Reviews from

in the past

wow i ended up enjoying this a lot more then i expected! Super fun combat with really fun items to pick up, a bopping ost, cool boss batles and a cool style this game fucking rocks. Only issue is that it overstays its welcome by the end i was pretty exhausted

A good old-fashioned Capcom brawler with a rockin' soundtrack and plenty of thugs and dinosaurs to kick the crap out of. Too bad it's a licensed game so you won't ever see any of these characters show-up in MVC but it's a good machine to drop some quarters into and spend an hour with.

Um dos meus favoritos pessoais para jogar com outras pessoas. Cada vez que termino é especial. É um jogo sem burocracia. Muito bom. Recomendo para todo mundo! E se possível, jogue em 3 pessoas. É magnífico!

A Final Fight derivative better than some of the Final Fight games. The combat mechanics are smooth even though they're still slower than I'd like. The driving segments are serviceable and you get to beat dinosaurs to death with your fists.

One of the best Beat'em Up of the 90's