Another 1-2 hours of things for you to shoot topped off by another meaningless decision that makes no impact on your actual forced status as a hero in the game. I'll always find it amusing tho that the only reason this DLC exists is because fo3's launch ending was just THAT massively disliked by people lol. I can't imagine how much shit BGS would've gotten if they tried making people pay for a better ending nowadays LMAO.

My problem with Broken Steel isn't that it's boring, it's not that it's repetitive, it's not even the lack of any real new lore, my issue with Broken Steel is that no game should make you pay extra for the full ending.

Insanely funny in retrospect to make playing after the final mission a DLC

the last quest took my fucking 2 hours because i had no stimpacks and was one hit

I'm sorry my friend, but no, making the ending not an ending doesn't make it good, if anything, it just makes things worse.

A series of linear, mediocre dungeon crawls that don't even bother to use new assets until the final mission.

The draw here seems to be raising the game's level cap, but I'm not sure why this is considered a benefit. The original release felt well balanced around levels 1-20 with the understanding that once you reach max level your run should be ending fairly soon. Extending that up to 30 just exposes how broken and nearly unkillable a level 20 player character is. Just having more of something isn't necessarily a good thing.

The game tries to compensate by adding some new enemies to the leveled lists. These are three reskins of existing enemies with stupidly bloated healthpools since this is the only way to ensure they have even a chance of getting an attack off against a player with access to Grim Reaper's Sprint. Only the broken gear from this and the other DLCs makes fighting them tolerable, but I still try to avoid it if I can.

Also likes to throw so many enclave soldiers firing energy weapons at you that it caused my game to crash for the first time this run lol