Reviews from

in the past

The best non from soft souls like

Honestly, I have nothing but amazing feelings towards this game. I went in expecting a fun little Souls clone (what really drew me in was the unique weapons swap mechanic), and walked out with a game that fully understood the Souls formula and exactly how to improve upon it. Absolute 10/10 and cannot wait for the DLC/sequel.

adoro esses souls diferentes

Fun game. Bosses were very cool, sadly not a huge fan of the puppet aesthetic and the enemies sadly had little variety to them. Hope the dlc addresses some of this

Le souls le plus unique auquel j'ai pu jouer (L'ambiance, la DA, les ost, l'histoire), le système de parade est parfait et on ressent une vrai maitrise du jeu, le jeu n'est pas aléatoire contrairement à ELDEN RING.

Abandoned after the Puppet Master because I lost interest and wanted to play some other games. Very polished and "competent" but also slightly underwhelming in that it almost exclusively operates as a midtier Soulsborne-game. The linear level design is probably it's weakest feature, whereas experimenting with different weapon builds works great.

La historia engancha y los bosses son suficientemente dificiles.

Ta bueno 👍

a shameless fromsoftware ripoff with barely a single original thought

it also has the distinction of being the first truly good soulslike. congrats, guys

pinocchio such a cute twink but since im a good person i became human and my hair grew out and became grey and i became ugly.

Lies of P is a gem. A really astonishing souls game, filled with excellent boss fights, excellent world building and visuals, excellent soundtrack and a surprisingly good story. Loved it


As my first souls-like, this beat my ass... however this has a coherant and pretty great story. Super creative to turn the story of Pinocchio into a souls-like and it be actually good. This was also my game of 2023 but that's not saying much cause I didn't play many new games that year

Um ótimo jogo que traz os contos de fadas em um universo mais sombrio com gameplay soulslike. (2023)

P.S: Bloodborne das Viúvas.

Platinado. Meu segundo souls like! Jogo maravilhoso.
Esse me cativou direitinho. Cenários, Bosses, Histório, Jogabilidade.
3 Runs nesse jogo e querendo mais.

For a Souls game that is not made by Fromsoftware this is a genuine masterpiece. This game just has a very unique atmosphere to it and I don't really know how to explain the feeling of playing this game, but I love it. The story and characters are really good and is presented to you in more traditional way of storytelling rather than piecing everything together yourself like the souls-bourne games. The combat itself feels good but the movement of your character is like really slow which is my only nitpick of the game. The bosses are probably my least favorite part of the game but I still love a lot of them! This game has only a few little issues here and there, but overall I would say this is a masterpiece and absolutely worth your time.

É a coisa mais linda que eu ja vi na minha vida, que obra prima espetacular

Em todos os aspectos esse jogo é impecavel, TODOS

Trilha sonora é composta de musicas classicas originais composta por semideuses, tem poucas soundtracks que eu escuto tão rigorosamente, mas a beleza de cada uma é algo que me prendeu por completo, e musicas essas que são tanto de ambientação quanto de discos dentro do jogo que vc pode coletar e tocar no lobby principal que é o hotel krat, hotel esse que é o pinaculo da arquitetura artistica, mas não é só o hotel que ganha tal elogio, 90% das areas desse jogos são contruções europeias vitorianas dignas de serem preservadas em um museu, mais notavelmente a casa de opera o Rei das marionetes, que foi baseada numa casa de opera real na frança, o time que ficou responsavel por recriar ela no jogo, excedeu completamente tudo que era necessario pra deixar algo surpreendente, memoravel e angelical, e isso tudo só melhora com o realismo da unreal 5 que é a engine que o jogo foi feito. E em questão de desing de cada area, tambem, impecavel, tem bastante atalho, verticalidade, uso do espaço e das construções, posicionamente de inimigos densa mas justa, mini boss pra todo lado e por ai vai, faz um otimo trabalho de te deixa imerso e querer explorar tudo que é canto

Em questão de gameplay não tem nada a se reclamar, combate excelente com teor de dificuldade e liberdade pro jogador se adaptar da forma que precisar, e eu digo isso porque com outros souls-like as suas opções são limitadas por a quantidade de armas e outras coisas como magias, no lies não, todas as armas são dividias em duas partes, cabo e lamina, e vc pode simplesmente desmontar elas pra fazer a arma que quiser, e pra ficar melhor ainda, cada parte tem ataques especiais unicos, ou seja, não só vc monta uma arma nova, vc tambem monta um catalogo de combos pra usar, é maginifico, e tudo isso é potencializado com a mecanica dos braços de protese do pinoquio, cada um que muda completamente a gameplay, tem braço que é lança chamas, lança veneno, planta mina terrestre, tem braço escudo, tem braço gancho, tem braço que é trocação de soco sincera, é uma maravilha e a variedade que traz pro seu estilo de gameplay é uma delicia. E toda essa liberdade é muito bem utilizada pela mecanica principal que é dar parry nos ataques dos inimigos, mas não é parry podre e sem graça que nem de sekiro, cada vez q vc deflete um ataque de um inimigo vc quebra a postura deles pra da um ataque critico, como se fosse uma mistura do sistema de stagger do elden ring junto com o dark souls, não é necessario dominar essa mecanica mas meu deus como é satisfatorio quando vc pega a manha, e mesmo que vc não seja bom nisso, o jogo é misericordioso por ter um sistema de HP igual do bloodborne, tomo dano? se cura batendo no inimigo, é um pouco diferente do bloodborne pq vc pode curar qualquer tipo de dano assim, mas no lies não, é só dano que vc bloqueou, dano seco é inrecuperavel. Sistema de progressão é otimo tambem porque ele ta atrelado com o quão bem vc explora o mundo, vc tem meio que tokens pra libera habilidades passivas que facilita e expande o seu arsenal de cura, dano, habilidades e etc

Em questão de historia, eu repito aqui denovo, é LINDO, como é uma historia do pinoccio, o tema principal é a mentira, mas não explorado do mesmo jeito que sempre é, no sendo de aprender o valor da honestidade, não, no lies é explorado como a mentira e a verdade podem ser relativas com cada situação que te apresentado? vc prefere restaurar a fé de alguem com uma mentira que vai só beneficiar ela, ou falar a verdade e destruir o sonho dela? é esse tipo de coisa que é genial pra contornar a monotonidade de tal assunto.

Enfim tem muito mais coisa que o jogo oferece, mas só jogando pra ter ideia da imensidão de talento e amor que os devs tiveram por esse jogo, porque certamente me fez amar pra krl essa obra

Nothing but compliments to this game, it was an amazing souls-like experience. It felt like a love letter to Miyazaki's masterpiece of a game series and they did everything well alongwith adding their own concepts and ideas that made the game stand out. I wish some of those things would be put in our base souls games well. The lore and story is pretty direct and easy to understand and of course the combat and weapon variety is really good too.

This was just awesome. Lies of P is far from perfect, but an incredibly impressive first showing for this studio. While not matching FromSoft’s masterpiece quality in some aspects, it revolutionises the genre in others, even surpassing the main Souls series.

When I first saw this game, I was instantly sold. A clearly Bloodborne inspired souls like, set in a dark retelling of the classic Pinocchio story, with one of the best main characters designs i’ve ever seen, while utilising a truth and lie choice mechanic. I mean it sounded like the best game ever, and now I’ve played it, it really did become the game it presented itself as.

First of all, the most important thing in a Souls game, it’s combat. And Lies of P delivers. The weapons in this game feel incredibly good to wield, and work so well. The weapon building mechanic is simply genius and allowing me to experiment and succeed with whatever I want is brilliant. Not only that, but a parry system like Sekiro’s, and a surprisingly deep and fleshed out tool with the Legion Arm. A great skill tree, and a perfect health system too. Lies of P just nails the combat. And as a result, running through the levels while fighting enemies feels amazing, and the bosses are fun too, (for the most part).

The levels are beautiful and super interesting locales. However, I do wish they were longer and had a bit more depth to them. I don’t mind a linear game, in fact, Darks Souls 3 and Bloodborne’s linearity are why I prefer them to Elden Ring. But I do think Lies of P could have done a bit more to make these areas feel like lived in locations to get lost in like FromSoft games do. I actually appreciate their linearity, but they felt slightly too much like hallway levels at times.

As you’re progressing through these levels, the game is telling the story of Krat and its characters, and I think it does a great job of this! Both the main story and it’s side lore are great. It didn’t fall for the trap of being cryptic just because FromSoft games are, and I enjoyed the story it told more because of that. There’s a lot to like here!

And now, the Bread and Butter of every Souls game, it’s bosses. They’re good. Just good, not stellar. There’s only one boss in the game I would say lives up to the FromSoft level of quality. But they’re all pretty fun and I didn’t dislike any of them. Unfortunately I think there are quite a few cases of animations being misleading or clumsy. In which you can’t tell when the boss will swing or attacks seems unnatural. This might be an Elden Ring thing, but whether it’s intentional or not, I just don’t think it’s as fun as the dance of a great boss. I still think Dark Souls 3 has the crème de la crème of bosses, in which each encounter feels like a two-person dance, and not Lies of P’s/Elden Ring’s ‘memorise these awkward timings to win’. I also think maybe some of these bosses had too little health because sometimes i’d just swing away and tank all their hits and sometimes I felt my wins weren’t really deserved? Anyway, bosses, while a little clunky, were still fun and that’s all that matters really.

Lies of P is a fantastic Souls game that borrows a lot of FromSoft’s homework, but ultimately stands on its own two feet. It’s got some great combat, an excellent soundtrack, and one of the coolest settings and atmospheres I’ve experienced in a while. A truly stellar first outing, and I’m beyond excited for whatever this studio is cooking next.

This review contains spoilers

Apesar de eu ter achado um Soulsborne sem muito de novo ou inovador pras mecânicas do gênero, mentiras do P me fisgou de um jeitinho gostoso que me fez querer aproveitar cada parte dele (Principalmente as lutas com a Irmandade da Lebre Negra).

Closest thing to Bloodborne we’ll ever get!

The game’s amazing, however there’s definitely room for improvement in terms of gameplay as with any other game.

My only advice is if you intend to play the game, I definitely recommend learning the parry mechanic early on as I had to learn that the hard way. I went full dodging with all the bosses apart from the fight at the end. Practicing parry, especially against you-know-who was no fun at all.

Anyway, credits to the devs as for their first try, they have done an amazing job! Can’t wait for their next game!

I started this game midway through my spring semester of college, and I didn't have the time to finish it until I got home. When I arrived home after a long, difficult semester, I was not looking to play a game that stressed me out with intense, heart-racing boss fights and enemies jumping out from behind corners. I wanted to cozy up with a chill little RPG where I could put the controller down and eat Goldfish if I wanted to.

Lies of P got me through it anyway.

This 20ish-hour game takes the Soulslike genre and layers a "la belle epoque" apocalyptic aesthetic on top that feels almost like Fallout if it was French. You play as Geppetto's puppet (who I've dubbed P for simplicity's sake but is never actually named) tasked with quelling a massive revolution of puppets who have been driven mad. Butlers, maids and robo-dogs turn on their owners, and P must slay them with a variety of weapons. Things get more complex from there: P's unique ability to lie does not lengthen his nose (although there are nods to this) but instead allows him to feel emotions and behave more and more like the son of Geppetto, who he was modeled after. The plot thickens from here, and DAMN does it hit. I was worried about where we were going at about the 6-hour mark, but this game takes the mystery and unanswered questions posed throughout the game and turns them into a phenomenal 4th-quarter performance that brings out emotions from the player and P alike.

This combat is WONDERFUL. While the more traditional Soulslike games push dodge rolling, this game is more like Sekiro (as far as I know, I haven't played it) in that it rewards parrying and guarding. Timing is more important than spacing, and it feels GREAT. Especially playing on a low-latency monitor, this gameplay SLAPS. Once I understood that guarding was more impactful than dodging, you stay in the face of your enemies and fighting feels much more intense.

Boss designs are GREAT for the most part. There are one or two rough ones that I didn't like too much, but the last few are all really well-done. The FINAL final boss is on par with the Mysterious Figure in KH2 in terms of the use of mechanics: it's very challenging, but rewarding to learn and understand and becomes really fun once you do.

This game has phenomenal music. Both in the records you collect and in the more-typical orchestral compositions as you take down massive bosses, the music of this game perfectly encapsulates some of its most memorable moments.

The characters felt cold and uninviting to me at first, in part due to some weird voice acting moments that really stick out and depersonalize some moments. And then it doesn't and you get over it and you realize how phenomenally these characters are written. Using the figures of Carlo Collodi's novel and retooling them into morally-gray manipulators and mad scientists while surrounding them with a supporting cast of complicated heroes and villains really makes the world pop.

If I had a complaint, I would say that this game's world is a little confusing at times. I understand what Krat is, but its hard to locate within the context of a greater country or world: it feels very isolated, and that makes things hard.

Nonetheless, I really loved playing this, in spite of the fact that it was against my tastes for a good chunk of the time I was playing it. I did not 100% it, I didn't get all of the endings or the weapons (because you do have to NG+ it to do that, and I don't want to spend another 15-20 hours right now), but I might come back to it when the DLC is announced or close to being released.


I like the style of it and besides that it's not that interesting really.

É belissimo. Desanda um pouco a partir da metade mas é um deleite para fãs de Soulslike.

Jogo fácil, simples e satisfatório. Dá pra ver o pau... digo, nariz do pinoquio crescendo. GOTY.

Сколько я не пытался играть в оригинальные Соулсы/элден ринги/секиро, в итоге всегда их дропал. Медленные движения, убогая графика и анимации, странное управление, непонятный интерфейс.

В Lies of P всё абсолютно иначе: красивые анимации, отзывчивое управление, интуитивно понятный интерфейс. Никто от тебя не скрывает кто ты и что от тебя нужно. Тебе не нужно составлять целый конспект, чтобы понять сюжет.