Reviews from

in the past

Phenomenal story, gameplay, visuals, and mods.

I will not become back my money :) GIVE IT UP FOR ANOTHER 1000 HOURS THANK YOU ISAAC

I fucking HATE this game, it's like the worst shit that ever happened to me. Do not buy it. Do not sell your soul.

El juego eterno. Ha llegado a un nivel de contenido abrumador. Pero es una genialidad.

Eu tenho muita dificuldade para falar sobre coisas que eu gosto, mas tentarei fazer um esforço com isaac
Eu joguei poucos outros rougue like mas o que eu gosto do isaac é justamente a quantidade de conteúdo do jogo, se eu não me engano é 18+ personagens, vários challenges e inúmeros bosses, além de uma quantidade abissal de itens. Estes que são extremamente divertidos e moldam a sua gameplay em cada run, e são dos mais variados, desde uau vocÊ ta com um pouquinho mais de sorte até subsituir suas lagrimas por um raio laser, inclusive não chega a ser tão difícil fazer uma build quebrada e acho que essa é uma das graças do jogo.
Bem de negativo no jogo apenas a sua ost, que mesmo sendo muito boa eu sinto que ela é um pouco escassa e que podia ter mais músicas e as dlc afterbirth e afterbirth+. que adicionaram um monte de item lixo e que não tem conteúdo o suficiente para justificar a sua criação (mas para comprar o repetance tem q ter as outras 2.

Being in the middle of completing my 3rd save file I think I can safely state that I like this game.

really fun rouglike never gets boring

This kinda just Cooler Daniels both Afterbirth, Afterbirth+, and even Rebirth itself in our opinion. It's very hard to go back to literally any of those after tasting Repentance; it feels like we had the golden elixir.

We still need to get Dead God, but we got the final ending, which is what counts for us.

Possibly my most played game of all time and for good reason. One of the most uniquely fun experience with a different outcome every run.

When the blue baby has electromagnetic sensitivity you know it is over

i’m gonna be playing this shit the rest of my life, huh?

ok, now that i poured hundreds of hours into this: tboi is UNDERRATED. the gameplay is a blast (i get tired of everything, even roguelikes, pretty easily but this game is really hard to put down) and everyone and their moms will gladly say so but the other elements are not really that glorified. the lore is SO SO GOOD, i am a sucker for religious (especially biblical) references and imagery, ending 22 made me cry. it's such a deep and complex story about generational trauma and abuse.
edmund mcmillen the man that you are!
fuck the bloat

This game has so much to do. It is quite literally the perfect expansion and it completely saved the game after Afterbirth. Every run feels like a completely different experience, and the game's story was wonderfully ended by this expansion. The Dogma fight and path had me shocked (in a great way), and I was excited to see the completion of the game's story.

After getting used to the new changes, I think they are for the better and the game did get easier than how it was at launch. Although, I can still see how someone would still think the changes to the balancing are too much. Some of it does feel like a bit much.

However, this game adds so much new content. It is EASILY the best content Isaac has ever received. It breathes so much new welcomed life into this game I adore.

This is one if not the best rougelike of all time and no matter how much time passes it will still be regarded as the goat.

Amazing value and quality expansion! Adds tons of fun content excluding Jacob and Esau.

Foi por esse jogo que começei a odiar ainda mais fanático religiosos

It's damn good. Perhaps one of the greatest roguelites. Not much else to say. it's just great.

It's perfect.

Overall it's perfect.

I keep watching vods of people streaming this before bed... puts me in a simple state of mind... chilling but also the horrors are on screen every time i look over

i suck so much at this game, and i love it

To give a testament to this game, I have bought it on 3 different platforms, achieved Dead God (the achievement for completing the entire game), and plugged in about 1000 hours across all platforms. The amount of replayability in this game is something I've never seen before. The natural progression is immensely satisfying. The game seems to grow with your understanding. When you understand the game enough to progress further, it unlocks more for you to do. While there are some drawbacks concerning RNG, I think it adds to the game's charm since if your knowledge of the game is enough, you can control fate and overcome impossible odds. It's not a game for everyone but I still recommend it to everyone.

FUUUCK I hate it!!!
(currently trying to get a second dead god)

one of the best dlcs of all time and the perfect way to cap off isaac. endless content with a ton of variety.

O melhor jogo da existência

So my original TBoI review was of just the base game, and only after about 10 hours playtime. But to get the full experience you really need all the add ons (Afterbirth, A+, and Repentance) and put a solid 75-100 hours into this thing, its only then that the genius and fricking amazing depth of the game becomes apparent. This has reduced my beloved Balatro, to which I was hooked so damn hard, to gathering dust on my hard drive. This is the game I have to play at least once a day or I get withdrawals.

Look, a lot of my original criticisms still ring true. The RNG is a motherfucker and your entire run can hinge on a lucky pickup, or just getting one bad room which can melt your hearts away in seconds. But that's the beauty of the gameplay; every time I die a bullshit death Ill curse the game, ill rant, ill throw my controller down. And then Ill jump straight back in for another run. Its too damn addictive.

So after about 80 hours, Ive only unlocked about 10% of the secrets. So at this rate, only about another 720 hours to 100% it. BRING IT.