Reviews from

in the past

Idk how i went from liking args to hating them but here i am.

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We refuse to rate this as a video game because. Um. It isn't one. How this thing got onto Backloggd is beyond us. (We've seen some claim it's an ARG, but that implies both that there is a "game" to Petscop aside from watching the videos, and it's only "alternate reality" in the sense that it is a piece of fictional media--which, like, we guess that makes all video games Alternate Reality Games. The closest thing is the program that was used to make the videos--which is basically a glorified puppetry set.)

...Our ruminating on why the hey this ended up here aside, all we will say is we're kind of a pervert for ambiguous endings and also this has a KILLER soundscape. Very excited to see what the creator does next.

I think Internet Games Database should make a listing for that game I'll totally make one day but haven't gotten around to yet, it's just as real as Petscop because I drew a few pictures for it.