Reviews from

in the past

I tried to play Cookie Cutter but having to listen my speaking robotic private parts was too much. The combat system is pretty unenjoyable and clunky too, so I believe uninstalling this game was the best decision I have made in a month. On the other hand tho, I have made a lot of bad decisions.

Utterly bizarre abrupt ending that really killed what was otherwise a pretty great metroidvania. Cookie Cutter features exhilarating combat and a very solid loop of discovery that a lot of the other games in the genre i've played recently have lacked. However, it's held back by a few key issues: like the parry mechanic not working in the slightest--fortunately the game can mostly be played without it, but the parry mechanic is explained in a misleading and incorrect way that doesn't actually communicate how it works. It's frustrating.

The ending is extremely abrupt, and due to a lack of information about the game online, it's hard to tell if I missed a True Ending signal or the game really was just gonna cut to black on a sequel hook. I definitely enjoyed myself though.