Reviews from

in the past

Um jogo lindo com uma mecânica extremamente interessante.
Muito gostosinho de jogar e solucionar os puzzles.

umas partes simplesmente nao da pra saber oq tem q fazer, mas é bom. fofo

Enjoyment - 6/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Carto likes to have hot bubble baths while listening to lo-fi. Short puzzle game with a lot of charm.

A very endearing puzzle game. There were some head scratching moments, but I was able to finish it using only in-game hints so it was well balanced in that respect. While the aesthetic is gorgeous, I had probably a dozen instances of 1-2 minutes of stuttering that really killed my immersion. The writing is fabulously charming and funny. A good little bite-sized game, but I was hoping for more of a gripping story and this was pretty low-stakes and laid-back.

Uma proposta bem inusitada, não sei se eu vou voltar pra ele, mas existe a possibilidade