Reviews from

in the past

Eschewing the active time battle system for a more refined rock-paper-scissors turn-based combat system, I found this to be the most engaging and enjoyable of the final fantasy titles for gameplay.

The story is simple and well executed with compelling and believable characters. the voice acting is fine, the voice direction is appalling...

Overall a tight package that feels as refined as you'd expect given the series' reputation.

It's not perfect (I'm looking at you shitty minigames and insane difficulty spikes). But at its core, Final Fantasy X is a beautiful JRPG. Fantastic music that transports you back to simpler times and a world that is just beautiful to look at. The characters are great and the sphere grid system allows for a lot of variety on repeat playthroughs.


Realmente uma experiência bela e profunda, a gameplay melhora muito dos jogos antigos, trilha sonora continua com o mesmo padrão de qualidade, gostei mais desse do que o 9, mas acho que não me pegou do jeito que eu esperava

A terrible remaster of a series landmark. Just play the original.

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I liked it but the trials and jecht boss fight were horrible

final fantasy 10 was my first proper final fantasy game and will likely stay my favorite! tidus and yuna are such great protagonists, the ost is insanely good, the battle system is very enjoyable and has aged incredibly well and the story of the game is just so good!

the game is not without flaws, as i think some more backstory and development would've done some characters good (lulu felt pretty bland), but none of the content that was already there gives me anything to critize. i look forward to replaying the game soon, this time toying around more with the skill gritt and side content!