Reviews from

in the past

The second best battle royale experience, after Apex Legends. My God do the guns feel great in Warzone. Not a ton of variety but they really feel like they do the job. There are no "bad" guns

this game consumed me for a while and it is horrible

Quando eu joguei pela primeira vez no console eu achei o game totalmente paia e sem graça

Dei uma segunda chance agora no pc e é muito divertido, mas jogar contra pessoas que tem muito mais tempo pra dedicar do que eu é uma coisa que me desmotiva de entrar em um jogo online novo.

5 estrelas pro jogo antes de 2021, 3 estrelas pra dps de 2021.

For my first Call of Duty game ever, I enjoyed playing this with a friend and I think it's fun in that setting. I have encountered numerous bugs, one match had some really gross lag, and I sure don't like basic death match is locked behind a full game purchase.

Also I really can't stand the menus. Sorry CoD, make them better.

Warzone 1.0 in lockdown with all of your homies beeing online and playing that game was just pure vibes.

This and Apex are my favorite Battle Royales.

garbage, but you can RP as the boat brother