Reviews from

in the past

This is great while it lasts, but clearly unfinished, and not what it should have been. Cheers, Square Enix.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a great game with a frustrating ending. This immersive cyberpunk world sucks you in, and the gameplay gives you so much freedom for how you approach missions. Stealth, hacking, or go in guns blazing? The choice is yours. But just when the story really gets stops, leaving huge plot threads hanging for a potential sequel. It's disappointing, but the ride until then is still worth it for fans of stealth, RPGs, and gritty sci-fi.

A sequel to this game in the works at Embracer Group was reportedly cancelled and I think God hates us all.

Infinitely complex, the biggest problem the game has is a rushed ending that may never be resolved.

Só preciso dar continuidade, mas ouvi dizer que tem uns probleminhas bem chatos

On some fronts worse than Human Revolution, but on others better. Great DLC too.

Cool story, good mechanics that fit different playstyles. I chose stealth for a slow-paced playthrough. Most side missions are somewhat related to the main plot. The game ending adapts to your playthrough, however, don't expect it to change drastically. It is a linear experience after all.

.. also make sure to watch all the credits... that one really hurt.


Bello ma leggermente inferiore a Human Revolution.

Eu deveria ter recebido uma recompensa por ter aguentado essa mira terrível.

Aqui você vê um potencial jogado fora, e com muitas ideias que dariam um sentido legal pra essa franquia hoje morta

had a dream where I played this game

Everything here is better than Human Revolution except the story and characters, which are quite bad.

Man I wish this game didn't just stop because I was having a great time playing it. Sadly embracer put a bullet in the head of this already long dormant series