Reviews from

in the past

and no matter what happens in my life i will always come back to you...

Alright, prefacing this with the fact I don't remember much about TTO from my childhood years so this is going in the TTR review. I will say, this is a very nice (although grindy) experience. I like how simple Toontown's gameplay is to get behind and not overcomplicated like Wizard101, the only other kid's MMO I've spent a decent time with- and that simpleness can mean your battles either go super well or super horribly depending on who you're playing with. My big issue with this in general is the fact many, many different tasks require outside help from others rather than being able to solo them. ToonHQ is a great website, but I wish this was more like W101 where you can kinda just queue ingame easily- and you're really going to need the help too. I got to The Brrrgh, which I'd call this game's "filtering point" (even if there was one earlier regarding getting a whole cream pie) and it feels nearly impossible to go through without the extra help from others. I just wish this game didn't assign some RIDICULOUS tasks sometimes as it'd be much more solo-friendly. I do think the community is neat though even if I've had some times people were rude to me for little justifiable reason. Just glad this game from my childhood is back and has a pretty active presence online.

Designs for the cogs are genuinely amazing!
Horribly grindy but reminds me of childhood, i'd probably like replaying this a lot more if I wasn't so afraid of people :(