Reviews from

in the past

pretty fun if you want more content with similar game play play vampire survivors

I got 100% in this game, which was terribly easy and a waste of time.

Decent rougelike, so much so that I went to 100% it. Little incentive to play past that though

Really solid VS clone. Lots of fun to play through, Grab it on sale if you're looking for a good time. Also full of cute girls!!

Gosto de vampire survivors like mas esse deixa bastante a desejar, o padrão de cores (50 tons de cinza e vermelho em algumas poucas coisas) também não ajuda num jogo em que mobilidade e não esbarrar em nada é fundamental.

beat a run.. pretty simple but solid execution that really makes you want to push through and beat the clock

Simple y conciso: partidas de 20 minutos.

One of the better polished Vampire Survivors clones. Interestingly enough, there are only female characters.

Quick, simple VS clone. Had some trouble till unlocking a quite broken character then coasted the rest of the game. Unlocked all stages and characters, enough for me to feel like ive beaten it.