Reviews from

in the past

A very strange but short little Macromedia Director adventure game. This game won an award for its sound design, and we can see why--it's easily the best/most memorable part of the whole experience. That being said, a few of the puzzles are a LITTLE overtuned (COUGH COUGH THAT GODFORSAKEN VINYL RECORD PUZZLE), and also the "ending" is effectively gated behind 3 passwords... except, those passwords never change. So, once you actually have the various phrases those puzzles provide, there's like... nil replay value--you can literally beeline directly to the end of the game, use the exact same answers, and badabing, badaboom, the game's badabeaten. C'mon! Even Humongous Adventures at least randomized where you got certain items, or randomized what was necessary! As it stands, if you can play this game once, you can extremely trivially play it a thousand times.

We've seen this game get compared a bit to Eastern Mind (though usually for reasons that're spoilers) in the sense that they're weird adventure games made in Macromedia Director, usually in the sense that Eastern Mind kinda "Cooler Daniel"'s poor Bad Milk... and, uh, sorry, yeah, we'd have to agree. Immensely. Eastern Mind has some level of replayability to it, even if in albeit rather minor ways, it at least has plenty of optional stuff to do and mild RNG variances here and there, even if that game also has mostly static puzzles. This game could've done with a bit more random, arbitrary side stuff to build its strange little story a bit more, or heck, y'know, just shuffle and randomize the solutions to the final puzzles so you have a reason to do the side puzzles on repeat playthroughs beyond funsies.

That being said, there's nothing necessarily "unworkable" about this game in its current state. We'd recommend it just for its unique soundscape alone if you can manage to get the thang ding running.

yeow! :C :C :C