Reviews from

in the past

Going into this, I had the expectations of a typical retro modern "remake" of the era. You know the type, where it is fairly faithful to the game it is recreating, but uses ugly 3D models for a 2D platformer that strips the original soul the game had while also not getting the controls and physics exactly right thus somehow still not making it the best version to play.
I am happy to say that Castle of Illusion is not that type of remake, but something closer to a remake that takes advantage of the eras Tech to truly make something that enhances the original experience, but also gives it it's own identity to not replace the originals. Something akin to the Resident Evil 2/4 remakes.

Right off the bat, the game is gorgeous. I did not expect a remake from the PS3/360 era to have this much detail, effort and soul in it's artstyle. The original game on the Genesis has some of the best backgrounds and sprites on that system, and somehow the team at Sega Australia lived up to it using their own modern style. As you platform your way through the colourful levels, everything is oozing charm. Even the backgrounds have things happening such a seeing the boss of the level sneaking around, doing their thing. It feels like an alive world and that is very impressive for a 2D platformer.

While mentioning this is a 2D platformer, the game brings it's own unique spin by having 3D platforming sections that work just as great as the 2D sections switching seamlessly between both perspectives like a modern Sonic game. The levels are not a 1-to-1 of the original, but something a bit more remixed while retaining all the aspects that made the original levels memorable.

The gameplay itself retains that fun bouncy Ducktales-like gameplay the original had, yet somehow made it even tighter to play.
All the setpieces from the original are here, such as the part where you need to run away from the giant apple. But this time these set pieces are now remixed into their own big budget cinematic parts of the levels.
Bosses get the same treatment, where in the original they were fairly quick and easy to beat; here they have their own big segments now that make them so fun to fight. They are closer to a boss from something like crash bandicoot.

It is a short game, but feels like biggest budget short game ive played, and I highly recommend you play it if you are a fan of platformers. Get it on steam if you see it on sale, because you'll definitely get a bang for your back. I wish Sega continued remaking these with the other Illusion titles because if they kept this quality up, it could have been the best bunch of remakes we have seen in gaming.

It's a safe harbor for those who miss old-school platformers. It's not a better game than the original, nor can it be claimed to carry it forward, but it does a good enough job of bringing it from the era it was released in and bringing it to the modern world. A game that manages to be fun despite its shortcomings.

Un’esperienza molto piacevole che rievoca la magia delle classiche avventure Disney. L’edizione originale per Megadrive era già un gioiello, tuttavia, questo rifacimento si distingue per essere ancor più incantevole, sia nella grafica che nel gameplay. Il titolo è molto breve, si completa in circa un’ora e mezza, ma il divertimento è assicurato. Presenta la giusta dose di sfida, con alcuni boss particolarmente ostici all’inizio, in particolare il boss finale. Purtroppo non è possibile saltare le sequenze animate, una funzione che sarebbe stata utile in certi momenti, ma non si tratta di qualcosa che mina particolarmente l'esperienza di gioco. Gioco molto sottovalutato che ho trovato divertente e piacevole da giocare, consigliato.

Georgeous graphics. Great voice acting.
Very well balanced gameplay.

Just played the demo. Nice presentation. Harder than you'd think for such a cutsie game. Might be worth a playthrough.