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in the past

What an interesting experience this was. From what I can tell, most Ace Attorney fans see this as a “high highs, low lows” kind of game, and yeah I’d say I agree with that. I think the new mainstays are very strong, Pearl and Franziska are both great characters, and again those highs are insanely high. The final case is better than every case in the first game, and the second one is very strong too. But the first case is a mixed bag, and Turnabout Big Top is one of the worst segments I’ve ever played in a video game LMAO. So that alone shows that the game is literally a 50/50 experience. I have my other issues with it as well, like how Franziska is kind of underutilized, and how it feels more like a tool for the overall series’ plot rather than something that is a conclusive story from start to end. Seems like the score I have is way too high, and tbh maybe you’re right 💀. But at the end of the day, it’s still Ace Attorney. All of the first game’s best qualities are still on full display here, the gameplay is insanely satisfying and cathartic to succeed in, the mysteries are consistently pretty investing and leave you wanting to know the truth, the main characters are still as strong as ever, if not stronger. Characters like Edgeworth and even Mia get new sides explored of them that we didn’t really see in the previous game, and the dilemma that Phoenix is faced with in the final trial is genuinely incredible, and acts as a fascinating deep dive into his character. Sure Maya is pretty much the same but also she’s the goat so I can let it slide. Basically, if this were a game in a shittier franchise, then it’d be a LOT more fucked.

Pretty good. Case 3 is a low point obviously and I wish that they did more with Franziska, like I don't really get why they sidelined her so hard in case 4, but, other than that, it's just more Ace Attorney fun. Case 2 was pretty good and case 4 was really great. I'm hoping that Trials and Tribulations is more of a step up though, like this was fun but it didnt really feel particularly better than the first game overall

This game is a masterpiece if you skip Turnabout Big Top

This review contains spoilers

more like 'justice for all but phoenix wright' my poor guy gets assaulted HOW many times ... ?
can't even imagine how much more he's gonna go through in the rest of the series ...
jfa is ... interesting as in i feel like it both deserves better and is just okay at the same time ... it felt more often at times a drag to get through but holy shit does the last case fucking slap harder than franziska's whip and make everything worth it to get to that point .


the amnesia thing felt kinda dumb it's like ... tutorial for the people who decided to play a sequel before the original ... i don't understand why people do that it's like why are you starting at the middle of a series ... regardless i /might/ be able to forgive it as long as they don't do it ever again . don't do it i swear to god .
this one felt more basic compared to the first trial in the first game it didn't hook me nearly as much ... but it's passable for what it is ... doesn't feel narratively all that important compared the first game's more relevant one as the latter set up wright's character and hints at the class trial ...
large bananas


this one is pretty decent i felt a bit fatigued tho i feel like i probably liked this one a little less than others did ? it's far from bad it was just kinda 'okay' to me to where i really just don't have much to say about it ...
the whole setup and culprit are interesting but i feel like morgan's kind of ,.. just there and then she's like 'MUAHAHA IM RAISING MY CHILD TO BECOME THE HEIR TO THE FAMILY FUCK MAYA SHES A BITCH' and then wright pretends like he heard none of that bc he secretly agrees
idrk i just don't have much to say on this one ? it's just okay in my opinion ... pearls is cute and while i like her ... i really try my best to just ignore it but i groan a little bit whenever she ships wright and maya it's like ... in a little kid way it's kinda cute and while i understand /why/ she does that can't they please just explain things to her and make things less awkward ... speaking of uncomfortable 'ship' stuff ...


in the words of wright himself - 'absolutely cringe-inducing'
hmm something nice to say ...
it's got edgeworth in the epilogue and i nearly threw up out of shock seeing him in blue
i actually grew to like franziska starting here whereas i was before mostly indifferent and i felt kinda bad for her during this case (bc it's so bizarre and the madman wright is getting away with his outrageous theories again) and then even moreso in the final case and i'll expand on that later
i like the culprit keeping his cool the whole time only to just have tears quietly streaming down his face at the end ... the whole bat and ringmaster thing is just a tragic situation for everyone involved and is rather unfortunate for them so on those two fronts i did like the idea ...
it can be funny sometimes and it's so insane it almost makes sense but that's kinda a given anyway right ...
everything else tho ..,
do you think most of the alcohol used for the writing process was directed for this case ...
i did not much like the characters introduced here and i would prefer not to even think about all the gross age gap stuff involved so moving on
this case got my badge stolen which warrants the death penalty and when it was retrieved it fucked up the evidence slot order briefly un-fucking-forgivable
truly not just a clown , but the entire circus and like actual circuses i don't particularly enjoy them much and kinda view them as a waste of time personally


i was really nervous about starting this one bc while avoiding spoilers i heard this was one of the best cases ...
since i started the series i kept thinking 'what'll happen when wright has a client that's guilty' and here we find out what a hell of a ride it is
the stakes are raised immediately and is constantly dangling dangerously over a precipice throughout it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time i was sweating bullets i was so anxious with a constant pit in my stomach and had absolutely no clue what to expect ... then when i was making a dawning realisation on the true culprit i thought 'oh . THIS is what the title 'farewell , my turnabout' means' what a fantastic culprit even when i was interrogating him about his psychelocks a part of me STILL was clinging onto the hope that maybe there's a chance he could still be innocent and i felt the horror and betrayal right with wright and some kind of slight shame when engarde laughs about how overly trusting wright is
i'm curious what majority of people chose for that final verdict ... and the one before franziska arrives ... both times i chose guilty bc while maya's life would be endangered , i had to trust that the police would rescue her , i couldn't just let the real criminal get away and get an innocent party killed and again later i chose for guilty but i suppose that choice kinda didn't matter bc engarde begs for guilty anyway ... i suppose it's nice to have your cake and eat it too with 'got you your not guilty verdict like you asked have fun getting tracked down by an angry assassin ;)' but i didn't know that choice would still push engarde into pleading guilty and even if i initially knew i didn't just want to let him get declared 'innocent' even if de killer would be after him to me that wasn't ample enough justice - to still be labelled 'not guilty' when he was anything but - and i think narratively it works better for wright's character to have him still choose to 'lose' and give up his 'perfect record' which is kinda ironic bc i absolutely abuse my save states and i remember in an earlier case when i made a mistake and reloaded i thought 'no penalties i can't ruin my perfect record- oh .' and i just think that's amazing
absolutely fantastic case and it's well worth all the shit before it
'edgeworth , catch !' cue the greatest animation in the history of ever


psychelocks are a new gimmick to spice investigations up a bit and while i like that it is rather frustrating having to quit and skip through mounds of dialogue because you picked the wrong profile or evidence ... speaking of i like the addition of presenting profiles it was something i had wondered briefly why it wasn't an option in the original so i was pleasantly surprised to see that was available here

the music definitely isn't as iconic as the first game's but i immediately noticed it felt ... sadder , generally more quiet and reserved as if in lingering mourning - reflecting wright's mental state as he's more bitter and jaded from the loss of his friend who he believes to be dead for the majority of the game and continues to be not doing so good as he negotiates a hostage situation involving another close friend .
while i did miss the original music , shaking it up was a good choice and i like the thematic nature i just described for it here ... i also like it bc the testimony music physically hurts less to listen to something about the original kinda makes me feel like getting a headache like it's good it just kinda feels a bit too loud and buzzy which applies to the psychelocks music too actually ...

as for new characters i have the most to say on franziska ...
i find it intriguing how in a way she's a parallel to wright ... cant remember who said it or when but a character mentioned the two having the same fiery determination and essentially strive for the same thing tho i wish her contrast and comparison to wright was a little more explored upon ...
she also serves as a sort of dark mirror to edgeworth as he has learned what being a prosecutor means yet she's still stuck in the shadow of living up to the von karma name and refuses to let go of her perfectionism until the end where she breaks a little and then my heart softened for her ... she's hardly a legal adult and has been burdened with so much weight of being like her father yet unlike him she also has some sympathy even as she's constantly harassing others with her whip - in case two she wants wright to strive for justified self-defence , not necessarily a fully guilty sentence until wright refuses to play by her rules ... and later in case 4 she can't understand why wright would be so okay with a loss on his record due to everything she's been taught and considers herself a failure for not being able to take her place in court and finally get her 'revenge' and then she's shown a form of kindness from edgeworth and even wright and i'm sure such a thing was probably a rarity for her ... she's been so openly antagonistic yet has the capacity for change ... i've grown to like her more as i came across her each time whereas i was indifferent before but put away the whip physical abuse is not acceptable behaviour

overall , it's definitely hit-or-miss in places but was undeniably still a wild ride , for better or worse and the fourth case again makes it all worth it even if the stuff before it isn't quite as spectacular , i still rather enjoy it although i will become mvk and speedrun big top every time i have to play it again

I really liked the first one this one genuinely was just lame until the last case

LOVE ace attorney but this was not my fav

Completion: Completed all 4 episodes.

Review: A great continuation of the original game. Just like the first entry, this game has a captivating, silly story and awesome music. It's perfect for the DS, and perfect for killing time. However, this doesn't have as many memorable moments compared to the original in my opinion, and feels much shorter. The Psyche-Locks aren't a super interesting addition, and there weren't any unique investigation mechanics. However, the last case is very thrilling, and makes for a fantastic finale to the game. Probably the weakest game of the original trilogy, but that doesn't mean it isn't strong.

Proof of Completion

unfortunately this one has turnabout big top in it

Rispetto al primo mi è sembrato penalizzato dalla strabordante voglia di allungare a dismisura la componente più debole dei casi, quella prettamente investigativa, qui resa ulteriormente ridondante nonché afflitta da un cast di contorno non all'altezza delle aspettative. Inoltre viene talvolta a pesare l'assoluta rigidità del sistema di progressione; in diverse occasioni mi sono ritrovato bloccato in un punto morto perchè ho mancato quell'infinitesimale dettaglio che consente alla storia di azionare l'evento successivo, nonostante fossi già ampiamente giunto alle conclusioni che in linea teorica avrebbero dovuto innescare il ricambio della sequenza narrativa. Faccio un esempio: a un certo punto sollevi un'obiezione mostrando la prova che smentisce la tesi del testimone.. e viene considerato un errore perchè prima andrebbe selezionato il profilo di un determinato personaggio che porta avanti il dialogo e solo
successivamente è lecito mostrare la prova determinante. Alla base del ragionamento sussiste non la deduzione logica bensì la programmazione del codice perchè così è stato pensato e così deve essere fatto. Del resto questo è il genere di riferimento (più visual novel che adventure) e inoltre parliamo di un titolo del 2006, inutile ricercare lo svecchiamento di determinate dinamiche. Il secondo episodio si riprende egregiamente nelle fasi processuali, al solito tutte da ridere per le assurde situazioni con le quali si vanno a smontare le tesi dell'accusa. I singoli casi restano in ogni caso abbastanza scarsi se raffrontati a quelli del primo, manca un fil rouge che lega l'insieme in un'unica vicenda appassionante e almeno due casi su quattro sono davvero troppo, troppo lunghi.. l'ultimo soprattutto accusa non poca stanchezza nonostante il brillante plot-twist collocato a circa 2/3 che - nel finale - assume una divertente considerazione meta che parla al giocatore in misura maggiore di quanto faccia col protagonista.

Worthy successor to first one.
Magatama sections can be a bit tiresome, some cases drag for longer than they should, and the first case is rather dumb. But all cases from second onward carry a lot more emotional weight than the ones in first game, so Justice for All is definitely worth playing.

"It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you." -Miles Edgeworth, Farewell, My Turnabout

Taking place a few months after the first Ace Attorney game, Justice for All has Phoenix defending his clients once again, while dealing with the sudden disappearance of Edgeworth.

While this game doesn't have an exclusive DS case like its predecessor, it does introduce a new mechanic called Psyche-Locks, as well as more important characters that make later appearances in the series.

Now then, let's move on to the cases, shall we?

Lost Turnabout- Phoenix must defend his client while dealing with a case of sudden amnesia.

This case blows. The amnesia thing was stupid and the only reason the writers came up with it was so that they had an excuse to bring up the tutorial again. The culprit was also terrible and while I think he's funny, I also think he is one of the worse culprits in the series. At least this case isn't too short like the First Turnabout (which I still prefer over this one). Ranking: 3rd/4th

Reunion, and Turnabout- Taking place a few months before the Lost Turnabout, Phoenix must once again defend his mentor's sister, Maya, after a spirit channeling gone wrong.

This case feels like it's supposed to be a successor to Turnabout Sisters. It introduces the aforementioned Psyche-Locks mechanic where Phoenix uses the evidence/profiles he has to "unlock" the secrets people are hiding. It helps make the game feel less like a visual novel, and more like an actual game. I liked this case's culprit as well, more than I liked Turnabout Sisters' culprit. A pretty solid case overall. Ranking: 2nd/4th

Turnabout Big Top- Phoenix defends a world-famous magician after he is accused of murdering his ringmaster.

Every group chat got the: pedophile, sheltered child, pedophile, guy who's okay with murdering said child, pedophile, Moe the clown. ...Holy shit I think I joined the Berry Big Circus.

This case is 100% dogshit. Every other character you meet is a pedophile, some of the logic is shitty, the culprit isn't introduced until damn near the end so by the time you do meet him it's already so obvious, not to mention they gave him a sad backstory so that you would forget that he was planning to kill a child. Moe was funny though, and I'm actually a little sad that we never see him as the ringmaster later in the series. Ranking: 4th/4th

Farewell, My Turnabout- Phoenix must defend an actor after an assassin kidnaps Maya and will only let her go if Phoenix gets an complete acquittal for said actor.

The Lost Turnabout and Turnabout Big Top were only trials to see if you are worthy enough to witness the peak writing of this case. This case is truly one of the best in the series, even better than Turnabout Goodbyes in my opinion, even though Farewell, doesn't have the buildup that Goodbyes had. Edgeworth returning, revealing he left after Phoenix's damage to his perfect record forced him to think about what it truly means to be a prosecutor. Now, it's Phoenix's turn, as he must think about what it truly means to be a lawyer, as he is forced to defend a guilty client. The culprit is also really good and is one of my favorites ( I just like culprits who are masterminds in disguise). This case was supposedly meant to be the final case of the Ace Attorney series, but considering that later games take up new protagonists, I think this case would be better if was the end to Phoenix's saga, instead of the series as a whole. Ranking: 1st/4th

While Farewell, My Turnabout is peak, the rest of the game is kind of shit. The soundtrack is alright, but pales in comparison to its predecessor. It's still a game you should play if you were a fan of the first game.

This game is so good even though it's core gameplay mechanic (the puzzle solving/evidence presentation) is not even good. There's a lot of wonky adventure game logic but I feel absolutely no guilt looking up the solutions to the puzzles. I'm here mostly for the presentation. The story is completely insane but somehow works very well. These characters are just so endearing even if they are mostly over the top. It's just so fun to pretend to be Phoenix Wright I don't know. I feel like i could tear this game apart but I just had a good time playing it, despite its flaws.

There is some bad stuff here:
opaque solutions
too much spirit channeling
you know the eight-year old is channeling your old partner because she grows giant tits...

the worst one from the first trilogy but it has really good cases just ignore turnabout big top

case 4 and gumshoe carry dis game fo real doe gumshoe my goat

Originally emulated this - later bought it with my own money. Great game and great follow-up to a classic!

To me, Justice for All is the weakest of the base trilogy, and I could even say I enjoyed it less than Apollo Justice for example.
That's not to say this game is without its good moments though: Franzeska is a good character in this game but she does get better in other games in my opinion
Farewell my turnabout is an amazing episode that is unfortunately a bit predictable but it doesnt take that much away from it.
I don't want to beat a dead horse but turnabout big top is my least favorite case from the entire series and it's a huge detriment to the game overall in my opinion

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All managed to do a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong. Let's start with the positives before discussing the negatives.

The two new characters this game introduced were good. I enjoyed Pearl and Franziska (even though the latter was completely underused during the final episode). I also liked the Psyche-Lock mechanic this game introduces. In the first title, I thought people handed information over to Phoenix too easily. I'm glad to see there are some pieces of information you have to work on getting.

The biggest sin in this title is that most of the episodes are boring. The final one is great, but the others range from downright awful to simply okay. In the first Ace Attorney I found myself edging closer to the screen because I was that hooked on the story. I can't say the same for this one, unfortunately.

In short, this certainly is a game. It introduced some nice elements but most of the stories fell short of the mark.

A bit weaker than the first PW:AA game, but nonetheless still a great time. The cases range from alright (I didn't have much a problem with Turnabout Big Top) to phenomenal (Farewell, My Turnabout is peak). The characters are still as great as usual; Gumshoe still has no money, Edgeworth is still the funniest guy ever. The new characters, particularly Pearl Fay and Franziska von Karma, are both really great and I'm excited to see more of them.

i genuinely want to know what was going on with takumi when he made this one because this game is so incredibly and unceasingly depressing, it's WILD.

T&T and AA can be pretty messed up but they do not compare in that regard. Not saying that's necessarily a good or bad thing but the way he used that to bring out the central thing of the's something.

After replaying it, I have to say this is a vast improvement over the first game. Characters feel more fleshed out, and the cases are wildly more interesting. Not to mention the masterpiece that is the last case of the game. I feel like the short length of the game, compared to its predecessor, really sets it back a little bit. I think DeKiller could've used some more buildup through an extra case in between.

Como el primero, VN increible con personajes carismaticos y OST maravillosa. He tardado un poco mas en entrar en este porque se me atragantó el caso del circo, pero se compensa todo por el último caso que es una absoluta barbaridad. Mis dieces.