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in the past

Existe dois tempos no mundo dos videogames, Antes de The last of us e Depois de The last of us.

Eu sei que parece exagero esse título e muita gente que não gosta de TLOU pode acabar negando muito isso, e ta tudo bem discordar. Porém, é um tanto quanto inegável que os jogos mudaram muito desde que The Last of Us foi lançado, seu jeito cinemático seu estilo de contar a história e toda a forma que a trama nos envolve, foi SIM algo revolucionário pra época que foi lançado.

A primeira vez que joguei The Last of Us foi la no PS3 e quando eu vi os gráficos e o estilo de gameplay desse jogo na época eu não consegui nem reagir direito, sabe foi um SUSTO daqueles grandes eu senti como se eu tivesse vendo pessoas na telinha, eu me encantava com os personagens e eu me envolvia na história cada vez que passava, detalhe: eu tinha apenas 10 anos de idade.

E eu até cheguei a fazer uma review aqui bem porca do título original la do PS3 que eu falei umas besteira, então nessa aqui vou me corrigir e vou pontuar tudo o que eu não pontuei.

Mas enfim, 10 anos de idade foi a primeira vez que eu joguei TLOU e agora que eu tenho 20 anos, pude rejogar essa obra que eu tanto amo em seu remake.. remake esse que sinceramente, é espetacular.

De primeira eu já senti aquela coisa de assustadora nos gráficos né não tem como não se assustar, a gameplay eu não posso dizer se teve tanta mudança da do PS3 já que eu joguei ela a muito tempo, mas posso te afirmar que a gameplay dele é parecida com a do 2 mas um tanto mais lenta e travadinha. Ah e um adendo: se você jogar com o Dualsense, os gatilhos adaptáveis são maravilhosos e dão uma imersão que vale a pena, eu não sei se isso atrapalha pra fazer outras run de uma maneira mais hardcore e etc, mas pra mim que jogou o jogo de forma casual achei fantástico.

O som e o silêncio e a ausência de vida se fazem presentes na ambientação do jogo, a versão de PS3 já tinha esse clima de tensão que nos deixa sempre com um pé atrás sobre aonde a gente vai pisar, mas o remake colocou isso em outro nível, até porque a qualidade de áudio de hoje em dia aumentou bastante, então agora o jogo ta muito mais limpo e traz uma experiência bem mais forte no lado de terror.

A história bom.. eu nem preciso dizer nada, todo mundo já sabe o quão incrivel e magnífica é a trama de The Last of Us, mas ainda assim eu quero dizer o quão divino esse jogo é. Cara, todo personagem que é apresentado pra você no jogo, é construído de um jeito extremamente cuidadoso e completo. Você se encontra com muita gente ruim, com muita gente boa, e todas elas tem uma personalidade forte marcante que fica na sua memória de uma forma ou de outra.

E não só de personagens eu gostaria de dizer aqui, eu também gostaria de elogiar a construção da sociedade nesse jogo. Já escrevi histórias e histórias então eu sei um pouco sobre o quão é difícil desenvolver uma sociedade no mundo que você ta criando. The Last of Us pega ali o modelo de nossa sociedade que conhecemos, e coloca ele em um estado de caos, e cara ela fica MUITO bem feita, a gente passa por varias facções varias pessoas tentando sobreviver e tudo é muito VIVO, algumas pessoas optam por métodos extremos de sobrevivência e outras optam por algo mais pacífico, você vai entender quando jogar, só tenho dizer que é perfeito o jeito que o mundo é representado nesse universo.

Bom.. já puxei muito saco né? Enfim, se quiserem jogar TLOU fiquem ligados que a versão de PC (qual eu joguei) ainda não ta la 100% e você pode passar por alguns bugs e crashes, a maioria dos bugs que passei foram só engraçados (como por exemplo personagens duplicados) e o crash se resolveu depois de um tempo. O jogo é tempo mediano você pode durar 14 horas ou mais pra zerar jogando no normal, mas eu jogando no muito fácil finalizei em 8 horas e 37 minutos, visão tropa!

Still the banger it always has been, now cleaned up around the edges a bit and honestly it made more of a difference than I expected. I've only played the ps4 remaster once and then watched the show last year so I was much more familiar with the plot than the gameplay but its just as solid as I remembered. Definitely one of those games where the gameplay isn't anything too special but because the story and the acting is so top tier, it elevates everything else around it.

This is a story that will always stay with me, even going through it again I still find myself getting caught up in various moments, and feeling the weight of a scene when I hear that score playing in the background, its all such a chefs kiss. I'm glad the tv show exists because while the game is fun, its great to have another way to experience it because honestly I hold the two of them in the same regard, some minor difference between them but by and large both are excellent ways to tell and experience this story.

Unnecessary remake,
Still a good game.

"To love again"
Finished my replay of this amazing Story, the remake(lets be real its more of a remaster) has some huge issues with optimisation even in 2024, but the base game is still to this day amazing as it was when I played it 1st time in 2015, the story is amazing and it truly told u the meaning of fatherhood , how u can find love again, visually this remake is great, gameplay, as it was in the original, is still phenomenal, good level design for a 2013 game, and yea I would fuck the whole world to save my daughter, the humanity can go fuck themselves.
the OG game 10/10, this remake after patches and stuff is 9/10

the game that never gets old no matter how many times you play it.

People made the mistake of comparing the cutscenes rather than the gameplay, which was absolutely perfected here. I bought a PS5 because I was so excited for the release, looks insane on a 4K tv

Really wished I hadn't watched the TV show before hand. I would have really loved to have stepped into this world with no idea what I was getting into. I still had fun though.

after fixing the PC port I was finaly able to play the game. Solid gameplay with a well written story

It's too linear for my taste, but I can see why it appeals to so many others. It's definitely worth playing at least once, though I probably won’t revisit it or aim for platinum.

a beautiful remake? remaster? idk but either way the game looks so pretty

Masterpiece, but the game crashed so many times that it made me want to become a Clicker

First time playing the game and I'm obsessed! It's not your regular story game it has alot more combat and strategy along with puzzles and the story is incredible. it really expressed the feeling the characters have and how events effect them through out the game. Highly recommend trying even if you have played the original on PS3 its a massive enhancement.

So, everything was going well... actually, I was very surprised by how well optimized it is for my old system, but then I updated my Nvidia drivers and the game doesn't want to start anymore. Fantastic :)

Anyway, I've seen enough. It's one of those modern Playstation midfest exclusives that aims to be cinematic, but only achieves the prestige equal to a Hollywood popcorn flick. A successful compilation of cliches that tries to emotionally manipulate you in the cheapest ways possible. A story that's digestible the same way junk food is, and great graphics that ultimately mean nothing because it's artistically flat.

Just your average Sony first-party dev game (how the mighty have fallen). It's not awful, it's not good either. I urge anyone that likes the story to watch the movie Funny Games.

("But you haven't seen the ending!!" I watched countless playthroughs of the game when it came out in 2013, you're good. I loved it back then, but there's nothing special. It's really dumb.)

Highly praised with good reason, great character dialogue and interactions that shows a unique father/daughter dynamic that wasn't as common in gaming upon release.

While today the Gameplay can seem somewhat repetitive and generic, it never overstays it's welcome, and was hard for me to put this game down to see how the story develops in each section..

"The Last of Us" is a true masterpiece of storytelling and game design, earning a well-deserved rating. With its story writing and emotional depth, it sets a new standard for narrative-driven gaming experiences, leaving an indelible mark on players and the industry as a whole. 5/5.

Possibly best story and main characters of any game ever. Zombies are cool and the gameplay is pretty fun, but nothing to write home about. It's everything else that makes this game great.

There's not a lot I can say about The Last of Us that hasn't already been said. This game very nearly has it all.
The visual presentation in The Last of Us is truly second to none. Not only are the core graphics so incredibly high fidelity, with a truly cinematic lighting system, but its unique art direction and wide array of colour deliver through every frame of the game. It beggars belief that it's being rendered in real-time.
The narrative is superbly executed. There's no ambiguity here, no complex overlapping narrative threads. Brought to life by incredible voice acting, the characters execute and deliver a brilliantly-paced story that delivers on the cinematic nature of the video game.
What keeps it from the top shelf of my video game experiences is the combat. It's not bad by any means, but when the game so strongly executes the rest of its aspects, its the relatively rudimentary gunplay and encounter stages that are left behind.

My first foray back into gaming outside of Nintendo, and wow this was a place to start. It really was like watching a movie/tv show in terms of just how grand and well written it is. The gameplay was fun and made for an engaging experience. But like most PlayStation games, the narrative is what carried this game for me.


Enredo bom com um final incrível que demostra todos os sentimentos do Joel.

Mükemmel bir oyun abartılıyor diye düşünüyordum ama hakediyor şaheser

overrated, shit boring gameplay, good story

Simply an amazing game. The story was made to be a show for sure, it's not for everyone. But if you like linear storytelling done right, this is it

There are not enough good things I can say about this game. Absolutely amazing world building, characters, challenges and gameplay. Not a thing I could change to improve it, and perhaps some of the best voice actor performances I've seen in any video game ever. Absolutely left a well-deserved mark. 11/10

My goodness. This. It's just beautiful. I'm writing this as I finished this game, it's just "neat". With the flaws it has (which i barely care about in any way), it is still a good story to see. Just try it out yourself.

oh and also the music is the best too fr fr