Reviews from

in the past

The bulk of this game is really fun, if simple, but has a lot of fun ways to casually maximize gameplay depending on the order you do things or what basic exploits you use. Baby's first speed run game! But on the other hand there's a lot of more tedious gameplay in some of the later levels and the final requirements for 100% are just straight up not fun. on this most recent replay (and possibly the only time I've ever fully 100%ed?) I did most of the game in the span of a couple weeks of casual play back in November/December but Only finished the last Super Story and Blue Cannister Challenges in JUNE. In spite of all that I've replayed the base game of this countless times which counts for something. It's fun, but not like, amazing amazing.

great time but feels outclassed by skywalker saga in most regards

The most soulful soul to ever soul (this is the first game I ever played, I'm incredibly biased).

I used to play these games to learn the stories of the Star Wars movies cause my parents wouldn't let me watch them

Easily the best Lego game of all time. This is a cult classic, I think I’ve beat this game like 4-5 times now.

Great charm in its cutscenes and fun and concise levels

One of my most beloved childhood video games. This is a rather basic concept with puzzles that are in no way challenging and combat that is simply a hack-n-slash. It shouldn't be as good as it is yet it is quite charming and engaging. It is the perfect game for mindless fun with lots of content. The vehicle levels need to go though...

They got Indiana Jones in this one

Such a cute little game filled with so much charm and silly humour. I can see why these Lego games became the blueprint for most of the following games. Getting to play through some of your favourite movies in lego form with slapstick humour is a blast. The gameplay is not terribly in-depth but they do a lot in this game with relatively little. Running around collecting studs or ripping the arms off of stormtroopers is always addicting. Any fan of Star Wars needs to play this game.

Some of the most fun I ever had as a kid. Best Lego game.

This game is one of those games that's buggy but like in the good way

Real talk why did Episode 3 Anakin look like that