Reviews from

in the past

For what it did, this game is immune to criticism.
You can just pick up any 5-star reviews written in backloggd and I would mostly agree with their points.

However, I really hated the late-game part.

My line of thoughts is that Rain World's strength is never a precise platforming action. Maybe it's the issue of playing the game with the joystick only, but adjusting the minimal movement in the corner or over the ledge always felt like picking a sticky rice with chopsticks, and the static camera shot didn't help the intuitiveness when it moves the screen vertically.

What I liked about this game was mostly about making improvisational choices while weaving through heavily detailed wild animal AIs, which is still pretty brutal, but has some respect for players, because the failure state isn't always black&white, and there are (most the time) plenty of solutions and prep time for given situations.

The continuation of Five Pebbles, Chimney Canopy, and Sky Tower was probably the lowest point of my overall enjoyment because there are slippery death pits everywhere. At that point, I felt like I was playing a trial-and-error platformer but with RNG vultures sprinkled over it. The fact that those levels are gated by the Karma gates didn't help it too.

Also if I had to pick two more nitpicky stuffs....
- I hated that the time limit for the day cycle is randomized but then it doesn't penalize you for resetting right away to get a better day cycle. What's the point of this, rolling a slot machine or something?
- Maybe the ending sequence is too long and too visually aimless. If you have seen the ending, you would know that it would be really difficult for players with darker monitor settings. I was that poor hypothetical player btw.

Basically, that minus one star came from my pettiness.

I wrote a whole ass video about why I love this one

and I'm probably gonna write another

Pensei que seria top. Botei muita expectativa

I really liked this game, its hard, punishing, and not fair at all. Also, it have one of the best AI i've ever seen in a game, everything works together and the creatures actually react like really ones would do

i might give this another try but i was having a hard time getting into this one

This game hates you and will do everything in its power to make you lose your grip on sanity. That's why it's a special, one of a kind game.

It took me 8 months to finish the game, having gone through various moments of stalling due to not coming into terms with the gameplay loop. Right off the bat, it drops you into a wildly unforgiving world, with damn near zero direction and a vague opening cinematic that doesn't do much to fuel motivations. It's a tough game to recommend, having said all this, but it's no lie to say it's an exceptional game.

Rain world consists of a very unsteady progression path of regions of various unique ecosystems of flora and fauna, everything affecting the way you traverse and survive, from food sources to predators, and to apprehending fellow creatures to use to your own benefit. Despite how possibly unfair the world seems, it never fails to provide the tools towards the path of success, it's cleverly designed in that way where it greatly emphasizes perception and observation of the environment, the process of learning routes and rooms through trial and error, and a great dash of improvisation and experimentation in the mix to survive the wilds. It's like a strange combination of puzzle and platforming at every step of the way.

My issues with the game are few. One of them being the camera, which can be especially awful in moments of vertical movement, turning particular sections downright terrible experiences when you're at the whims of the ai and camera screwing you over.
Another, is a bit more of a nitpick, but I did feel the game going on for a bit too long by the end. Some of the final sections didn't feel different enough to be worth whole areas.

Rain world is awfully hard to get into, but once you do get into the grip of the mechanics and the gameplay loop which demands and rewards player effort and ingenuity.

Oh. It's the hard type of rougelike..

its cool but oh my god its so hard

seems like a good game but my ex got me into it so it deals even more psychic damage than usual </3

if riot makes rain world, they cannot because they cannot comprehend game design

A mysterious and challenging video game about what’s happening under supermarket shelves around the globe

My single favorite game of all time. Rain World is a one-of-a-kind experience that changed the way I think about and interact with games.

Finally made it, after around 20 hours i did basicaly everything in this game, after finishing the main gsme it isnt hard to do the other stuff at all

I'm not good at this game, and I will never will. It took me different time periods to finally get the will and courage to fully finish it, then I did it 3 times again. Cock and ball torture.

I dont get it. Seriously, I don't get it. I've heard so many praises about this game, but its just not fun, repetitive, etc. I'm only in the ""First section"" but its just incredibly boring, and honestly not that hard. The art style and dynamic music is cool but that isnt going to make me like a video game. Maybe I'll pick it up again later, but like, I dont get the hype.

literalmente um ecossistema que não depende do jogador
um jogo onde vc não é o herói e tem que usar o ambiente pra sobreviver

I don't really write much reviews but I had to write one specifically for this game.

Honestly when I first started this game, I wasn't really expecting much since I pretty much did not know anything about this game and these are not my genre of games that I typically play. I try not to spoil as much as possible, but this game was such an experience

In Rain World, you are playing as a slugcat and got put into this cruel world with everything wants to kill you. You are living in an ecosystem and you are just part of cycle along with everyone else. This game is unfair, I mean REALLY unfair. This game don't give two shits about you and does not hold your hand. It doesn't even teach you some mechanics later in the game that you need to learn travel into other areas. You have to learn that yourself.

I won't lie in the beginning it was quite slow and I didn't really know what I was doing. This made me almost quit the game entirely but I persevered up until I got to the first gateway of the game and I was starting to really get into it.

The visuals and graphical style are really well done in this game and is extremely pleasant to look at. Some games don't really execute the pixel art style very well but this game does it really well and it mixes well with the atmosphere and tone of the different areas and regions throughout the entire game.

The creatures and enemies are really creative in this game, they all have really unique designs and have different quirks and AI patterns. What I love about this game is that you are not specifically getting targeted by the enemies even if it feels like it. They are all just trying to survive in this cruel world and live just like you the player. They are all part of the ecosystem and in the cycle so you are not the only that is having a hard time. While this is cool and all but sometimes it can be very bullshit and you better pray that RNG doesn't fuck you up that a lizard or some shit waiting to ambush you.

The movement is also really unique and niche and I've probably never seen in another game. While with that in mind, its quite 50/50. Sometimes it can cooperate with you and perform what you want it do. But on the other hand it can be very bullshit and makes you want to throw your monitor out of the window. Even with that though I think its still a really good movement system with its flaws as well.

The developers in my personal opinion really nailed the difficulty of this game. It has a lot of bullshit and hard parts but just the right amount of challenge for you not to quit. While I did say this, they are just some areas of the game that I consider to be just pure bullshit and just terrible game design, While I'm not going to name them because you should really just experience this game completely blind.

Saying that, the best way to experience this game is definitely going on it completely blind. While it was for sure frustrating and I think I definitely lost my sanity while playing this game, I really recommend to finish this game up until the end because the payoff is absolutely fucking worth it. Makes all the struggle and suffering worth it in my opinion. An advice I can give is to just explore as much as possible because this game kind of falls into what I like to call "invisible progression" where you don't really know if you are actually progressing through the game so it can be very discouraging for new players starting out in this game. But, remember every region or area you are exploring in this game, you are progressing and don't worry about it too much.

Overall, what do I think of the game? Well, it definitely left me a changed person in the end that's for sure. If you don't think this is the game for you because it is frustrating or too difficult then that's okay. This game is not for everyone as a lot of people said but give this game at least a chance and a few hours and you might just love it like I did.

Super hard but very fun to learn your way through the world