Reviews from

in the past

The presentation is spectacular but mechanically it fails to have any identity beyond a Crash Bandicoot clone. It's also very on the easy side and it doesn't quite recreate Crash's controls the best.

Esse jogo tem umas 7 versões diferentes e eu pretendo jogar todas elas! Esse fim de semana eu zerei a de Dreamcast (que é parecida com os ports de N64 e PC até onde entendo) e posso dizer que esse é um clone de crash bandicoot bem bacaninha de se jogar. A experiência no geral é bem de boa e o jogo todo é BEM fácil, exceto pelo o último mundo onde jogo começa a ficar um pouquinho difícil. Ponto forte são os chefes que tem mecânicas individuais e ponto fraco são as time trials que são a mesma coisa que nada (fiz todas de primeira com muito tempo sobrando no relógio).

Se você quiser um joguinho pra relaxar e fazer um 100% ele é uma boa pedida!

Everyone had Crash Bandicoot as kids, except for me, DOnald was my Crash. Unironically this was one of the only videogame that my father respected "as a piece of art".... I honestly don't know what he was smoking, but it is a fun bonding memory I have of him in my youth.

Honestly just a cute little game that doesn't do nothing wrong except legit just copy pasting the mechanics from Crash.... but it does something creative regarding Donald himself: has a platfroming hero, Donald grows anger if hit by an enemy, meaning that for the next seconds he will turn into a cartoony cloud and is able to beat up anyone that meets on his path. That is a really cute way to express the character of Donald and it makes for a cool showcase of the life bar.
The bosses and presentation are also creative too: Beagle boys and Magica De Spell shows up as bosses, Gladstone Gander is your "rival", Gyro Gearloose's lab is the hubworld..... if you are a fan of these older disney character this game will give you a giggle... but in terms of gameplay and overall experience there are longer and better adventures overall.

Also the hand that chases you in those chase levels scared the heck outta me as a kid... I dunno why but screw that hand.

this is one of the best crash bandicoot clones ive played