Reviews from

in the past

One of the best things in a PS1 and holds up very well today. Iconic story and characters and the start to an amazing legacy.

Hasn't aged well. I played the PS1 version and it felt more frustrating than fun imo. However I respect the innovative ideas that this game had for its time

I love smoking in little polygons

intro to the pinnacle of fiction

This game is so awesome, the story is so good and gets into the geopolitical situation after the Cold War but the graphics look like action figures bobbing their heads around

The plot ok so some british guy thinks the world has gone soft and wants to launch a nuke, and there's a walking tank called a metal gear or something I don't know. So this guy called Solid Snake has to stop metal gear, the british guy and his merry band of half naked freaks, but it turns out the british guy is his brother. Their dad was the legendary soldier known as Big Man and turns out solid and liquid chris are his clones or something. I don't think its as confusing as people say there's no way this series will get more confusing story wise right

What I find most interesting about this game is how the pacing is that of a command-driven Japanese adventure game. You go around solving puzzles and finding keys within these little isolated environments, then you sit through some cutscenes and a boss encounter, and then you repeat the whole process. Kojima's roots as an ADV developer show with the basic gameplay loop and how he weaves the narrative in and out of it.

Unfortunately I hate stealth gameplay.

It's a cool game but the style goes a loooooooong way.


Started playing this on my birthday. Go me!

Disc 1 and the initial prowl around Shadow Moses Island is some really good shit, and I can't believe they got this shit down in 1998. Footprints, certain surfaces creating noise when walking, human shields, and really creative boss fights that focus on one or two of the things you pick up during the game. I didn't mind the late '90s-isms of the game. The forced action sequences sucked though, in the same way Hitman: Codename 47's forced action sequences sucked; the two weren't made to be guns blazing action games and so moving and shooting on a whim wasn't the main focus. The game starts to stagnate around Disc 2 and it's home to the shittiest escape sequence I've ever played because Snake fliches for 3 seconds every time he gets hit.

Being set in 1998 and after the fall of the U.S.S.R. the constant threat of nuclear war still rings true 26 years later. Wasn't born until '03, so I can't really corroborate if whatever was left of the Soviet Union were referred to as "terrorists", wouldn't be surprised if they were, but the events that happened 3 years after this game came out present a strong case for Kojima being a prophet. Alongside the main message of how nuclear bombs harm everyone who isn't at the very tippy-top of the food chain, there's also talk of trying to find one's own purpose in life amid being commanded all the time and genes being passed down to preserve a way of life. All concepts that I'm sure will have much more relevance in what I've heard is one of the biggest mindfucks in gaming ever.

Legendary game; replay for the first time since I was a kid. One of the most unique gaming experiences in history. Sets the tone for the rest of the series. NEEDS A REMAKE!!

MGS is definitely not a perfect game, and I could see myself looking at this more critically after I play solid 2&3, but this is still really fun. Not just kojima’s presentation and style giving everything that fun entry that spy thrillers and cyberpunk had around the turn of the millennia (alongside his own personal quirks), but also the gameplay holds its own with a lot of little moments that reward thinking out of the box. Though there is definitely room for improvement in terms of game feel in some areas

Absolute cinema...
Este juego es absurdamente bueno incluso hoy en día, nada que decir que no se haya dicho hasta ahora, jefes icónicos, revolucionario, historia increíble e impactante...un absoluto juegazo que jamás se olvidará

I know this series is infamous for being crazy and idiosyncratic, and I played MGSV so I've seen it before, but I don't think I realized how much of that was here in the first one? Or I guess third one, I'm interested to see if it's in the original 2 also.

I absolutely love the over-explanations of minor gameplay contrivances, like how Snake doesn't have to worry about being too cold because of "warming peptides". This futuristic virus that's being secretly transmitted by you and is programmed to kill specific members of FOX-HOUND? Yeah, of course that's called FoxDie. Incredible.

I was also surprised by how modern the gameplay feels. Yeah, there's fixed camera angles, but the level design is actually really well suited to that, and it rarely got in my way. The lack of lives or limited continues was also nice, since I was not very good at this game, even on Normal difficulty. The voice acting is also really good by 90s game standards.

The graphics are really great too! Playing this on original hardware through a RetroTink 4K with a good CRT filter put me suitably in the 90s mood, and I was genuinely impressed with what they pulled off. It is very funny to go from emotive sprites in the radio dialogues to the low-poly Ken doll models in game though.

This was a solid (pun intended) 4/5 for me until the final final boss and escape sequence, both of which I found weirdly difficult and unfun. I thought the final Metal Gear fight was very cool and satisfying, so having to throw myself repeatedly at those afterwards brought it down a bit for me.

One of the best games of all time, and that's coming from a person that typically does not like older games.

This game completely exceeded my expectations. I was expecting it to feel outdated when playing, but it still holds up super well despite coming out over 20 years ago. The gameplay is super fun, the story is enjoyable, and overall this game felt super creative. There's many things that you have to do throughout the game that you wouldn't normally think about needing to do in other games, which made the experience way more fun for me. My only problem with the game is that there's a mashing section later on and (im probably just bad at mashing) it felt extremely difficult for no reason.

Overall though a super fun game, and one I'd recommend for most people!

It's Metal Gear Solid. Where would modern gaming be without it?

this still holds up very well, you could almost even say the same is solid

Simplesmente Kojima com sua genialidade, no ps1 fazendo um jogo q facilmente detona os jogos de hj em dia, esse jogo tem ação, drama, suspense, romance, tudo isso em um gráfico quadradão, um dos únicos jogos que me fez assistir os créditos TODINHO.
Eu achava que jogo stealth nn era pra mim, até conhecer metal gear, seu stealth é perfeito, prático e simples, obviamente tem coisas que restaram da "regra" dos jogos retrôs, tipo aquelas partes que é impossível vc passar sem guia, mas a gente releva.
A história é basicamente uma novela, cada cutscene é um episódio, e no final de cada uma tem um gancho q deixa vc ansioso pra próxima cutscene, eu sentia que eu tava jogando o mais rápido possível só pra ver elas, jogaço!

As if you're in an action movie yourself, really fun game with a small and memorable cast of characters with top notch voice acting. Very detailed graphics with many cool things to look for and awesome enemy AIs. The back tracking prevents me from giving it 5 stars however...

liove the environemnt the textures the atmopshere the dialog the writing the characters the setting the music everything came together to make lightning in a bottle.

Great story and innovative gameplay bogged down by age and terrible backtracking. I really would say i love this and recognise it as a classic, but still i could not give it more than this rating.

It's a classic for a reason, even with dated gameplay the story and characters make this game very worth it.


The whole time i was playing this game, my thought was "I cant believe how groundbreaking this must've been in 1998". This game was so clearly innovative for how cutscenes in video games were done. Every game with in engine cutscenes owes it to the original MGS. Not to mention fantastic gameplay, memorable characters, and a final showdown reminiscent of Terminator 2's climax. Just all around an awesome and groundbreaking game.

Un antes y un después en la industria de los videojuegos. Un paso obligado por todo aficionado.

The most influential game in my life, that's what matters

I wasn’t even alive when this game released, but playing it was still a blast. Yes, some (maybe a lot) of the game design is outdated but truthfully it doesn’t matter. The story (though cheesy) kept me engaged and made me question what was going to happen next. I don't normally play two games in the same series back to back, but I already started MGS2 because I loved this game so much. Played this through the master collection, and it even if it was a lazy port I still enjoyed it throughly.

I saw so much of the games that I love in this game. You can't tell me the last sequence didn't inspire Uncharted even a lil bit. That's when this game made me realise just how good some of the mechanics were and how revolutionary they were for the time. Genuinely insane time, sometimes it did get a bit too hard, but hey, I enjoy a challenge.